English (ENG)
English (ENG)
For placement in College English courses see Arts and Sciences—English Composition Requirement —Placement.
Students who earn A (4.0) or B (3.0) in ENG 11011 are allowed to take lower-division (20000-level) English courses while also taking ENG 21011. Any undergraduate English course may be taken after ENG 21011 has been completed satisfactorily with the exception of 40000-level courses, which require junior standing.
10101 College English I for Foreign Students (3)
Basic expository essay for non-native students. Emphasis on selection and organization of material, rhetorical patterns, clear and effective expression. Grammar and mechanics as needed. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10205 and special approval.
10201 Elementary ESL Writing II (3)
Writing proficiency in English established through enhancing knowledge of paragraph structure and development. Prerequisite: special approval.
10202 Intermediate ESL Writing I (3)
Introduction to the requirements of academic writing. Students will be introduced to the process model of writing, constructing a summary, paraphrasing and academic essay structure. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10201 and special approval.
10203 Intermediate ESL Writing II (3)
Use of the short academic essay to narrate a sequence of events, express an opinion or communicate an idea. Continued instruction in the writing process, academic summary and paraphrase for the ESL writer. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10202 and special approval.
10204 Advanced ESL Writing I (3)
Expanded understanding of the form and requirements of the academic essay. Acquisition of rhetorical modes of development for the ESL writer. Continued instruction in writing process model and academic summary. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10203 and special approval.
10205 Advanced ESL Writing II (3)
Course concentrates on how to interpret, respond to and incorporate outside sources into the academic essay. Continued instruction in the acquisition of rhetorical modes of development for the ESL writer. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10204 and special approval.
10211 Elementary ESL Speaking and Vocabulary II (4)
Course develops basic speaking and comprehension skills and builds vocabulary for survival purposes. An integrated skills course with an emphasis on speaking and vocabulary development in various situations and contexts. Prerequisite: special approval.
10212 Intermediate ESL Speaking and Vocabulary I (4)
Based on an integrated skills approach, this course moves students’ language use beyond survival English to levels of sustained conversation in a variety of contexts. Prerequisite: appropriate placement test score or ENG 10211 with minimum C (2.0) grade.
10213 Intermediate ESL Speaking and Vocabulary II (4)
Based on an integrated-skills approach, this course features communicative activities with complex language structures and introduces abstract vocabulary. Other language skills support the development of speaking and vocabulary skills. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10212 and special approval.
10214 Advanced ESL Speaking and Vocabulary I (3)
While all skills are integrated into this course, it focuses on building skills for sustained discourse in complex topics, issues and concepts. Emphasis is on vocabulary and speaking skills, planning events, presentations and discussions. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10213 and special approval.
10215 Advanced ESL Speaking and Vocabulary II (3)
Course develops advanced speaking skills to engage students in complex communicative activities, both real and simulated, with an emphasis on language for academic and professional use. Continues to develop sophisticated vocabulary. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10214 and special approval.
10216 Advanced ESL Speaking and Vocabulary III (2)
Course strengthens existing high levels of oral language skills for consistent and sustained use in professional and academic settings and various other contexts. Prerequisite: special approval.
10221 Elementary ESL Reading II (3)
An introduction to reading strategies and skills needed when encountering authentic reading materials. Taught as an integrated skills approach course emphasizing engagement in contextualized and communicative activities. Prerequisite: special approval.
10222 Intermediate ESL Reading I (3)
Develops intermediate reading strategies and skills needed when encountering authentic reading materials. Taught as an integrated skills approach course emphasizing engagement in contextualized and communicative activities. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10221 and special approval.
10223 Intermediate ESL Reading II (3)
Continued development of and practice in intermediate reading strategies and skills using a variety of cultural materials. Instruction emphasizes integrated skills approach and involvement in communicative activities. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10222 and special approval.
10224 Advanced ESL Reading I (3)
Builds low-advanced reading strategies and skills using a variety of text types. This course features an integrated skills approach and engages students in a number of communicative activities. Prerequisite: special approval.
10225 Advanced ESL Reading II (3)
Further advances reading strategies and skills necessary for understanding academic texts. This course features an integrated skills approach and focuses on contextualized and communicative activities. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10224 and special approval.
