Dance (DAN)
Dance (DAN)
17001 Studio Modern I (1)
Practice of basic modern dance technique. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: none.
17002 Studio Modern Dance II (1)
Exploration of modern dance technique foundations and improvisation with emphasis on the movement and performing qualities of modern dance. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: DAN 17001.
17004 Studio Jazz I (1)
Practice of basic jazz techniques. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: none.
17005 Studio Jazz II (1)
Continuation of jazz dance technique foundations with emphasis on more advanced dance combinations. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: DAN 17004.
17007 Studio Tap I (1)
Basic tap steps and combinations with varying sound intensities and rhythms. Open to all university- students. Prerequisite: none.
17008 Studio Tap II (1)
Continuation of tap dance technique foundations with emphasis on more advanced dance combinations. Prerequisite: DAN 17007.
17009 Studio Tap III (1)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Advanced tap dance techniques with emphasis on clarity, speed and performance skills. Prerequisite: DAN 17008.
17010 Studio Ballet I (1)
Introduction to the foundations of ballet placement, vocabulary and movement for the beginner. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: none.
17011 Studio Ballet II (1)
Continuation of ballet technique foundations with emphasis on more advanced dance combinations. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: DAN 17010.
17013 Studio African Dance I (1)
Designed to acquaint students with basic elements of African dance. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: none.
17014 Studio African Dance II (1)
Continued development of African movement styles and rhythms. Open to all university students. Prerequisite: DAN 17013.
17016 Studio Swing Dance I (1)*
(Repeatable to 2 credit hours) Practice of basic swing dance movements with emphasis on social partnering skills. Open to all students. Prerequisite: none.
17049 Fundamentals of Ballet and Modern Dance (2)
Introduction to intensive exploration of ballet and modern dance technique for non-majors with special emphasis on alignment, body awareness and movement vocabulary. Prerequisites: DAN 17001 and 17010.
17050 Introduction to Dance (1)
Overview of modern dance as a performing art. Specifically, focusing on preparation, basic knowledge and career choices. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
17051 Modern Dance Technique I-A (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours) Development of skill acquisition in basic technique, understanding and appreciation for the creative nature of dance through exposure to improvisational experiences. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
17052 Ballet I-A (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Ballet techniques: Pre-barre, beginning barre and beginning center work. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
17053 Principles of Dance Mechanics I (2)
The study and application of alignment and basic movement principles to dance techniques. To be taken with DAN 17051 or 17052. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and special approval. Corequisites: DAN 17051 or 17052.
17151 Modern Dance Technique I-B (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours) Continued exploration of basic modern dance technique and improvisation begun in DAN 17051 or equivalent. Continued study of dance innovators and their historical significance. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and DAN 17051 and special approval.
17152 Ballet I-B (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Continuation of ballet techniques studied in DAN 17052 - Ballet I-A. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and DAN 17052 and special approval.
27057 Dance for Children (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 hours) The theory and practice of children’s dance in the preschool, elementary/middle schools, private studio and recreation settings. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) or early childhood education (ECED) major and special approval.
27070 Introduction to Jazz Styles A (2)
Development of basic jazz dance skills. Students must be at 20000-level technique in modern or ballet. Prerequisite: DAN 27071 or 27072; and special approval.
27071 Modern Dance Technique II-A (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Intermediate modern dance styles emphasizing complex movement phrases. Prerequisite: DAN 17051 and special approval.
27072 Ballet II-A (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Intermediate ballet technique. Prerequisites: dance (DANC)major and DAN 17152 and special approval.
27074 Dance Composition I (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Movement exploration and improvisation, including developing the body as an instrument of expression. Prerequisite: DAN 17151 and special approval. Corequisite: DAN 27071.
27076 Dance as an Art Form (3)
Survey of the various types, styles and functions of dance with emphasis on understanding dance as an art form and an expression of culture. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
27170 Introduction to Jazz Styles B (2)
Continued development of basic jazz dance skills. Prerequisite: DAN 27070 and special approval.
27171 Modern Dance Technique II-B (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Continuation of intermediate-level dance styles with emphasis on complex movement phrases. Prerequisite: DAN 27071 and special approval.
27172 Ballet II-B (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 hours) Continuation of intermediate ballet technique. Prerequisite: DAN 27072.
27174 Dance Composition II: (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Basic
principles of dance composition with attention to design, thematic material, structure, form and small groups. Prerequisite: DAN 27074 and special approval.
