Electrical/Electronic and Related Engineering Technologies (EERT)**
Electrical/Electronic and Related Engineering Technologies (EERT)**
12000 Electric Circuits I (4)
Direct current circuit analysis involving current and voltage, resistance, energy and power, Ohm’s law, series and parallel networks. Mesh and nodal analysis, network theorems and DC instruments. Corequisite: MATH 11009.
12001 Electric Circuits II (3)
Analysis of capacitive, inductance and magnetic circuits and transients in R-L-C combinations. AC network analysis: mesh and nodal, phasor algebra, power factor, resonance. Prerequisite: EERT 12000.Corequisite: MATH 11012 or 19002.
12005 Electrical/Electronic Drawing (2)
Electrical/electronic drawing techniques using computer-aided design emphasizing schematic, block and wiring diagrams. Either printed circuit or power layout is covered as needed. Prerequisite: none.
12010 Introduction to Electronics (4)
Semiconductor theory. Properties and applications of PN junctions and bipolar junction transistors, amplifiers, field effect transistors (FET) amplifiers, JFET and MOSFET biasing and their use in simple circuits. Prerequisite: EERT 12000.
21010 Engineering and Professional Ethics (3)
Application of codes of ethics in the engineering and technology profession reflective of social and moral responsibilities to the public and accountability in engineering practice. Prerequisite: none.
21096 Individual Investigation in Electrical/Engineering Technology (1-4)*
Independent, in-depth research of an electrical/electronic engineering technology topic supervised and coordinated by an engineering technology faculty member. Prerequisite: special approval.
22000 Electricity/Electronics with Applications (3)
Basic electronics theory and fundamental concepts of electrical/electronic and digital circuits with applications in the various fields of engineering. Prerequisite: none.
22001 Power Systems (3)
Practical study of power distribution from generator to user. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
22002 Industrial Controls (3)
Introduction to control of AC and DC machinery by electromechanical and solid state devices. Study of circuits, troubleshooting methods and logic systems. Prerequisites: EERT 12010 or 22000 and special approval.
22003 Technical Computing (3)
An introduction to digital computer systems, flowchart techniques, programming using a scientific high-level language with applications. Number system conversions, binary codes, error detection and correction. Boolean algebra. Corequisite: MATH 11009 or 19001.
22004 Digital Systems (3)
Modern integrated digital logic families. Analysis and design of digital circuits such as gates, multivibrators, comparators, counters including interface, control memory and computer circuits. Programmable logic controllers. Prerequisite: EERT 22003.
22005 Instrumentation (3)
Introduction to modern instrument techniques, includes signal to noise enhancement, active filters, phase locked loops, lock-in-amplifiers, box car integraters, averages and correlator. Prerequisite: EERT 12010.
22006 Electrical Machines (3)
Introduction to transformer action, losses and efficiency. Fundamentals of DC and AC motors and generators and three phase systems. Prerequisite: EERT 12001.
22007 Industrial Motor Control and Application (3)
Application and use of DC, single and polyphase electric motors and industrial control systems. Construction, troubleshooting and operation of starting systems is emphasized. Prerequisite: EERT 22000.
22011 Electronic Systems (2)
Continuation of EERT 12010. Frequency effects, Miller’s Theorem, decibel notation and negative feedback, Oscillators, Op-amps, circuits and applications, Thyristors and Electronically regulated power supplies. Prerequisite: EERT 12010.
22013 Industrial Electronics (3)
Solid state devices used in industry, emphasizing thyristors, thyratrons, relaxation oscillators, timing circuits, solid state switches and power supply regulation. Prerequisite: EERT 12010 or 22002 .
22014 Microprocessors and Robotics (4)
An introduction to microprocessor system fundamentals, software and hardware, architecture and instruction set, with applications to robot systems motor control, speech and sensor programming. Prerequisite: EERT 22003 or 22004.
22015 Robotics and Advanced Microsystems (3)
An advanced course in microprocessor software and hardware. Input/output devices and interfacing with applications to robotics. Troubleshooting and design of microprocessor controlled systems. Prerequisite: EERT 22014.
22016 Productivity Software for Industry (1)
A lab course introducing students to the use of computers for word processing, spreadsheets and database management applications. Students will receive hands-on training on the use of the software applicable to engineering problems using hands-on workshop formats. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
22017 Applied Engineering Software (3)
A course on the use of the computer as a problem-solving tool for applications in engineering and manufacturing. Emphasis is on the use of productivity software training on the use of the software applicable to engineering problems using hands-on workshop formats. Prerequisite: EERT 22003.
22018 PC/Network Engineering and Troubleshooting (3)
A course covering the service, maintenance, upgrade and optimization of personal computers. Specification, installation and maintenance of local area networks will be covered. Students will learn communication protocols and network architecture. Two lectures and two labs. Prerequisite: EERT 22014.
22020 Telecommunications Systems I (3)
Television communications circuits and systems including basic systems, scanning systems, video amplification and processing, color television systems and receivers. Prerequisite: none.
22095 Special Topics (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics in electrical/electronic engineering technology. Prerequisite: special approval.
23000 Sensors (2)
A study of sensors, transducers, relays, solenoids, servomotors, actuators, lasers, LEDs, photonic and temperature sensors and electronic devices in electromechanical control. Prerequisite: sophomore.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at the Regional Campuses.