Journalism and Mass Communication
12001 Elementary Photography (2)
Introduction to fundamentals and techniques of still and motion picture photography. Terminal course for students who do not have photography requirements. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
20001 Media, Power and Culture (3)
Fosters critical understanding of mass media in their historical, ideological, economic and cultural contexts. Examines what forces influence media and how media influence consumers. Not open to journalism and mass communication pre-majors or majors. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and the diversity requirement.
20003 Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
Introduction to various fields of mass communication with a particular emphasis on evolution of new media technologies. History of technological and cultural change leading to the present media forms and consideration of new media. Prerequisites: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
20004 Media Writing (3)
Introduces students to a variety of writing skills used in various media professions and demonstrates how writing types vary by audience. Incorporates grammar skills as part of the writing process. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and pre/corequisite: JMC 20003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) or integrated language arts (INLA) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
20005 Fundamentals of Media Messages (3)
Working with messages for print, broadcast, electronic and new media outlets. Course may not be taken for credit or applied toward any requirements by a journalism and mass communication major. Prerequisite: communications studies (COMM) major.
20007 Media Information Gathering (3)
Introduction to basic methods of gathering information in various fields of mass communication. Hands-on experience with qualitative, archival and quantitative methods. Methods include interviews, online searching and surveys. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
20008 Audience Analysis and Research (3)
An overview of the principles used to understand, interpret and design audience research. This includes terminology, methodologies of syndicated research, audience ratings analysis and psychographic/lifestyle data. Prerequisite: 2.75 cumulative GPA; minimum grade of C- (1.7) in JMC 20003 and 21001; minimum grade of B- (2.7) in JMC 20004; passage of the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test with a 70% or better; and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
21001 Principles of Advertising (3)
Advertising history, purposes, techniques, media and research; analysis of functions of advertising organizations. Prerequisite: none.
22000 Photography Basics (1)
Fundamentals of b/w and color photography and digital manipulation software. Introduction of basic themes of journalistic photography including flash photography. Student furnishes 35mm or APS camera with flash. Disposable cameras not acceptable. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA; and integrated language arts (INLA) or electronic media (ELMD) or new (NEWS) major. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
22001 Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 28000) Basic camera and darkroom techniques to provide a better understanding of photography as a creative and journalistic skill. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA; and art education (ARTE) or visual journalism (VJNL) major. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
22002 Videography Basics (1)
Instruction in basic camcorder videography/video editing techniques to provide understanding of processes as creative/journalistic skills and as practical application of knowledge acquired in the prerequisite class. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA; and journalism and mass communication (JMC) or integrated language arts (INLA) or visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
22003 Videography Basics II (1)
Emphasis on video editing for broadcast news and electronic media production applications using computer video editing skills. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA; and JMC 22002 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
22004 Visual Storytelling (3)
Technical and digital skills needed to produce photos that communicate. Course will stress narrative work, detailed caption information and reporting. Prerequisites: JMC 22001 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
23001 Introduction to Graphic Communications (2 or 3)
Concepts and practices of transferring information graphically, whether it be picture or symbol, in single or multiple copies onto paper, cloth, metal, plastic, glass or other materials. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and ENG 21011 or HONR 10297. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
23030 Basic Electronic Media Video Production (3)
Theoretical and practical application of program production for video. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 and 22002 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
23031 Basic Electronic Media Audio Production (3)
Theoretical and practical application of program production for audio production. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 and 22002 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
26001 Newswriting (3)
Theory and practice in writing basic print and electronic news and feature stories. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and a score of at least 70 percent of the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) or integrated language arts (INLA) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
26007 Print Beat Reporting (4)
Gathering and writing news: interviewing techniques, cultivating sources, developing beats, meeting deadlines. Includes campus reporting for Daily Kent Stater. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
26008 Broadcast Beat Reporting (4)
Writing news, developing sources and beats, meeting deadlines as they relate to electronic media. Includes reporting campus news for daily broadcasts. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 22002 and 26001 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
28001 Principles of Public Relations (3)
Explores strategic role and function of public relations in business, nonprofit, public institutions and society. Covers public relations practice from development to present. Prerequisite: none.
30004 Writing for Electronic Media (2)
Application of standard writing styles and formats in the electronic media. Writing practice in commercials, continuity, promotions and introductory scriptwriting techniques. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a core of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
30030 Mass Media Research (3)
Analysis of mass media research emphasizing quantitative social science inquiry and media applications leading to practical and critical understanding of research. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and MATH 11009 and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
30034 Programming for Electronic Media (3)
Background analysis of radio, TV, cable and Internet programming and the relationship to audience needs, interests, expectations and audience measurement procedures. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
31002 Advertising Copywriting (3)
Examination and practice in various forms of advertising copywriting and their applications. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA; and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004; and JMC 21001 and 31011 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major; and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
31003 Advertising Media Planning (3)
Analysis, selection and scheduling of advertising media. Examination of advertising research technique and application. Prerequisites: 2.75 cumulative GPA; and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004; and JMC 20008 and 21001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major; and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
31011 Creative Advertising Strategies (3)
Advertising majors learn problem-solving techniques, which they will apply to business and creative proposals designed to promote products and/or services. Development of good, clear writing skills is a key component of the course. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and JMC 21001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
32001 Photojournalism I (3)
Production of photographs for newspapers, magazines and online news media. A laboratory course emphasizing color and black-and-white photography. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004; and JMC 22001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and VCD 37000 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
32002 Photojournalism II (3)
Continuation of JMC 32001. Advanced news and feature photography for newspapers, magazines and online, including a collaborative project. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 32001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
32003 Photo Technology (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 38003) Photographic materials and processes. Emulsion sensitometry (applied as the “Zone System”). Photographic lens testing, etc. Camera and hand-held exposure meter needed. Prerequisites: JMC 22001 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
32004 Advanced Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 38004) Use of specialized equipment, materials and techniques. Student furnishes own view camera. Special equipment furnished. Prerequisites: JMC 22001 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
32008 Photo-Design Techniques (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 38008) Use of unusual photographic materials and techniques in design of images for many purposes. Prerequisite: JMC 22001. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
33024 Performance for Electronic Media (3)
Development of effective communication techniques in performance situations for electronic media. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
33032 Audio Studio Production (3)
Production of in-studio audio programming units, with laboratory unit required as part of course. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 23031 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
33033 Audio Field Production (3)
A study of the theory and craft of audio field production, providing analysis and practice of remote information gathering techniques and music recording. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 23031 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of 70 percent or better on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
33036 Basic Media Engineering (3)
Introduction to basic electronic media technology and systems, providing knowledge and vocabulary to allow communication with broadcast engineers. Overview of radio/TV operations and legal viewpoint. Preparation for SBE operators’ certification exam. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and MATH 11009 and JMC 23030 and 23031 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
33042 Video Studio Production (3)
Study of producing and directing various types of video studio programs. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 23030 and 30004 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
33043 Video Field Production (3)
Producing programs and packages with portable video equipment outside the studio. Editing program material. Two hours lecture, three hours lab. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 22002 and 22003 and 23030 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of at least 70 percent of the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
33092 Radio-Television Operations (1-3)
(Repeatable up to 3 credit hours).Performance of assigned activities in radio or television under faculty supervision. S/U grading. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 20003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and sophomore standing and special approval.
34038 Media Sales and Sales Management (3)
Selling techniques in electronic and print media; sales policies, procedures; rate card structure, sales proposals and related promotional aspects. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 30034 or 31003 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
34050 Promotions for Electronic Media (3)
Fundamentals and latest trends in broadcast and cable promotion, including branding, advertising and marketing. Prerequisites: JMC 20008 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
36005 Copyediting (3)
Improving the writing of other journalists and writing headlines. Intensive review of AP Style and grammar. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
38002 Public Relations Case Studies (3)
Explores the process and the practice of public relations through review and analysis of actual case studies. Students also learn PR process by planning and preparing their own case study projects for a real-world client organization. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and JMC 28001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
40002 Reporting for Mass Media (3)
Theory and practice in newswriting and reporting; news values and news judgment; lead and story development; techniques of gathering information and dealing with sources of news; writing for deadline. Course may not be taken for credit, or applied toward any requirements by a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major or minor without special approval. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
40003 Editing for Mass Media (3)
Theory and practice in copy editing, headline writing, and editing photographs and information graphics for print and online publications. Hours do not count toward degree. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
40004 Computer Assisted Reporting (3)
Computer analysis of large data sets, focusing on government, court, police records for preparation of news stories; basics of online searching; software and databases. Prerequisite: JMC 26007 or 26008 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
40005 Feature Writing (3)
Researching, writing and placement of feature stories in publications. Prerequisites: JMC 26007 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
40006 Law of Mass Communication (3)
Libel and slander; privacy, copyright, obscenity; regulation of advertising, broadcasting and corporate speech; access to government; legal problems of new media. Prerequisites: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and senior standing and special approval needed from department.
