Mechanical Engineering and Related Technologies (MERT)**
Mechanical Engineering and Related Technologies (MERT)**
12000 Engineering Drawing (3)
Engineering drawing principles and techniques: lettering, instrument use, orthographic projection, sketching, sections, auxiliary views, dimensioning and conventional practices. Electrical/electronics drawing including schematic and PC layout. Prerequisite: none.
12001 Computer-Aided Drafting (3)
Builds on skills learned in Engineering Drawing. Teaches students how to construct multi-view drawings and how to create sets of mechanical component drawings including assembly and detail sheets. Prerequisite: MERT 12000.
12004 Manufacturing Processes (3)
Introduces students to the various manufacturing processes such as extrusion, molding, forging, casting, stamping, piercing, joining and finishing. Investigates the various ways parts are made from the vast array of material available. Prerequisite: none.
12005 Properties of Materials (3)
Covers the chemical and physical properties of engineering materials such as metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), polymers, ceramics and composites. Students learn the mechanical and physical properties of materials, and the effects that manufacturing processes have on the material’s properties. Prerequisite: none.
21096 Individual Investigation in Mechanical Engineering Technology (1-4)*
Independent, in-depth research of a mechanical engineering technology topic supervised and coordinated by an engineering technology faculty member. Prerequisite: special approval.
22003 Computer-Aided Tool Design (3)
Tool design practices and procedures including materials, commercial standards, cutting tools, drill jigs, fixtures, dies and gauges using computer-aided design. Prerequisite: MERT 12001.
22004 Mechanics and Machine Design (5)
Machine design procedures including static and dynamic stresses, stress concentrations, design considerations. Design of keys, pins, fasteners, welds, power transmission devices and related components. Prerequisite: MERT 22002.
22005 Statics (3)
Basic vector mechanics, calculation of reactions for applied forces, drawing free body diagrams, working with equations of equilibrium, analysis of simple structures, calculating mass properties and force due to friction. Prerequisite: MATH 19001. Corequisite: MATH 19002.
22006 General Mechanical Laboratory (3)
Laboratory testing to determine material properties: tension, compression, shear, torsion, impact and hardness. Materials testing methods including engineering instrumentation. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
22007 Strength of Materials (3)
Covers taking the stresses induced into members due to applied loading, and couples with mass properties of the sections, designing members to safely carry the loads, Types of stresses considered are tensile, compressive, shear, bending, torsional and combines. Prerequisite: MERT 22005.
22009 Robotics and Flexible Automation (3)
A hands-on course in automated manufacturing systems, including workcell design with interfacing to robotics and related economic considerations, selection and feasibility. Prerequisite: EERT 22014.
22011 Dynamics (3)
Motion of particles and rigid bodies; kinematics, kinetics, Newton’s Laws; work, energy, power and the impulse-momentum principle. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
22012 Fluid Power (3)
Fluid properties, kinematics of fluid flow, momentum, viscosity, conservation of energy in fluid flow, industrial hydraulics and gas laws. Prerequisite: none.
22020 Applied Vector Analysis (1)
A course in vector analysis, differential forms, matrices and applied tensor analysis as applied to engineering and technology problems. Prerequisite: MATH 19002.
22021 Applied Finite Element Analysis (1)
Introduction to finite element analysis methods as applied to engineering and technology problems. Prerequisite: MATH 19002. Corequisite: MERT 22002.
22029 Structure Analysis (3)
Drafting techniques for preparing detailed working drawings for steel, concrete, timber and masonry structures. Application of design to structures and machine components. Elementary stress analysis. Prerequisite: MERT 12000.
22095 Special Topics (1-3)*
( Repeated registration permitted) Special topics in mechanical engineering technology. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.