Counseling and Human Development Services (CHDS)
Counseling and Human Development Services (CHDS)
10001 Introduction to a Career in Teaching (2)
Students considering teaching as a career will explore all aspects of an educator’s role, will evaluate career and personal development as related to the education profession and will participate in observation experience. This course is a preprofessional experience coordinated by ACHVE department. Prerequisite: none.
10002 Introduction to Careers in Education, Health and Human Services (3)
Explores roles of educators and health and human service providers in community and school settings. Introduction to work of professionals in such areas as youth organizations; recreational, mental health and child and family services; museums and parks; and health and allied health agencies. Assessment of career interests is conducted. Prerequisite: none.
20092 Field Experience I: Middle Childhood (1)*
Course augments from an experiential perspective knowledge of early adolescence period of development. Placement in school settings (30 hours). S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Corequisite: HDFS 24013.
37700 Human Relations in a World of Diversity (3)
Emphasizes the study/practice of facilitative human relations in personal and work/career spheres. Topics include but not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, multiculturalism, conflict resolution, value clarification and family influence. Prerequisite: none.
37800 Small Group Process (2)
(Cross-listed with HED 34060) Students learn to understand the dynamics of problem-solving groups and how to become effective leaders and members. Topics include climate, goals, decision making, communication, leadership, membership. Experience-based learning combined with conceptualizing. Prerequisite: none.
37900 Applied Studies Cornerstone (3)
Cornerstone course for the major in applied studies instructs students about how the work role in industrial and information societies has evolved to its current organization. Explains how the boundaryless organization of work has transformed the meaning of jobs and careers for the 21st century. Students personalize the information by reflecting on the role of work in their own lives and then construct a meaningful plan for using the curriculum in applied career studies to explore and prepare for possible selves and preferred futures. Prerequisite: major in applied studies (APST) and special approval.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Counseling and Human Development Services (1-4)
(Repeated registration permissible) Topics of special interest to students who desire to increase their knowledge in counseling and related areas. Kent State faculty and experts from other institutions and agencies. Topics will be announced in the Schedule of Classes. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
41791 Seminar: Educational Studies and Helping Professions (3)
Directed discussion applying concepts from previous educational experiences to the internship work experience. Corequisite: CHDS 41892.
41892 Internship in Educational Studies and Helping Professions (10)
Placement in a worksite congruent with student’s career aspirations. Ten hours/week for 15 weeks for two semesters or 20 hours/week for 15 weeks, one semester for a total of 300 hours. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Corequisite: CHDS 41791. Prerequisite: senior standing.
44084 Behavioral Science in Health Professions (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Behavioral science perspective on individual and social issues affecting medical care delivery. Individually arranged. May include field projects, participation in health-related investigations and presentations and personal development programs. Prerequisite: special approval.
47900 Applied Studies Capstone Seminar (4)
Designed to help students articulate and integrate the ten competencies that are part of the bachelor’s degree in applied students. In part, an electronic portfolio will be used to help describe familiarity with competencies. Prerequisite: major in applied studies (APST) and special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.