Interior Design (ID)
Interior Design (ID)
14501 Studio Problems in Interior Design I (4)
Studio problems in interior design is a course for the beginning student whose interest is in interior space design. Prerequisite: TECH 11083. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
14512 Interior Design Graphics I (3)
Studio based course introducing concepts of architectural drawing and sketching techniques including plan, elevation, section and perspective. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major. Special fee: $60.00 flat fee—subject to change.
24502 Studio Problems in Interior Design II (4)
Special problems dealing with design of residential and related spaces, traffic flow, placement of furnishings, emphasis on color and textural experience and lighting of space. Practical, integrated approach. Prerequisites: interior design (ID) major and ID 14501. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
24510 Textiles in the Built Environment (2)
A concise background in textile science is established with a hands-on approach to the evaluation, selection and application of textiles by interior design professionals and architects. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major. Corequisite: ID 34503
24511 Housing in Today’s Society (3)
Relationships of well-being of individuals and families in the life cycle for a well-planned residence. Evaluation of housing, planning, financing and modern technological developments. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $30.00 flat fee—subject to change.
24513 Survey History of Interiors (4)
Chronological study of housing and furnishings from ancient civilizations to present, emphasizing cultural and social forces that contributed to evolution of various styles. Prerequisite: none. Not open to interior design (ID) majors.
24522 Interior Design Graphics II (3)
Studio based course continuation of ID 14512. Exploration of color media and graphic representation of interior design materials and environments. Prerequisites: ID 14501 and 14512 and 24502. Special fee: $60.00 flat fee—subject to change.
34503 Studio Problems in Interior Design III (4)
Special problems concerning design of small- to moderate-size commercial interior space. Prerequisite: ID 24502. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
34504 Studio Problems in Interior Design IV (4)
Introduction to large-scale planning. Prerequisites: ARCH 10101 and ID 34503 and pre/corequisite: PHY 13001. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
34512 Home Furnishings (3)
Practical and aesthetic study of interiors. Selection and arrangement of furnishings. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $7.00 flat fee—subject to change.
34515 Computer Aided Design for Interior Designers (3)
Introduction to application of computer drawing and drafting techniques used in interior design. Study of 2-D and 3-D techniques as well as symbol libraries. Prerequisites: interior design (ID) major. Corequisite: ID 24502.
34522 Methods and Materials for Interior Design (3)
Information regarding the manufacture, construction and application of materials used in interior design. Proper methods and installation procedures of both surface materials and furnishings required in the profession are explored. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major. Corequisite: ID 24502. Special fee: $60.00 flat fee—subject to change.
41093 Variable Title Workshop in Interior Design (1-4)
Workshops dealing with variable topics related to the interior design profession. Learning experiences provided in a broad spectrum of specialties. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major.
41095 Special Topics in Interior Design (1-4)
Discussion of a major topic or issue within the profession of interior design. Repeat registration permitted. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major.
41096 Individual Investigation in Interior Design (1-3)
Independent study of interior design and related topics under the guidance of a faculty member. Prerequisite: interior design (ID) major.
44505 Studio Problems in Interior Design V (2)
Introduction to principles of historic design focusing on hands-on and on-site design techniques. For interior design majors only. Prerequisites: ID 34504 and 44534. Corequisite: ID 44535. Special fee: $40.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44506 Studio Problems in Interior Design VI (4)
Special problems concerning the design of large-scale commercial environments. Prerequisites: TECH 31015 and ID 44505. Corequisite: ARCH 30501. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44507 Studio Problems in Interior Design VII (4)
This course will provide the opportunity for a senior design thesis. Problems will be selected by the students and will represent their own area of interest. Prerequisites: ID 44506 and ARCH 30501. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44512 Historic Furnishing Textiles (2)
Designed to acclimate students to historic textiles created primarily for use in interior architecture. Focus is on aesthetics, design and construction. A comprehensive adaptive reuse or restoration project is required. Prerequisites: ID 44534 and 44535. Special fee: $40.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44523 Interior Design Professional Practice (2)
A study of the business and professional practices of interior designers. Prerequisite: ID 34504.
44524 Anglo-American Domestic Interiors, Early Colonial Period (3)
An in-depth study of the Anglo-American interior and domestic furnishings with concentration on the preservation and contemporary usage of both interior architectural spaces and domestic objects. Prerequisite: ID 44512.
44525 Lighting Application in Interior Spaces (3)
Design application of lighting technology for various interior spaces. Field trips to study lighting installations. Prerequisite: ID 34503. Special fee: $60.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44526 Lighting Design in Historic Spaces (3)
Overview of historic lighting forms and techniques with an emphasis on Anglo-American design, 18th to 20th centuries. Focus of course will be application of modern techniques to historic design problems. Prerequisites: ID 44505 and 44525 and ARCH 30501. Special fee: $51.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44527 Study Tours (1-10)
A series of study tours for in-depth, first-hand experiences of historic sites, markets, manufacturing facilities and attendance at product seminars. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
44534 History of Interiors to 1600 (4)
A chronological study of housing and furnishings from civilization to the 15th century. Prerequisites: ID 34504; and ARTH 22006 and 22007; or ARCH 10011 and 10012; and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44535 History of Interiors—1600 to Present (4)
A chronological study of housing and furnishings from the Renaissance to the Victorian Period—16th to 19th centuries—and 20th century. Prerequisite: ID 44534. Special fee: $80.00 flat fee—subject to change.
44592 Practicum in Interior Design (2-10)
(Repeatable for a total of 10 hours) Practical experience in a furniture store, department store, design studio, architect’s office or design-related agency, directed by a qualified professional. Students’ initial registration must be 4 credit hours, not to exceed 10 credit hours. S/U grading. Prerequisites: ID 34504 and 44523 and MKTG 25010. Special fee: $20/credit hour—subject to change.