40007 Reviewing the Arts (2)
Reviewing and criticizing of performing, visual and literary arts. Emphasis on books, film, TV and theatre. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 or 26001 with a C- (1.7) or better and junior or senior standing.
40008 History of American Mass Communication (3)
Evolution of the American mass communication/ media from beginning to present day. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
40009 Comparative Media Systems (3)
Study of the forms, organization, scope and modes of operation of media systems in foreign lands. Also examines agents, channels and contents of international communication. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and junior or senior standing and special approval.
40010 Ethics and Issues in Mass Communication (3)
Ethical problems and issues in mass communication within a framework of basic theories, functions and social roles of the mass media. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and senior standing and at least 18 hours in JMC courses with a grade of C- (1.7) or better, including a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
40012 Online Journalism (3)
Study and evaluation of online news and news sites; reporting and writing for online news media; design, production and maintenance of an online news site; ethical, legal and economic issues related to online news. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 or 26008 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
40013 Television Sports Production (3)
A comprehensive study of the production of live action television sports coverage. Prerequisites: 2.75 cumulative GPA and sophomore, junior or senior standing and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
40015 Media Management (3)
Exploring management issues unique to media organizations and the impact of those issues on the organization’s structure, economics, markets and employees. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and senior standing and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
40016 Law of Advertising and Public Relations (3)
Regulation of advertising and corporate speech, first amendment, libel and privacy and legal problems of new media. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and 18 hours of JMC courses all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and advertising (ADV) or public relations (PR) major.
40020 Audio and Still Photo Production (3)
Develop skills in telling journalistic stories by producing multimedia news stories through research and planning; reporting using digital cameras and digital audio recorders; editing photos and audio. Prerequisites: minimum C- (1.7) in JMC 22001 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and junior or senior standing.
40022 Film As Communication (3)
Study of the relationship of television and theatre films to the mass audience in terms of components and effects. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA; and JMC 20004 with a grade of B- (2.7) or better or JMC 20005 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
40023 Non-traditional Journalism (3)
The study of journalistic writing that goes beyond the inverted pyramid and traditional feature story and has topics traditionally not defined as news. Students will also work as part of a team on multi-part stories. Prerequisites: minimum C- (1.7) in JMC 26007 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and junior or senior standing.
40027 Managing Media Diversity (3)
Aspects of diversity and how it changes our environment with emphasis on the field of mass communication. Prerequisite: none.
40030 Collaborative Online Producing (3)
The use of multimedia and interactive storytelling tools such as video, audio and graphics. Students work in teams to produce packages for online news sites and organizational videos. Prerequisites: minimum C- (1.7) in JMC 40012 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
40034 Advanced Electronic Media Programming (2)
Program practices in radio, television, cable, film and new media with an emphasis on projects and written proposals regarding program strategies and tactics. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 30034 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
40035 Television Graphics (3)
Basic design, theory and technique in creating and preparing TV and video graphics. Prerequisites: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and junior or senior standing.
40036 Non-linear Video Editing (3)
Introduction to planning and creating short computer video programs integrating multi-layered digital effects and transitions for application by end users in a variety of current video file formats. Prerequisites: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and junior or senior standing.
40037 Scriptwriting for Video and Film (3)
The emphasis of the course is on writing dramatic scripts for broadcast or motion pictures. The course also includes current perspectives on market needs. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 30004 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
40092 Internship (1)
(May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours)Experience in a professional setting under professional supervision in student’s field of specialization. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval.