10231 Elementary ESL Listening II (1)
Examination of and practice in basic listening strategies. Practice listening to typical speech, short texts and dialog. Practice, relate and apply strategies to life on campus. Prerequisite: special approval.
10232 Intermediate ESL Listening I (1)
Practice in listening strategies for intermediate-level students. Practice, apply and relate listening skills to life at an American university. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10231 and special approval.
10233 Intermediate ESL Listening II (3)
Continued practice of intermediate-level listening strategies. Includes practice in listening to colloquial English, longer dialogs and authentic texts for main ideas and specific details, and compensating for listening difficulties. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10232 and special approval.
10234 Advanced ESL Listening I (2)
Examination and practice in listening strategies for low-advanced students. Includes practice in listening to authentic texts, including TV, radio, news and university lectures. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10233 and special approval.
10235 Advanced ESL Listening II (2)
Practice with listening strategies for advanced students. Includes practice in listening to authentic English texts, understanding schemata, using top-down and bottom-up strategies, TV news, notetaking skills and university lectures. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10234 and special approval.
10241 Elementary ESL Grammar II (3)
An introductory-level course on basic grammar. Introduces fundamental rules of usage, parts of speech, sentence structure, questions, short answers, negations and functions of simple and continuous verb tenses. Prerequisite: special approval.
10242 Intermediate ESL Grammar I (3)
A low- to intermediate-level course on grammar which includes an examination of form and function, an expansion on verb tenses and an introduction to modals, passive voice and reported speech. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10241 and special approval.
10243 Intermediate ESL Grammar II (3)
An intermediate-level course with a contextual approach to English grammar to develop students’ knowledge of syntactic structures, verb tenses, modifier form and function, nouns and dependent clauses. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10242 and special approval.
10244 Advanced ESL Grammar I (3)
Contributes to building academic language skills, this course reviews verbal aspect, tense, modality, sentence patterns, the passive voice, reported speech, forms expressing contrast, cause and effect and conditional and introduces verbal forms. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10243 and special approval.
10245 Advanced ESL Grammar II (3)
Continued development of skills necessary for academic performance. Identifying, analyzing and paraphrasing of structures occurring in academic settings, including verb types and sentence patterns, clause reduction, cause and effect and conditional. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10244 and special approval.
10250 ESL Pronunciation (1)
Based on a diagnostic test, course focuses on stress, intonation, weak/strong forms and adequate pronunciation of sounds for effective meaning transfer and comprehension. Prerequisite: none.
10261 ESL: Introduction to American Literature I (3)
Develops an understanding of a variety of American literary forms, including oral tradition, fables, myths, folk tales and their types, songs and films. Explores the cultural diversity of North America through the stories of its people. Prerequisite: special approval.
10262 ESL: Introduction to American Literature II (3)
Utilizes short stories, plays and poems as textual sources to build toward a critical understanding of literary genres within the ethnically diverse nature of American literature. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10261 and special approval.
10263 ESL: Introduction to Children’s Literature (3)
An introductory survey of classic and contemporary children’s literature, pre-K through 7. Provides an analysis of various genres. Includes a crosscultural overview of the history, development and criticism of children’s literature. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10262 and special approval.
10264 ESL: Introduction to Adolescent Literature (3)
An introductory survey of classic and contemporary adolescent and young adult literature (grades 7-12). Provides an overview of genre. Addresses developmental stages of young adulthood as a guideline for working with learners across cultures. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10262 and special approval.
10266 ESL: Introduction to the Culture of North America (3)
A content-based course which examines core American values and beliefs. Introduces topics such as family, education, religion, government, violence and diversity. Prerequisite: special approval.
10267 ESL: American Institutions (3)
Course emphasizes core American values and beliefs. Includes topics such as family, education, religion, government, violence, diversity. Discusses concepts of cultural norms, amalgamation, assimilation, pluralism and ethnocentrism. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10266 and special approval.
10268 ESL: Images and Icons in TV, Film and Technology (3)
Explores values and traditions of American culture as revealed in TV programs, films and TV and print-based advertisements. Contributes to increased comprehension of cultural attitudes toward marriage and family, work roles and diversity. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 10266 and special approval.
