Horticulture Technology (HORT)**
Horticulture Technology (HORT)**
16001 Opportunities in Horticulture (1)
A survey of those opportunities available within the "green industry" both in education and as a career option. Guest speakers and field trips are part of the class. Prerequisite: none.
26001 Occupational Regulations and Safety (2)
Presentation of the basic standards, rules, safety regulations and laws pertaining to horticultural and related industries which will affect the work atmosphere. Lecture two hours weekly; offered only at the Geauga and Salem Campus. Corequisites: BSCI 16001 and HORT 16001.
26010 Arboriculture (3)
Basics of pruning and tree climbing techniques. Covers the equipment and safe use of equipment commonly found in the arboricultural industry. Lecture two hours weekly; lab three hours weekly; offered only at the Salem Campus. Corequisite: HORT 26011. Prerequisites: BSCI 16001 and HORT 16001.
26011 Cooperative Work Experience in Tree Care (3)
Cooperative work program through which the skills necessary to perform professionally in this occupation will be acquired. This course offered only at the Salem Campus. Requires a minimum of 30 hours per week of work experience. Not more than 9 credit hours in this or a combination of other work experience classes will be allowed. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Corequisite: HORT 26010.
26012 Urban Forestry (3)
Urban forestry and the planning and managing of urban green-scapes. Appraisal and computerized GIS/GPS inventory of urban vegetation, urban land use planning and legal ordinances, maintenance and management of street and park trees. Outdoor field trips and guest lecturers. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and BSCI 16001.
26016 Irrigation Design and Maintenance (3)
Principles of irrigation design, installation, maintenance and drainage. Specific information about the selection of sprinkler heads, pipe, pumps, basic hydraulics, water conservation methods and automatic control systems shall be explored. Drawing of irrigation plans shall be required. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and BSCI 16001.
26018 Landscape Construction (3)
The basic skills and techniques involved in landscape contracting and construction including building material data, site grading, contour mapping, deck construction, water features, lighting, landscape paving and retaining walls. Field trips and outside hands-on experience. Prerequisite: HORT 16001.
26020 Professional Landscape Management (3)
A detailed discussion and practice of managing trees, shrubs and flowers within the landscape. Additional concepts such as the types of equipment used in the "green industry," marketing, writing specifications, bidding projects and personnel management. Prerequisites: BSCI 16001 and HORT 16001.
26021 Cooperative Work Experience in Landscape Management (3)
Cooperative work program through which the skills necessary to perform professionally in this occupation will be acquired. This course offered only at the Salem Campus. Requires a minimum of 30 hours per week of work experience. Not more than 9 credit hours in this or a combination of other work experience will be allowed. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Corequisite: HORT 26020.
26030 Turf Grass Management (3)
Basic principles of turf management. Covers turf equipment and the safe use of equipment commonly found in the turf industry. Lecture two hours; lab three hours weekly; course offered only at the Salem Campus. Corequisite: HORT 26031. Prerequisites: BSCI 16001 and HORT 16001.
26031 Cooperative Work Experience in Turf Grass Management (3)
Cooperative work program through which the skills necessary to perform professionally in this occupation will be acquired. This course offered only at the Salem Campus. Requires a minimum of 30 hours per week of work experience. Not more than 9
credit hours in this or a combination of other work experience classes will be allowed. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Pre/corequisite: HORT 26030.
26032 Golf Course Management (3)
The golf course environment as it relates to turf grass maintenance and pest/disease management. The construction and management of greens, tees, water and bunker management practices, turf aerification issues, topdressing and administrative concerns. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and 26031 and BSCI 16001.
26046 Landscape Design I (3)
An introduction to landscape appreciation and history, the landscape industry and elements of the landscape design process. Students will assess proper plant placement and uses, develop graphic communication skills and present a project. Field trips and project site work as required. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and BSCI 16001 and 26003.
36014 Plant Propagation and Greenhouse Production (3)
Asexual/vegetative propagation including anatomical and physical concepts. Techniques covered include cuttings, budding, grafting, layering, dividing and micropropagation. Plant propagation by seeding and plugs shall be promoted along with crop production. Students provide an annual production schedule. Lecture two hours weekly; lab three hours weekly. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and BSCI 16001. Special fee: $24 flat fee—subject to change.
36046 Landscape Design II (3)
Advanced landscape design looking at overall landscape planning, including site and planting design, site amenities, irrigation design and client needs. Special attention to communication formats such as color rendering and graphics, as well as to overall presentation. Some design modeling and graphic sketching are included. Prerequisites: HORT 26046 or 26012 or 26032; and junior or senior standing.
36018 Landscape Construction II (3)
Advanced landscape construction techniques involved in landscape contracting with an emphasis on the overall layout and planning of a landscape project. Students master and research product documentation, layout plans, written specifications and detailed construction drawings as they pertain to built landscape environments. Specific field site work with real work applications. Lecture two hours weekly; lab three hours weekly. Prerequisites: 26018; and junior or senior standing.
36025 Professional Practice in Horticulture (3)
Investigation into owning and operating a green industry company including customer relations, wholesale and retail marketing, project bidding, potential profit and loss margins, communication requirements, and overall services to public and private clientele. Prerequisites: HORT 26001 and 26016 and 26018. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
36034 Sports Turf Management (3)
Identification of grass plant species; culture and morphology; turf ecology with practical information on turf establishment and cultural practices. Covers issues of design, renovation, and maintenance of sports grounds and facilities. Class requires a 20 hour service learning component. Prerequisites: HORT 26030; and junior or senior standing.
36092 Internship in Horticulture (4)
Internship experience in an advanced field of study within the horticulture/green industry, building on the student’s understanding of science-based fundamentals. Internship requires a minimum of 210 working hours with an approved public organization or private green industry firm, and 2 hours per week consultation on independent research as approved and supervised by the academic program director. Work includes supporting documentation and written reports as deemed appropriate given the subject matter studied. Prerequisites: 6 hours from HORT 26011 and 26021 and 26031 and special approval.
41096 Individual Investigation in Horticulture (1-3)
Research under the direction of a HORT faculty/program director/mentor. Investigation of specific horticulture topics that build upon previous concentration areas of study. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
46014 Garden Center and Nursery Production Management (3)
Survey of plant production of container, bare-root, balled-in-burlap plant materials in a nursery setting. Exploration of physiological principles involved, including planting, maturity dates for harvest, shipping, garden center activities and wholesale and retail marketing of stock. Prerequisites: BSCI 26002 and BMRT 11000; and junior or senior standing. Special fee: $38 flat fee—subject to change.
46092 Practicum in Horticulture (3)
An in-depth individual project, combining field experiences with original research within a green industry niche. Area of interest supports the student’s educational goals given their intended concentration of past class work. Prerequisites: HORT 36092 and junior or senior standing.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.