40095 Special Topics (1-3)
Selected topics of special interest not covered in depth in existing courses; offered as resources permit. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA.
40096 Individual Projects in Mass Communications (1-3)
Individual research projects in mass communications. Letter grades and IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and junior or senior standing and special approval.
40099 Senior Honors Project (2-4)
Thesis or other independent study project in mass communication. IP grades permissible. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and open only to journalism and mass communication (JMC) majors admitted to the Honors College.
40192 Radio-Television Internship (1)
(May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours)Experience, under professional supervision, in a radio or television station or other industry using electronic audio or video communications. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval.
40193 Variable Title Workshop in JMC (1-3)
Workshop setting dealing with topics in mass communications. S/U grading. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval.
40196 Independent Study in Radio and Television (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 hours) Research and writing on topics approved by the students’ advisors and study directors. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and special approval.
40295 Special Topics in Computer Laboratory (1-3)
Selected topics of special interest not covered in depth in existing courses; offered as resources permit. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and special approval. Special fee: $10/credit hour—subject to change.
41002 Advanced Advertising Copywriting (3)
Advanced copy writing projects in print advertising and corporate communications and execution of the entire print advertising campaigns. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 31002 and 31003 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and special approval.
41003 Advertising Account Management (3)
An introduction to advertising account management including the functions of an account manager, skills required to be an account manager and how to effectively lead a team of professionals. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 31002 and 31003 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
41004 Broadcast Copywriting (3)
Application of advertising principles to broadcast media. Emphasis on commercial copy and client relationships. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 30004 or 31002 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
41005 Advertising Campaigns (3)
Analysis of the planning, financing and execution of an advertising campaign through case study methods. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 31002 or 31003 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
41081 Advertising Practices (3)
The study of current advertising practices and issues. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 31002 and 31003 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
42005 Color Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 48005) Nature of color transparency and negative films. Student produces transparencies and prints for assignments. Photojournalism majors must have a 35mm camera; photo-illustration majors must have a 4x5 camera. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 32001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $55 flat fee plus cost of film and processing—subject to change.
42007 Photo-Illustration Techniques (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 48007) Creative photography for advertising and editorial uses. Assignments made in an art director/photographer relationship. Critique by professionals in addition to academic evaluation. Prerequisites: JMC 32004 and 42005 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: Minimum of $45 flat fee—subject to change.
42008 Advanced Photojournalism (3)
Discussion of contemporary photojournalists and issues. Production of photo-documentary, multimedia and illustrations appropriate to photojournalism. Senior portfolio review. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 and 32002 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
42009 Fashion Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 38009) Instruction in studio lighting, filters, special effects. Emphasis on editorial and advertising fashion photography. Studio and location assignments. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 32001 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; or JMC 32004 and 42005 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
42092 Practicum in Photography (1-3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 48092) (Repeatable for a total of 10 hours)Individual or group investigation into student-selected areas of photographic field. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and junior or senior standing and special approval. Special fee: $7.50/credit hour—subject to change.
43035Advanced Television Producing (3)
Advanced understanding of how to produce new content for broadcast and the web. Prerequisites: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and special approval.
43036 Record Promotion (3)
Class operates as an independent record label to critique, select, promote, publicize and sell original recorded music. Prerequisite: journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
44040 Concept Psychographics (3)
Analysis of media consumers utilizing demographic, attitudinal and lifestyle variables compared with more traditional approaches. Applications for programming, advertising and public relations are examined. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and JMC 30034 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test.
