Biological Sciences (BSCI)
Biological Sciences (BSCI)
NOTE: Students planning on majoring or minoring in the biological sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Education, Health and Human Services must enroll in BSCI 10110 and 10120. Non-majors should enroll in BSCI 10001 and 10002 series OR in courses specifically designated in the students’ program of study. Some biological science courses (i.e. 10001, 10002, 20001, 20020, 20021, 20022, 30030, 30050 and 40020) are not accepted for credit in any biological sciences major or minor. Credit toward any biological sciences major or minor will not be permitted for a mixture of courses from the major series (10110 and 10120) and the nonmajor series (10001, 10002, 20001, 20002, 20020 and 20021). A total of not more than 6 hours of any combination of BSCI 40099, 40191, 40192, 40193 or 40196 may be used toward fulfillment of the elective options and of these no more than 4 hours may be S/U graded.
10001 Human Biology (3)
Study of the scientific method and life’s properties, emphasizing human biology. Topics include energy, genetics, reproduction, development, disease, nutrition and physical fitness in humans. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10002 Life on Planet Earth (3)
Explores the fascinating breadth of life on Earth, including the unique ecology and survival strategies of animals, plants and microbes in their natural habitats. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10003 Laboratory Experience in Biology (1)
Introductory college-level laboratory in biology for non-majors. Two hours of laboratory per week. Pre- or corequisite: BSCI 10001 or 10002. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER). Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
10010 Lake Erie Environmental Science (3)**
Principles and concepts of aquatic sciences and their relationship and application to marine business ventures in the Great Lakes region. Prerequisite: none.
10100 Anatomy for Veterinary Technicians (5)**
Compare/identify anatomy and basic physiological functions of domestic animals: skeletal, muscles, integumentary, special sense organs, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, mammary glands, endocrine, nerves, circulatory, immune. Four-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: none.
10110 Biological Diversity (4)
Considered first course in biology majors’ sequence. Examines the biodiversity of life from its origins to present-day microbes, plants and animals; their behavior, ecology and reproduction. Field trips. Prerequisite: none.
10120 Biological Foundations (4)
Considered second course in biology majors’ sequence. Examines organization of life from subcellular biochemistry and molecular biology to genetics, bioenergetics and system homeostasis. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Field trips. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
10195 Special Topics in Biology (1-3)*
(repeatable for a total of 99 hours) Selected subjects and/or themes in biology. Prerequisite: special approval.
11001 Anatomy for Physical and Occupational Therapy (5)**
This course covers the organization of the human body with emphasis on the structure and function of the neuro-musculo-skeletal systems. Prerequisite: none.
11010 Anatomy and Physiology I for Allied Health (3)
Anatomy and physiology to include organization of the human body, cells, tissues, organs and systems, integumentary, skeletal, muscular and respiratory systems and overview of the nervous and circulatory system. Prerequisite: special approval.
11020 Anatomy and Physiology II for Allied Health (3)
Anatomy and physiology of the circulatory, digestive, urinary, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. Prerequisite: BSCI 11010 and special approval.
16001 Horticultural Botany (3)**
To provide students with an understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology and growth characteristics of plants. Two-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly; offered only at the Geauga and Salem campuses. Prerequisite: none.
20001 Zoological Foundations of Medicine (4)
General zoology, including elements of human and mammalian physiology, anatomy and histology. Two-hour lecture and four-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: special approval (required of first-year students in Phase I of NEOUCOM’s combined B.S./M.D. program).
20020 Biological Structure and Function (5)
Basic design of human systems emphasizing the physiochemical and cellular bases of organ-system structure, function and development. Four-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
20021 Basic Microbiology (3)
Principles of microorganisms having a direct relationship on the health and well-being of man. Prerequisites: BSCI 20020; or BSCI 10100 and 10110.
20022 Basic Microbiology Laboratory (1)
Lab experience in microbiology. Three-hours of lab per week. Cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements for biology majors. Corequisite: BSCI 20021. Special fee: $12 flat fee—subject to change.
20195 Special Topics in Biology (1-3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 99 hours) Selected subjects and/or themes in biology. Prerequisite: special approval.
20196 Introduction to Individual Investigation (1-2)*
Introduction to research in the biological sciences under the direction of a BSCI faculty mentor. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 8 credit hours of BSCI courses with a minimum grade of C (2.0) in those courses. Departmental and faculty mentor approvals required.
26002 Ecological Principles of Pest Management (3)**
Basic principles of integrated pest management, pesticide application, pest identification and environmental effects. Offered only at the Salem campuses. Prerequisites: BSCI 16001.
26003 Plant Identification and Selection I (3)**
Identification and selection of horticulturally important plant species. Emphasis on woody species, shrubs and trees. Two-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Offered only at the Geauga and Salem campuses. Prerequisites: HORT 16001 and BSCI 16001.
26004 Plant Identification and Selection II (3)**
Identification and selection of horticulturally important plant species. Emphasis on herbaceous species, ground covers and vines. Two-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Offered only at the Geauga and Salem campuses. Prerequisites: BSCI 16001 and HORT 16001.
