Human Services Technology (HST)**
Human Services Technology (HST)**
11000 Introduction to Human Services (1)
A survey of the role of human service technologists, their professional and ethical responsibilities, employment possibilities and avenues for professional advancement. Prerequisite: none.
11001 Group Process in Human Services (2)
The structure and function of groups, focusing on problem solving and communication in human service agencies. Prerequisite: none.
11002 Survey of Community Resources (3)
A survey of providers at the federal, regional, state and local levels, including services provided and regulations of private and public agencies. Prerequisite: none.
21000 Dynamics of Helping Relationship for Human Services Technologist (3)
The dynamics of helping relationship in human services agencies. Skill development in listening and provision of assistance to clients is emphasized. Prerequisite: HST 11001. Corequisites: HST 21001 and 21092.
21001 Assessment of Client Needs in Human Service Organizations (3)
An introduction to the evaluation of client needs and assessment of client condition. Prerequisite: HST 11001. Corequisites: HST 21000 and 21092.
21002 Client Advocacy and Case Management in Human Service Organizations (3)
Assessment of case management strategies with an emphasis on the role of the client advocate in the human service setting. Prerequisite: HST 21001. Corequisite: HST 21192.
21092 Internship in Human Services Technology I (3)*
Supervised field experience in a human service agency (minimum of 16 hours per week). Joint university-agency supervision. Prerequisite: advisor approval. Corequisites: HST 21000 and 21001.
21192 Internship in Human Services Technology II (3)*
Continued supervised field experience in a human services agency (minimum 16 hours per week). Joint university-agency supervision. Prerequisite: HST 21092 and special approval. Corequisite: HST 21002.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.