44045 Promotions for Electronic Media (3)
Fundamental and latest trends in broadcast and cable promotion. Prerequisites: 2.75 cumulative GPA and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
44050 Audio for Video (3)
Understanding of the sonic aspects of visual productions including video studio, video field and online applications. Prerequisites: 2.75 cumulative GPA and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
46000 Newspaper Design (3)
Design of newspapers from small inside pages to elaborate feature pages. News judgment. Basic information graphics and photo editing. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001; and JMC 22000 or 22001; and VCD 37000 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
46001 Information Graphics (3)
(Cross-listed with VCD 43007) Introduction to shapes, color, type and combinations of these for computer-designed news graphics: maps, charts, graphs and diagrams. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a grade of B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and VCD 37000 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
46003 Producing Television News (3)
Introduction to the theory and practice of practice of producing content for TV news and public affairs programs. Emphasis is placed on understanding news philosophies, storytelling story selection and rundown placement. Prerequisite: minimum C- (1.7) in JMC 26008 and journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
46006 Editorial Writing (3)
Structures and purpose of editorial and column writing; study of editorial section of newspaper; practice in writing editorials. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 or 26008 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
46007 Reporting in Depth (3)
Techniques involved in researching, interviewing and writing in-depth news articles and analyses. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 or 26008 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
46009 Reporting Public Affairs (4)
Instruction and practice in reporting all areas of public affairs, including government and the courts. Use of precision journalism techniques. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 or 26008 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; and JMC 36005 or 46003 either with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
46016 Magazine Publishing (3)
Overview of magazine publishing—editorial, advertising, circulation and production. Analysis of magazines. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and a B- (2.7) or better in JMC 20004 and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major and junior standing and a score of at least 70 percent on the Grammar Usage and Punctuation (GUP) test. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
46020 Magazine Design (3)
Marriage of words and visuals for designing magazine layouts and covers in desktop publishing. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 22000 and 26001 and 46016 and VCD 37000 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
46021 Magazine Writing and Editing (3)
Research, interviewing, writing and marketing of major magazine articles. Editing techniques for magazines. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 36005 and 40005 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
46052 Advanced Broadcast News Practices (3)
Study of investigative news stories, newsroom operations, editing and producing broadcast news programs. Advanced projects in broadcast news. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26008 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
46054 Broadcast Documentary (3)
Development of documentary form for radio and television. Analysis and production of documentaries. Utilization of audio and video recording and editing. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and two of the following: JMC 33033 or 33034 or 33042 or 33043 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better . Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
47003 Teaching High School Journalism (3)
Methods and materials for teaching journalism in high school. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and special approval of instructor. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
47004 Desktop Publishing for High School Journalism Teachers (1)
Basics of InDesign desktop publishing program as it relates to high school newspaper and magazines. Prerequisite: none.
47005 Advising Journalism Publications (3)
Group study of problems posed by advisors enrolled in the course. Prerequisite: JMC 47003 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
48001 Media Relations and Publicity (3)
Planning and preparation of materials for use by the news media, both on paper and online. The course explores the media relations function along with the uses and limitations of mass media in public relations practice. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001; and JMC 26007 or 26008; and JMC 38002 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
48002 Public Relations Tactics (3)
Planning and preparation of face-to-face public relations tactics, including spokesperson training for on- and off-camera appearances, special event planning, speeches and presentations with visual support and other applications of "writing for the ear.” Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001 and 38002 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
48003 Public Relations Online Tactics (3)
Explores fundamentals of Web site planning and design and provides hands-on skills development using the full range of cybermedia techniques. Includes emphasis on writing for online audiences. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001; and JMC 26007 or 26008; and JMC 38002 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major.
48006 Public Relations Publications (3)
Planning, writing and design of organizational publications, including newsletters, brochures, flyers, promotional mailers and Web sites. Course also explores the print production process. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26001 and VCD 37000 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
48020 Mass Media Organizations and Public Information (3)
The roles of public information and mass media in public opinion formation. Techniques of assessing/interpreting public opinion polls and creating public information strategies using mass media. Prerequisites: 2.75 overall GPA and junior or senior standing.
48091 Seminar: Public Relations Campaigns (3)
This capstone course in the public relations major requires student teams to combine research, planning and execution into a single public relations campaign developed for a real-world organization. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and JMC 26007 or 26008; and JMC 38002 and three of these four—JMC 48001 and 48002 and 48003 and 48006 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
49021 Corporate Video (3)
The use of video in corporate and organizational environments. Emphasis is place on the structure and function of the medium within each environment. Prerequisite: 2.75 overall GPA and two of the following: JMC 33033 and 33034 and 33042 and 33043 all with a grade of C- (1.7) or better and a journalism and mass communication (JMC) major. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.