Integrated Health Studies (IHS)
Integrated Health Studies (IHS)
10000 Careers in Health Sciences and Human Services (3)
This course presents the diverse career options in the fields of health sciences and human services. Academic preparation and credentialing for professions will be included. Prerequisite: none.
40091 Seminar for Practicum in Integrated Health Studies (2)
This course presents and integrates the role of scientists, practitioners and administrators in the health care and human service professions as they attempt to meet the needs of the individual in diverse environments. Current issues will be addressed. 400 hours observation/work experience in health/human service-related fields required prior to registration for this course. Prerequisite: senior standing and special approval. Corequisite: IHS 44092.
44010 Research Design and Statistical Methods in the Health Professions (3)
Fundamental concepts and procedures for systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data in health-related fields; includes group and single-subject designs and use of parametric and nonparametric statistics. Prerequisite: PSYC 21621.
44091 Professional Seminar in Integrated Health Studies (3)
This course presents and integrates the role of scientists, practitioners and administrators in the health care and human service professions as they attempt to meet the needs of the individual in diverse environments. Current issues will be addressed. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
44092 Practicum in Integrated Health Studies (3-10)
Practicum focuses on providing supervised practical experience in a health science, health care and human services organization, which allows students to apply theoretical knowledge and skills learned in their coursework. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: integrated health studies (IHS) majors and senior standing and program special approval. Corequisite: IHS 40091.