Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MFGT)**
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MFGT)**
12010 Safety in the Workplace (2)
Topics include Ohio general industry safety requirements. Discussion will include all workshops and factories, metal casting, steel mills, and rubber and plastic industries. Prerequisite: none.
13001 Computer Numerical Control Programming (3)
Lathe and mill computer numerical control (CNC) programming: conversational, M & G codes. Manual data input and off-line programming: offsets, cutter compensation, linear, circular and helical interpolation. Prerequisites: MERT 12000 and 12004.
14001 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (3)
Theory and application of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) including interpretation of GD&T symbols on blueprints and inspection of parts with coordinate measuring machine. Prerequisites: MERT 12000 and EERT 22003.
21001 Standard Design Practice for Manufacturing Technology (3)
Analysis of fundamental machine design components. Discussion will include keys, fasteners, pulleys, gears, chains, bearings, power transmission equipment and associated topics. Prerequisites: EERT 22002 and MERT 12001 and 12005.
22014 Advanced Industrial Electronics (3)
Advanced course in PLC program design and implementation. Emphasis on Boolean logic. Project definition and completion. Prerequisite: EERT 22013
23001 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (3)
Theory and application of computer-aided manufacturing. Generation of CNC code using CAM applications, both from CAD drawings and directly from CAM package. Prerequisites: MFGT 13001 and MERT 12001.
23002 Advanced Computer-Aided Manufacturing (3)
An advanced class in computer-aided manufacturing. Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) program applications. Emphasis will be placed on industrial projects. Prerequisite: MFGT 23001.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.