Labor Studies (LS)**
Labor Studies (LS)**
10501 Introduction to American Labor (3)
Study of forces in American history which shaped labor movement, with attention to political, social, economic and legal factors. Prerequisite: none.
10505 Union Organization and Administration (3)
Study of organization and administration of a local union, including structure of union, responsibilities of union officers, committee work, legal requirements, and internal and external communications. Prerequisite: none.
10510 Labor and the American Economy (3)
Survey of the economic forces which affect the lives of Americans as producers, consumers and citizens. Evaluation of labor’s effects on American economy. Prerequisite: none.
20501 Collective Bargaining and Labor Contracts (3)
Basic course covering the relationships between the parties, structure, content and strategies involved in collective bargaining. Course includes current issues and trends in major agreements. Prerequisite: none.
20505 Labor and Current Issues (2)
Discussion and evaluation of current labor issues, including labor movement; equal employment opportunities; and the environmental consequences of industrial expansion, health care, consumerism and foreign competition. Prerequisite: none.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.