Latin (LAT)
Latin (LAT)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
16201 Elementary Latin I (4)
An introduction to the classical Latin language in the context of ancient Roman culture. Prerequisite: none.
16202 Elementary Latin II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the classical Latin language in the context of ancient Roman culture. Prerequisite: LAT 16201.
26201 Intermediate Latin I: Readings (3)
Excerpts from Latin literature with emphasis on translation into English. Prerequisite: LAT 16202.
26202 Intermediate Latin II: Readings (3)
Excerpts from Latin literature with emphasis on both prose (e.g., Caesar, Cicero) and poetry (Vergil, Catullus). Prerequisite: LAT 26201.
36170 Cicero (3)
Readings in Cicero’s orations and philosophical works, stressing rhetorical techniques. Consideration of Cicero’s role in Roman history and his place in Latin literature. Prerequisite: LAT 26202.
36171 Vergil (3)
A study of the Latin text of Vergil’s Aeneid stressing the poetry of the language. Consideration of entire poem and its impact on Latin literature. Prerequisite: LAT 26202.
40393 Variable Title Workshop (1-6)
Workshops individually designed to provide instruction and training in Latin studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: Departmental special approval.
46095 Selected Topics in Latin (3)
Topic announced in the Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Investigation of problems in Latin literature or linguistics. IP grading permissible. Prerequisites: minimum 3 credit hours of coursework at the 40000 level and departmental special approval.
46211 Latin Prose Composition (3)
Analysis of prose models; writing of connected Latin prose with attention to the Latin idiom. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46351 Latin Comedy (3)
Characteristics and history of Latin comedy; readings from Plautus and Terence. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46352 Elegiac Poets (3)
Selections from Tibullus, Propertius and Ovid. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46372 Lyric Poetry (3)
Readings from the poetry of Catullus and Horace, with considerations of the general genre of lyric; a comparison of style and content of the two poets. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46373 Advanced Prose Authors (3)
Consideration of a major prose author such as Pliny the Younger, Livy, Tacitus or Suetonius; may be repeated when a different author is read. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46374 Juvenal’s Satires and Martial’s Epigrams (3)
General consideration of Roman satire. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.
46375 Lucretius (3)
De Rerum Natura. Prerequisite: LAT 36170 or 36171.