37053 Principles of Dance Mechanics II (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 credit hours) Continuation of DAN 17053. Prerequisite: DAN 17053 and special approval.
37058 Methods and Materials of Dance (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Theory and practice of teaching dance technique from middle school to adults with an emphasis on modern dance. Prerequisite: DAN 27057 and special approval.
37067 Ballet III-A (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Advanced ballet technique. Prerequisite: DAN 27172 and special approval.
37068 Modern Dance Technique III-A (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 15 credit hours) Advanced modern dance technique. Prerequisite: DAN 27171 and special approval.
37070 Dance Composition III (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Development of individual movement style through improvisational studies and movement manipulation exercises of structure and form resulting in a substantial solo modern dance work. Prerequisite: DAN 27174 and special approval.
37071 Movement Notation (2)
Analyzing and recording human movement. The common aspects of movement in all forms of sports, dance and aquatics. Analysis and recording with the Labanotation System. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
37167 Ballet III-B (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Continuation of advanced ballet technique. Prerequisite: DAN 37067 and special approval.
37168 Modern Dance Technique III-B (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 15 credit hours) Continuation of advanced modern dance technique. Prerequisite: DAN 37068 and special approval.
37170 Dance Composition IV (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Exploration of advanced composition skills in preparation for the B.F.A. Senior Choreography Project and future choreographic endeavors. Prerequisite: DAN 27174 and special approval.
37192 Dance Practicum (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 4 credit hours) Practical experience in cocurriculum dance activities under faculty supervision. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
37271 Dance Ensemble (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 credit hours) Participation in rehearsal, preparation and performance of public dance concerts in an established dance ensemble. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
47054 Modern Dance Technique IV-A (3)
Advanced technique integrating previously learned modern dance techniques and developing advanced movement phrasing. Prerequisite: DAN 37168 and special approval.
47055 Ballet IV-A (2)
A continuation of DAN 37167 with increasing clarity and control of movements. Prerequisite: DAN 37167 and special approval.
47060 Professional Aspects in Dance (2)
(Repeatable for a total of 2 credit hours) Development of pragmatic skills for entrance into professional dance careers. Emphasis on résumé writing, preparation for auditions and economic survival. Prerequisite: DAN 27170 and special approval.
47063 Dance History I (3)
History of dance from antiquity to 1900. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
47070 Jazz Style-A (2)
Jazz style for students with advanced dance technique. Prerequisite: DAN 27170 and special approval.
47093 Variable Title Workshop in Dance (1-3)
Offered for specific professional needs. Emphasis on performance workshops. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
47095 Special Topics in Dance (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 24 credit hours) Offered when resources permit a topic different from existing courses. Topic to be announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major.
47154 Modern Dance Technique IV-B (3)
Continuation of advanced technique integrating previously learned modern dance techniques and developing advanced movement phrasing with special emphasis on performing quality and movement range. Prerequisite: DAN 47054 and special approval.
47155 Ballet IV-B (2)
A continuation of DAN 47055 with increasing clarity and dynamic expression. Prerequisite: DAN 47055 and special approval.
47156 Dance Production (3)
Study of elements involved in planning and implementing a concert. Experiential work in technical and management components. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
47163 Dance History II (3)
History of the development of concert and theatrical dance forms from 1900 to present day. Prerequisites: dance (DANC) major and DAN 47063 and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
47170 Jazz Style-B (2)
Continuation of DAN 47070. Prerequisite: DAN 47070 and special approval.
47174 Senior Choreography Project (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 2 credit hours) Creation of a modern dance work to be performed with full production values in an approved setting. Prerequisite: DAN 37170 and special approval.
47192 Internship in Dance (1)
(Repeatable up to 4 credit hours with different age and ability groups.) Supervised dance apprenticeship in an approved educational setting. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and special approval.
47193 Variable Title Workshop in Dance (1-3)
Selected topics of interest relating to dance. S/U grading. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
47196 Individual Investigation in Dance (1-3)
(Repeated registration not to exceed 6 credit hours) Individual projects for dance majors. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and special approval.
47525 Student Teaching in Dance (9)
(Repeatable for a total of 18 credit hours) This experience provides for a full semester of student teaching in the broadest range of multiage school settings. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: dance (DANC) major and admission to student teaching and DAN 47192 and special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.