Finance (FIN)
Finance (FIN)
26070 Introduction to Law (3)
Evolution and implications of fundamental legal concepts and institutions. Introduction to the case method; substantive and procedural law; and various forms of legal activity. Prerequisite: none.
26074 Legal Environment of Business (3)
Coverage of the nature, structure and significance of the legal and regulatory areas which confront business, with special emphasis on business ethics and environmental and international issues. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
36040 Me and My Money (3)
Provides non-business majors with a practical overview of the essential aspects of personal finance necessary to function in today's complex economy. Prerequisites: MATH 10032 and 10033 and 10034. No credit toward BBA degree.
36053 Business Finance (3)
Analysis of financial decisions in business enterprise and interface of firm with capital markets. Prerequisites: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and ACCT 23020 or ACTT 11000; and ECON 22060 or HONR 21197; and ECON 22061 or HONR 21297.
36054 Intermediate Business Finance (3)
Treatment of uncertainty in business financial analysis. Overview of investment markets, financial institutions and international financial environment. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053.
36058 The Financial System (3)
Analysis of financial markets and institutions emphasizing current issues, regulatory aspects and management concerns. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053.
36059 Investments (3)
Discussion of factors determining value of investment securities with attention to economic, regulatory and global influences. This course may count as an elective in a College of Business Administration program. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053.
36061 Real Estate Principles (3)
Principles and practices of real estate, real estate laws, contractual instruments, valuation, financing and markets in commercial and residential real estate. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and junior standing.
36063 Individual Investment Analysis and Strategies (3)
Examination of investment analysis and strategies with emphasis on individuals. Open only to nonfinance major. Cannot be counted toward finance major. Either this course or FIN 36059, but not both, can count as an elective in a College of Business Administration program. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053; not open to finance (FIN) majors.
36072 Law of Commercial Transactions (3)
Introduction to real and personal property, commercial paper, agency law, business organizations, bankruptcy, secured transactions and other related areas of business law. Primarily for accounting majors. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and FIN 26074 or BMRT 21000; not open to finance (FIN) majors.
36081 Principles of Insurance (3)
Examination of insurance industry, its regulatory environment and insurance contracts. Life and health insurance, as well as property and liability insurance are covered. Prerequisites: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and ECON 22060 and 22061.
36085 Financial Modeling (3)
Provides students explicit experience with financial modeling. Business problems are systematically designed and solved using computerized spreadsheets. Prerequisites: FIN 36054 and MIS 24053.
46054 Financial Risk Management (3)
Understanding techniques and financial tools used in managing financial risk. Analysis of contracts (options, forwards, futures) undertaken in the context of financial regulation and ethical practices within the financial marketplace. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053.
46055 Options and Futures Markets (3)
Comprehensive analysis of options and futures markets and their role in the financial system. Valuation methods, advanced hedging, arbitration techniques and the regulatory environment. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36059.
46057 Financial Analysis (3)
Introduction to use of computer software and methods in financial planning. Statement analysis and selected applications; i.e., working capital management, capital budgeting, planning models and option pricing. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053.
46059 Financial Policy (3)
Capstone course in finance with emphasis on financial policies and strategic financial decision making with respect to both short-term and long-term financial management problems. Prerequisites: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36054 and MIS 24056. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
46064 International Business Finance (3)
Management of the finance function of an international company, including foreign exchange exposure management, foreign investment, short-term and long-term capital management, and international accounting and taxation. Prerequisites: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053 and 36054 and senior standing.
46067 Portfolio Analysis (3)
Principles, methods, techniques of portfolio analysis. Emphasis on determination of portfolio risks and returns. Political, ethical, global forces affecting asset returns and risks are evaluated. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36059.
46068 Financial Management of Commercial Banks (3)
Financial management techniques applied to commercial banks. Focus on management of liquidity, investment and loan portfolios and capital structure. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36054 and 36058.
46096 Individual Investigation in Finance (1-3)
Opportunity for research in problem areas of interest in field of finance. Agreement of faculty member in the department must be secured prior to registering for course. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and special approval.
46192 Internship in Finance (3)
An internship for finance majors interested in obtaining career-relevant experience. Students and employers must satisfy criteria established by the department. Students are responsible for securing employment. Prerequisite: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and special approval.
46295 Finance Special Topics (3)
Deal with special topics in finance or new subjects not covered in other existing courses. Prerequisites: finance (FIN) major and minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and FIN 36053 and senior standing.