10274 ESL: Language Skills for TOEFL I (3)
Focusing on the development of lexico-grammatical knowledge as well as listening and reading skills, this course is designed to help students prepare for the TOEFL test and succeed in academic settings. Prerequisite: special approval.
10275 ESL: Language Skills for TOEFL II (3)
Continued development of lexico-grammatical knowledge (including idiomatic language) as well as listening and reading skills. Designed to further prepare students for the TOEFL and succeed in academic settings. Prerequisite: special approval.
10284 ESL Technical Writing (3)
Introduces principles of technical writing appropriate to professional communication. Provides practice in the production and evaluation of technical documents, including research reports, proposals and instruction manuals. Prerequisite: special approval.
10285 ESL Business English (3)
Instruction in principles of effective business communication and practical application of those principles in writing letters, memos, e-mail and reports. Prerequisite: special approval.
10290 ESL University Orientation (1)
Assist ESL students in making the transition to the university, familiarizing students with campus life, refining language and study skills, exploration of relevancy of such skills in various majors. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
10295 Special Topics in ESL (3)*
Special topics in content-based teaching of English as a second language. Prerequisite: special approval.
11001 Introduction to College Writing—Stretch (3)
Introduces the instruction and experiences necessary for students to acquire college-level literacy, with an emphasis on reading and writing college-level texts. Prerequisite: ACT score 1-16; or SAT score 200-600; or Compass writing score of 0-52.
11002 College Writing I—Stretch (3)
Continues the instruction and practice necessary to write for college, with emphasis on reading, thinking, writing and technological skills necessary for writing college-level texts. Prerequisite: grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 11001. Completion of this course is the same as ENG 11011. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
11011 College Writing I (3)
The study and practice of academic writing, including an introduction to rhetorical principles, the writing process, critical reading, research and technology. Prerequisite: ACT score 17-25; or SAT score 430-590; or Compass writing score 53-94. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
20002 Introduction to Technical Writing (3)
Introduction to communication practices within technical communities. Planning, drafting, revising and editing. Process descriptions, object descriptions, instructional texts, technical correspondence, problem reports, critical reflection. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
20021 Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
Practice in various forms of creative writing with some emphasis on student interests and on sources of creativity. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
21001 Introduction to Ethnic Literature of the United States (3)
Study of selected ethnic American writers; may include works by African, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Native Americans and other groups. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or 11002 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
21002 Introduction to Women’s Literature (3)
Introduction to works by women writing in English, and to literary and gender issues they raise. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or 11002 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
21003 Introduction to LGBT Literature (3)
Introduction to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered literature in English and to issues of gender, sexuality and culture raised by this literature. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
21011 College Writing II (3)
Continuation of college-level writing instruction with emphasis on research and inquiry, culminating in a lengthy written and/or multi-modal project. Prerequisites: ENG 11011 or 11002 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
21054 Introduction to Shakespeare (3)
Study of representative plays and poems in the context of Shakespeare’s age, his language and his cultural influence. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
22071 Great Books I (3)
Great works of world literature read in English from ancient world to 1700, covering a wide range of ethnic and national voices, genres and traditions. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
22072 Great Books II (3)
Great works of world literature read in English from 1700 to today, covering a wide range of ethnic and national voices, genres and traditions. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
22073 Major Modern Writers: British and United States (3)
Introduction to British and United States writers of the 20th century; study of their works in their literary and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
25001 Literature in English I (3)
British literature or combination of British and U.S. literature written before 1800 studied within a broad historical context. Comprehensive introduction to knowledge and skills that serve as a foundation for further study in literature. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
25002 Literature in English II (3)
British literature written since 1800 studied within a broad historical context. Comprehensive introduction to knowledge and skills that serve as a foundation for further study in literature. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
25004 Literature in the United States I (3)
U.S. literature from the colonial period until 1865 studied within a broad historical context. Comprehensive introduction to knowledge and skills that serve as a foundation for further study in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
25005 Literature in the United States II (3)
U.S. literature from 1865 to the present studied within a broad historical context. Comprehensive introduction to knowledge and skills that serve as a foundation for further study in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
26001 Popular Forms of Literature (3)
Introduction to popular forms of literature such as the Western, the detective story, science fiction, fantasy, the war story and others. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
26095 Sophomore Special Topics (3)*
In-depth study of a particular writer, theme or literary movement, such as literature and film, gothic novels. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
30001 English Studies (3)
Writing about and reading in a variety of texts and critical modes as an introduction to critical thinking and writing. Emphasis on the application of principles and methods of literary study to selected texts. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 and sophomore standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30062 Principles of Technical Writing (3)
Introduces theoretical principles of technical communication. Extensive practice in the use, evaluation and production of complex technical documents, including research reports/research proposals. Emphasis on oral, written and electronic communication. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297 and junior standing.