30005 Career Pathways in Biology (1)
Orients students toward various career pathways in the biological sciences. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
30030 Human Physiology (4)
Integrating mechanisms, pharmacological and pathological considerations for selected organ systems. Prerequisites: BSCI 20020; or 10110 and 10120; and 9 credit hours of chemistry (CHEM) courses.
30050 Human Genetics (3)
Modern concepts of genetics applicable to the human, including examination of genetically related diseases and their societal implications. Prerequisites: 8 credit hours of biology and 5 credit hours of chemistry.
30140 Cell Biology (4)
Investigation of the cell as the fundamental unit of life with an emphasis on the relationship between cellular structure and function. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
30156 Elements of Genetics (3)
Principles of organic mechanisms for expression and transmission of traits as studied in molecules, cells, organisms and populations. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
30171 General Microbiology (4)
Fundamental principles of microbiology and of organisms including their structure, physiology, genetics, pathogenicity, classification, mechanisms of cultivation and control. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
30267 Plant Physiology (4)
Survey of physiological and biochemical processes, their interactions and effect on plant growth and behavior. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063.
30274 Forestry (2)
Management of the forest resource within appropriate environmental constraints for sustained use relative to watershed protection, lumber production, recreation and wildlife. One-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
30275 Local Flora (4)
Identification and field study of local plants: native, naturalized and cultivated. Two-hour lecture and six-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
30277 Economic Botany (2)
Biology of plants important to man and their relation to climate and geography. Two-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
30360 General Ecology (4)
Principles of ecology based on field studies of local plant and animal communities. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and MATH 11011 and junior or senior standing.Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
30361 Biogeography (3)
Geographical distribution of biotic communities with special reference to North America and to their environmental control. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
30518 Vertebrate Anatomy (4)
Concepts and methods of functional morphology. Comparative study of vertebrate organs and systems: skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urogenital, nervous and endocrine. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: BSCI 10110 or 10120. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
30519 Vertebrate Embryology and Developmental Anatomy (4)
Gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis, organogenesis, normal/abnormal embryological development; emphasizing mammal; amphibian, bird illustrating general principles and concepts. Lab studies of frog, chick, pig developmental anatomy. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour lab. Prerequisites: BSCI 20001 or 30518; and 30140. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
30560 Invertebrate Zoology (4)
Survey of the animal kingdom emphasizing evolutionary developments. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
30580 Entomology (4)
Classification, biology and ecology of the principal groups of insects. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 10 credit hours of biology (BSCI) courses. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
30582 Ornithology (4)
Field study of natural history of local birds. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
40020 Biology of Aging (3)
Aging in cells, plants and animals, including man; maintaining human health during aging; current theories of aging. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 20020 and CHEM 10050 and 10052.
40099 Senior Honors Thesis (1-10)
Honors thesis research project completed during the senior year with BSCI faculty mentor and research committee. Maximum of 4 credit hours to count toward BSCI degrees as upper-division elective hours. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: departmental, faculty mentor and Honors College approval.
40142 Bioenergetics (3)
Lecture and discussion of respiration and photosynthesis, their origin, development and control in living systems. Concepts are introduced from fundamental principles. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140; and CHEM 20481 or 30481.
40143 Eukaryotic Cell Biology (3)
Current survey of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells, including recent advances in research technology. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140; and CHEM 20481 or 30481.
40158 Molecular Biology (3)
Molecular genetics, DNA and RNA structure, chromosomes, DNA replication, recombination, genetic transcription and translation, gene expression, current concepts and technologies. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140 and 30156.
40159 Molecular Biology Lab (2)
Experience in research methods for studying cellular and molecular processes in plant and animal systems. Lab meets six hours weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140; and BSCI 40143 or 40158; and CHEM 20481 or 30481; and CHEM 30475. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
40160 Marine Biology (3)
Natural history and ecology of marine organisms, with emphasis on life in coastal habitats. Lecture three hours. Prerequisite: BSCI 20560.
40163 Organic Evolution (3)
History of evolutionary theory, the evidences of evolution, the evolutionary forces and the products of these forces. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30156 and 4 hours of biology (BSCI) courses.
40164 Molecular Systematics and Phylogenetics (4)
Modern methods used in systematics, DNA sequencing, DNA fingerprinting, phylogenetic analysis and interpretation of character evolution. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: BSCI 40163.
40165 History of Biology (2)
Historical development of biology from antiquity to the present. Lecture two hours weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
40170 Stream Biology (3)
Identification, biology and ecology of stream-inhabiting organisms. Two-hour lecture, three-hour lab
oratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
40174 Immunology (3)
Survey of the mammalian host responses to self and nonself with emphasis on the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which innate and acquired immunity result. Experimental design and data analyses are related to current methodologies used to study immunology. Lectures three hours weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30171 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063.
40191 Senior Seminar (1)
A capstone seminar course to examine biological topics and scientific contributions across subdisciplines. Discussion of current problems in the biological sciences related to societal needs and concerns. Prerequisites: biology (BSCI) major and junior standing.
40192 Internship in Biological Sciences (3-12)
Work experience and training in the biological sciences under the supervision of appropriate personnel in a government agency, nonprofit organization, or business. Maximum of 4 credit hours to count toward BSCI degrees as upper-division elective hours. