Management and Information Systems (MIS)
Management and Information Systems (MIS)
24053 Introduction to Computer Applications (3)
Develop competency in the operation of contemporary software and hardware applications. To develop an appreciation for the contribution of computers, software and the Internet to society. Prerequisite: none.
24056 Fundamentals of Business Statistics (3)
Introduction to concepts in statistical methods and their applications to real-world problems. Examines both the theoretical and practical side of the different methods. Prerequisite: MATH 11010 or 11011 or 11012 or 12001 or 12002.
24060 Systems Analysis I (3)
Coverage of the system life cycle, structured process modeling and data modeling methodologies, logical system design and automated analysis tools. Prerequisites: MIS 24053 and special approval.
24065 Web Programming (3)
Learn about how systems analysis is used to discover organizational needs and how to propose and design information system solutions. Learn about the principles of visual design as applied to Web site interface development. Learn the basics of programming and relational database. Learn how to develop a Web-based database driven interactive information system. Prerequisite: MIS 24053.
24093 Variable Title Workshop in Management and Information Systems (1-6)
Special workshop in management and information systems. Credits depend on scope of project. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
24163 Principles of Management (3)
Introductory course in management and organizational design. The leading contributions in the area are reviewed and practical implications are developed. Prerequisite: Minimum sophomore standing.
34031 Systems Simulation (3)
Concepts and methods of simulating systems to facilitate managerial decision making. Students design computerized simulation models using simulation language to analyze complex problems. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24056 or MATH 10041 or BMRT 24004; and MIS 24080.
34032 Data and File Technology (3)
An introduction to file architecture and database management systems. The application of these technologies is detailed. Prerequisite: MIS 24060 and 24070.
34033 Computer Programming for Business II (3)
Continuation of Computer Programming for Business I. Emphasis on problem solving, developing systems, structured programming, programming style conventions and programming in teams. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070.
34036 Large Systems Technology (3)
An introduction to the use of large computer systems; experience with job control language, utilities, teleprocessing monitors, execution languages and job streams. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070.
34045 Small Systems Technology (3)
An examination of the role of small computer systems within an organization’s information systems environment. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070
34053 Data Integration (3)
This course mixes concepts of data and information with hands-on applications with popular business software and the migration of the information to the Internet as well as Intranets. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070; not open to computer information
systems (CIS) majors.
34054 Using Information Systems for Solving Business Problems (3)
This course is a continuation of MIS 24053 and provides students with further study of use of information systems in solving business problems. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24053 or COMT 11000; not open to computer information systems (CIS) majors.
34055 Computer Decision Modeling (3)
Introduces students to the scientific decision-making tools of operations research and management science, and also to the use of spreadsheet modeling for problem formulation and solution without the need for mathematics. The concepts of modeling and better decision making are stressed along with illustrations from the various functional areas of business. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24053 or COMT 11000; and MIS 24056 or MATH 10041 or BMRT 21004; not open to computer information systems (CIS) majors.
34058 Operations Research I (3)
Matrix algebra, linear programming, transportation problems and network flow problems. Theory and solution methods of each problem developed in conjunction with applications and foundations. Prerequisite: MATH 11010 or 11012 or 12001 or 12002.
34059 Service Operations Management (3)
Provides students with the concepts and tools necessary to effectively manage service operations. Also prepares them for management opportunities in service firms that represent the fastest-growing sector of the economy. The service management is presented from an integrated viewpoint with a focus on customer satisfaction. Course materials are organized around four modules: (1) understanding services, (2) designing the service enterprise, (3) managing service operations and (4) presenting world-class service. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 34060.
34060 Operations Management (3)
A survey course in production and operations management that covers the managerial concepts and the quantitative tools used in the design, planning, operation and control of production systems. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24053 or COMT 11000; and MIS 24056 or MATH 10041 or BMRT 21004.
34064 Manufacturing Resource Planning (3)
Introduces students to the basic tools that operations managers use to inform their decisions on a daily basis. Hands-on coverage of manufacturing resource planning tools, including forecasting and master production schedules, bill of materials structuring, order entry and purchasing, capacity requirements planning, routing, costing, customer service, shipping, invoicing and using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 34060.
34065 Quality Assurance (3)
Introduction to importance of quality assurance and tools used to accomplish better quality in goods and services. Topics: TQM, Six Sigma, quality philosophies, sampling plans and statistical process control, ISO, quality competition and awards. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 34060.
34070 Principles of Systems Development (3)
Provides an overview of the information systems profession, a rigorous introduction to programming logic and language syntax and a framework for the IS curriculum. Prerequisites: MIS 24065.
34080 Computer Programming for Business (3)
Introduces a programming language currently used in business and industry for data processing, decision making and other information systems applications. Prerequisite: MIS 34070.
34165 Dynamics of Leadership (3)
Contemporary theories of management and leadership; practical application cases; personal assessment and opportunities to develop individual and group leadership. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24163 or BMRT 11009.
34175 Learning to Lead (3)
Experiential class that meets for 5 days at a residential camp before the semester begins and includes a service-learning project and a self-develpment mentoring project during the semester. Prerequisite: special approval.
34180 Human Resource Management (3)
Focuses on the competitive advantage derived from the better management of a firm’s human resources. Issues related to managing people at work will be discussed from both practical and theoretical perspectives. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24163 or BMRT 11009.
34185 Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations (3)
Determinants of individual and group behavior within work organizations. Topics covered include motivation, job design, learning, decision making, leadership and group behavior as they relate to performance and other outcomes in work organizations. Prerequisite: MIS 24163 or BMRT 11009.
34280 Social Responsibility in the Workplace (3)
Using a case-based approach to learning, this course provides information on what constitutes appropriate business behavior by examining the major business and nonbusiness factors that influence business policies and practices. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24163 or BMRT 11009..
44042 Network Theory and Applications (3)
Presentation of current and emerging telecommunications services and networking technologies with emphasis on their strengths, limitations and business applications. Prerequisite: none.
44043 Data Base Management Systems (3)
The design, implementation and management of database management systems within organizations are studied from both theoretical and applied perspectives. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070.
44044 Systems Analysis II (3)
Physical system implementation: mapping logical data models and process models to physical data bases and system design; system coding, testing, installation, conversion, training and automated tools. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070.
44045 Information Systems Management (3)
Management of information systems resources and the IS function. Topics include IS planning for global, national and interorganizational commerce. IS architecture development and strategic alignment, information technology portfolio and risk management, project management, management of technical employees and management of technology customer issues. Prerequisites: MIS 24060 and 24070; and one of the following computer information systems (CIS) major requirement courses: MIS 44042 or 44043 or 44048 and computer information systems (CIS) major.
44048 Software Integration (3)
The design and implementation of information systems. Traditional and alternative development strategies are investigated from a theoretical and applied perspective. Group project to implement information system with software packages. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 24060 and 24070 and computer information systems (CIS) major. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
44049 Network Management (3)
Practical aspects of installing and managing PC networks within business organizations. Emphasis on commonly used network operating systems, LAN and WAN technologies, internetworking and media. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 44042.
44056 Statistical Models for Business Applications (3)
The application of linear statistical models such as regression analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and design of experiments for managerial decision problems. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA.
44061 Operations Management and Control (3)
Introduces the student to the key functions of an operations planning and control system, which provides information for the efficient flow of materials, the effective utilization of people and equipment and the proper coordination of internal activities with suppliers and customers. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 34061.
44062 Supply Chain Management (3)
Students learn the basic analytical tools needed to coordinate business operations across the value chain. Course involves hands-on coverage of supply chain management with emphasis on supplier partnering and development, customer relations management, strategic sourcing and pricing, e-business, measuring supply chain performance, mass customization, planning supply and demand and coordination in the supply chain. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 34064.
44065 Strategies in Production and Operations Management (3)
Senior project in industrial management. Applies concepts from all prior coursework to the solution of real and simulated operating problems. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 44064. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
44066 Strategies in World Class Operations (3)
Introduce the student to Lean Production methodology, often referred to as Japanese management. Prerequisite: senior standing.
44091 Seminar in Human Resource Management (3)
In-depth readings, discussion, projects and presentations in a specialized area of human resource management. Prerequisites: minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24053 or BMRT 11009; and MIS 34180 or BMRT 21006; and special approval.
44093 Variable Title Workshop in Management and Information Systems (1-6)
S/U grading. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA.
44095 Special Topics (3)
Special topics course that will be offered on a semester basis with different topics and different faculty involved each time the course is offered. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and junior standing. Special course fees may be assessed.
44096 Individual Investigation in Management (3)
Presents opportunity to undertake research. Approval of topic and agreement to work with student must be secured from faculty member and the chairperson of the department prior to registration. Prerequisite: special approval.
44150 Total Quality Management (3)
Considers the application of sound management principles and theories needed for successful implementation of quality processes and systems. The course will be based on class discussion and cases. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 23163 or BMRT 11009; and business management (BMGT) major. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
44183 Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations (3)
The focus of this course is quality training design, based upon theory and empirical research. Implications for practice and current challenges in employee training and development are also highlighted. Prerequisites: minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA; and MIS 34180 or BMRT 21006; and special approval.
44191 Senior Research Seminar in Management (3)
Combination of individual or group research and class discussion for superior students. Investigations in administration and organization conducted in accordance with scholarly interests of participants. Prerequisite: special approval.
44192 Internship in Management (3)
A supervised field experience requiring a minimum of 120 hours of work at a cooperating organization. Requires regular contact with instructor and preparation of an internship report connecting academic coursework to on-the-job experiences. Prerequisites: special approval.
44195 Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management (3)
Advanced topics course that will be offered on a yearly basis. Topics can span the full range of HR functions. This course also can have a practicum format. Prerequisites: minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA; and MIS 34180 or BMRT 21006; and special approval.
44285 Integrated Business Policy and Strategy (3)
Integration of the functional areas of business in the formulation and implementation of policy. Projects and case analyses of business situations provide students with the opportunity to apply analytical and creative problem-solving skills. Prerequisites: enrolled in the College of Business Administration and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MIS 24163 or BMRT 11009.
44292 Internship in Information Systems (3)
Preparation of a research report concurrent with on-the-job experience in the information systems department of a cooperating business or industrial organization. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and MIS 24060 and MIS 24070 and computer information (CIS) major and special approval.