30063 Business and Professional Writing (3)
Analysis of how textual genre function in business and professional settings. Students gain extensive individual and collaborative practice writing in these genres. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297 with minimum C (2.0) grade and junior standing.
30064 Argumentative Prose Writing (3)
Practice in writing argumentative essays, with emphasis on discussion of student work. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
30065 Expository Prose Writing (3)
Practice in prose composition with emphasis on exposition and discussion of student work. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297
30066 Writing in the Public Domain (3)
Writing course focusing on a multimodal service-learning project collaborating with peer and community partners in an online, hybrid or face-to-face delivery system. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 10002 or ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
30067 Fiction Writing I (3)
Instruction and practice in writing fiction with specific models and discussions of student work on a weekly basis. Prerequisite: ENG 20021.
30068 Fiction Writing II (3)
Continued instruction and practice in writing of fiction with specific models and discussion of student work on a weekly basis. Prerequisite: ENG 30067.
30069 Poetry Writing I (3)
Instruction in and practice of writing poetry with specific models and discussion of student work on a weekly basis. Prerequisite: ENG 20021.
30070 Poetry Writing II (3)
Continued practice in writing of poetry with specific models and discussion of student work on a weekly basis. Prerequisite: ENG 30069.
30095 Junior Special Topics (3)
An opportunity to focus on important issues in literature, writing, criticism or cultural studies. Prerequisite: junior standing.
31001 Fundamental English Grammar (3)
Study of grammatical structures and matters of usage and style in edited U.S. English. Prerequisite: none.
31002 History of the English Language (3)
Study of the development of the English language from the Indo-European period to the present. Prerequisite: none.
31003 Linguistics (3)
Survey of language study including linguistic tools of analysis such as phonetics, morphology and syntax, and selected topics in applied linguistics. Prerequisite: none.
31004 Lexicology/Lexicography (3)
In-depth study of the lexicon in language use and the reasons for its expansion and continuous change. Study of tools in lexicography and analysis of the role of lexicography in language education. Prerequisite: ENG 31003
31005 Child Second Language Acquisition (3)
Explores theory, research and teaching/learning applications of second language acquisition in children. Prerequisite: none.
31006 World Englishes (3)
Explores English varieties in the context of world languages, examining language politics with a focus on first/second language education and literacy in an electronic age. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
31007 TESL Pedagogy I (3)
Theoretical bases, approaches, techniques of second language pedagogy at the elementary and secondary levels. Inquiry into ESL methods, materials and lesson-planning. Prerequisite: none.
31008 Grammar for Teaching English as a Second Language/Teaching English as a Foreign Language (3)
Introduces students to grammars of spoken and written English and pedagogical grammar. Topics include parts of speech, tense and aspect, clause and phrase types, grammar in genre and pedagogical applications relevant to the English as a second/foreign language profession. Prerequisite: none.
31095 Special Topics in Linguistics (3)
Study of specific topics in linguistics such as sociolinguistics, phonetics and phonology or bi- and multilingualism. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
32001 Children’s Literature (3)
Survey of children’s literature from Mother Goose rhymes and picture books through modern realistic fiction. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
32002 Literature for Young Adults (3)
Study of literature appropriate to young adults. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- (1.7) in ENG 11011 or 11002 or 21011 or HONR 10197 or ACT combined English/Writing score of 26 or higher or SAT Writing score of 600 or higher.
33001 U.S. Literature to 1865 (3)
U.S. literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from the Colonial period through the Civil War. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
33002 U.S. Literature from 1865 to 1945 (3)
U.S. literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from the close of the Civil War through World War II. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
33003 U.S. Literature from 1945 to Present (3)
U.S. literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from the close of World War II to the present. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
33010 African-American Literature to 1900 (3)
(Cross-listed with PAS 32001)Study of African-American literature from its beginning to 1900, including such writers as Wheatley, J. Hammon, Terry, B. Hammon, Jones, Marrant, Allen, Hall, Delany, Harper, Stewart, Turner, Jacobs, Keckley, Brown, Wilson, Griggs, Chesnutt and Dunbar. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
33011 African-American Literature (3)
Studies in African-American literature, including such writers as Wheatley, Hammon, Douglass, Jacobs, L. Hughes, Toomer, Cullen, Hurston, Wright, Baldwin, Ellison, Baraka, Walker, Morrison, Brooks and Angelou. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
33012 Modern African-American Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with PAS 32002) Study of African-American literature from the early twentieth century to the present. The authors include Toomer, Hughes, Larsen, Wright, Baldwin, Hansberry, Jones, Lorde, Walker, Morrison, Mosley, Youngblood and Carter. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
33013 Pan-African Women's Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with PAS 37100) Introduces students to literary works by African and Caribbean women. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
33014 African-American Women's Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with PAS 37200) Introduces student to literary works by African-American women. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
33015 African Literatures (3)
(Cross-listed with PAS 32050) Examines works of major 20th-century African, African American and Caribbean writers and intellectuals. Authors include Niane, Achebe, Emecheta, Prince, Hurston, Hughes, Cesaire, Senghor, Soyinka and many others. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
34001 Medieval English Literature (3)
British literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from Anglo-Saxon and Middle English literature. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34002 British Literature, 1500-1660 (3)
British literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from Renaissance and Reformation literature through the English Civil War. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34003 British Literature, 1660-1800 (3)
British literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from Restoration, Augustan and early Romantic literature. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34004 British Literature, 1800-1900 (3)
British literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from Romantic and Victorian literature. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34005 British and Irish Literature, 1900-Present (3)
British and Irish literary themes, genres and authors studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from modern and postmodern literature. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34011 World Literature in English (3)
An examination of selected writings in English by postcolonial authors from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and other parts of the world. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34021 Women’s Literature (3)
Critical and theoretical consideration of gender issues concerning British and U.S. women writers studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
34031 Short Story (3)
Critical analysis of short stories written by important world authors. Selections include stories originally written in English and stories translated into English. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34055 Shakespeare (3)
Study of plays representing Shakespeare’s entire career, including Henry IV parts I and II, The Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, Hamlet, Othello and The Tempest. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002.
34065 Chaucer (3)
Close study of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, with some attention to courtly poems and/or selected lyrics. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
34095 Special Topics: Major Author Studies (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Intensive study of one or more authors from the English-speaking world. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
35101 Literature and Other Disciplines (3)
Study of literature in relation to, or from the standpoint of, another discipline such as psychoanalysis, psychology, religion, theology, music and painting. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
35201 The Bible As Literature (3)
Study of the Bible as a great book subject to literary criticism and as a main document of Western culture. Old and New Testaments read. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
35301 LGBT: Critical Perspectives (3)
Study of theory, language and other aspects of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered literature and culture. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
36001 Literary Criticism (3)
Examination of principal works and theories of major critics. Contemporary critical methodologies include reader response analysis, semiotics and cultural criticism. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
37001 Classical Rhetoric (3)
Ancient approaches to rhetoric studied in their historical and cultural contexts. Selections from Greek and Roman thinkers such as the Sophists, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002.
37101 Critical Rhetorical Studies of Texts in Context (3)
Students learn critical analytic methods and apply them to written texts, examining the rhetorical function of their linguistic elements and their relationship to rhetorical contexts. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002.
37201 Writing in Communities (3)
Examines writing practices in the workplace, family and local communities. Students read/write literary narrativism, read scholarship on community literacies and study/participate in specific writing communities. Prerequisite: ENG 30001; and ENG 25001 or 25002.
39095 Special Topics in Literary History (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected literary histories such as the travel narrative, the fairy tale, the detective story, and postcolonial literature. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
39195 Special Topics in Drama (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of slected topics, themes, or periods such as Gender Construction, Obsession, or Medieval Drama. Prerequisite: junior standing.
39295 Special Topics in Poetry (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in poetry such as poetic form, historical and cultural contexts, and artistic movements. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
39395 Special Topics in Fiction (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in fiction such as the autobiographical novel, the novella and the short story. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
39495 Special Topics in Comparative Literature (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in comparative literature such as movements and genres in world literature, the interrelationships of the arts. Prerequisites: ENG 30001 and 25001 or 25002.
39595 Special Topics in Literary Criticism (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in literary criticism such as reader response criticism, psychoanalytic methodologies or Marxist approaches. Prerequisites: ENG 30001 and ENG 25001 or 25002.
39695 Special Topics in Ethnic Literature of the United States (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in ethnic literature such as the literature of one ethnic group, race and ethnicity in U.S. culture. Prerequisites: ENG 30001 and 25001 or 25002.
39795 Special Topics in Women’s Literature (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in women’s literature organized around literary, historical and theoretical issues. Prerequisites: ENG 30001 and 25001 or 25002.
39895 Special Topics in Rhetoric, Composition and Writing (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in rhetoric, composition and writing such as historical and contemporary studies of political and professional discourse. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
39995 Special Topics Cultural Studies (3)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in cultural studies organized around a particular mode or methodology of cultural analysis. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
40010 Writing Portfolio (2)
Directed practice in constructing a portfolio of original writing, which may be creative, expository, technical or preprofessional in nature. Restricted to students in the writing minor. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and special approval.
41001 Sociolinguistics in Schooling (3)
Examines the interactions between society and language. Explores pedagogical implications of language variation. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41002 Computers in L2 Teaching (3)
Designed for teachers of language and culture, this course explores the availability of technology, its implementation in the classroom and its integration with second language skills. Prerequisite: none.
41008 TESL Pedagogy II (3)
In-depth analysis of theory and practice of second language pedagogy at the elementary and secondary levels. Special focus on literacy learning, language for specific purposes instruction and course design. This course may be taken in the same semester as ENG 41009 Student Teaching. Prerequisite: ITEC 19525 and EDPF 29525 and EDPF 29535. Corequisite: ENG 41009.
41009 Student Teaching (9)
Supervised practicum in the teaching of ESL, grades P-12. Prerequisite: admission to student teaching. Corequisite: ENG 41525.
41092 ESL/EFL Practicum I (3)
This course provides students practical teaching opportunities in teaching English as a second/foreign language. Prerequisite: none.
41093 Variable Title Workshop in English (1-6)
An opportunity to focus on concerns of the discipline and on new developments in writing, criticism, literature and career opportunities. S/U grading. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Open to advanced undergraduate students in English. Only 3 credit hours of individual investigation count toward the English major. Prerequisites: special approval of instructor and department and junior standing.
41192 ESL/EFL Practicum II (3)
This course provides students seeking educational licensure opportunities in teaching English as a second/foreign language. Prerequisite: none
41292 Teaching English as a Foreign Language Practicum (3 or 6)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Students observe, participate and teach in a number of school contexts in Dresden, Germany from primary to secondary, community education, and/or higher education. Expands TESL pedagogy by giving students authentic practice in the foreign language context. Prerequisites: none.
41525 Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Preparation for student teaching of ESL, grades K-12. Prerequisite: admission to student teaching. Corequisite: ENG 41009.
46201 Nineteenth-Century European Literature (3)
Major European writers of the 19th century; romanticism, realism, naturalism, symbolism and related movements. Prerequisite: junior standing.
46203 Twentieth-Century European Literature (3)
Major European writers of the 20th century; modernism, postmodernism and related movements. Prerequisite: junior standing.
49091 Senior Seminar (3)
Intensive study of a special topic in English studies. Students will complete a long writing project during the semester. Enrollment limited to English majors. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
49095 Senior Special Topics (3)
Intensive study of topics that will vary each semester. Prerequisites: ENG 30001; and 25001 or 25002.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.