Curriculum and Instruction (CI)
Curriculum and Instruction (CI)
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Curriculum and Instruction (1-5)
Variable topic workshop designed to respond to curriculum trends and issues, and specialized needs. S/U grading, IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
47095 Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction (1-5)
IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
47096 Individual Investigation in Curriculum and Instruction (1-5)
Prerequisite: special approval.
47195 Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction (1-5)
Student teaching. S/U grading, IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
47330 Reading and Writing in Adolescence/Adulthood (3)
Understanding of literacy learning in adolescence and adulthood (ages 12-21) with an emphasis on strategies for text learning, literacy in electronic environments and the teaching of students who struggle as readers and writers. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
47501 Teaching Mathematics in Early and Middle Grades (3)
Addresses pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching and learning of mathematics in grades K-9, based on the national content and process standards. Prerequisites: advanced standing and minimum C (2.0) grade in MATH 14001 or 14002. Special fee: $5/credit hour—subject to change.
47502 Science Teaching in Early and Middle Grades (3)
Addresses pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching and learning of science in grades K-9. In addition, students examine how to best align science practice to state and national science standards. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study. Course fee: $5/credit hour—subject to change.
47503 Teaching Social Studies in Early and Middle Grades (3)
Addresses pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching and learning of social studies in grades K-9, based on the national content and process standards. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
47504 Teaching Reading and Writing in Middle Grades (3)
Addresses pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching and learning of reading and writing in grades 4-9, based on the national content and process standards. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.