Business Administration Interdisciplinary (BUS)
Business Administration Interdisciplinary (BUS)
10123 Exploring Business (3)
An introduction to the basic areas of business with an integrated perspective on how the various areas work together. Technological competencies and communicative skills will be developed. Team building opportunities will be announced. Prerequisite: none.
10195 Special Topics (1-3)*
Special topics course that is offered on a semester basis with different topics and different faculty. IP permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
20192 Internship in Business (1-3)*
Preparation of research report concurrent with on-the-job experience with cooperating business or other organization. Prerequisite: special approval.
20195 Special Topics (1-3)*
Special topics course that is offered on a semester basis with different topics and different faculty. IP permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
20293 Variable Title Workshop in Business (1-3)*
Variable topics. Prerequisite: none.
30195 Special Topics (1-3)
Special topics course that is offered on a semester basis with different topics and different faculty. IP permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
30234 International Business (3)
Learn how international business is affected by the forces of globalization: opportunities, threats and challenges that ensue from hypercompetition, and the institutional checks and balances necessary to prevent complexity deteriorating into chaos. Prerequisites: ACCT 23020 and ECON 22060 and 22061 and FIN 36053 and MKTG 25010.
40192 Internship in Business (1-3)
Preparation of research report concurrent with on-the-job experience with cooperating business or other organization. Prerequisite: special approval.
40195 Special Topics (1-3)
Special topics course that is offered on a semester basis with different topics and different faculty. IP permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation