Biotechnology (BTEC)
Biotechnology (BTEC)
10210 Introduction to Biotechnology (3)
Basic principles and applications of modern biotechnology, including recombinant DNA technology, microbial technology, fermentation, genetic engineering, plant and animal tissue culture and medical biotechnology. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: BSCI 10120.
40191 Seminar: Recent Developments in Biotechnology (1)
Recent developments in biotechnology explored through the presentation and discussion of research articles and reviews in the biotechnology literature. Prerequisites: BTEC 10210 and BSCI 30140 and 30171 and 30156 and CHEM 30284.
40192 Internship in Biotechnology (2-9)
Work experience in a biotechnology lab. Registration requires approval of program director and is dependent on availability of internship sites. Written report of activities required. S/U grading, IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: biotechnology (BTEC) major.
40196 Individual Investigation in Biotechnology (2-9)
Research experience in biotechnology. Registration requires approval of program director and research director. Written report required. S/U grading, IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: biotechnology (BTEC) major.
40210 Case Studies in Biotechnology (3)
Case studies used to explore biotechnology practice and the application of various technologies in industry and medicine. Emphasis placed on developing problem solving, information gathering, inductive reasoning and technical communication skills. Prerequisites: BTEC 10210 and BSCI 30140 and 30171 and 30156 and 40158 and CHEM 30284 and 40248.
40220 Bioinformatics (2)
Analysis of biological databases including nucleic acid and protein sequence searching, multiple sequence alignments, protein classification, phylogenetic analysis, comparative genomics, proteomics, protein structure analysis. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140 and 30171 and 30156 and 40158 and CHEM 30284 and 40248.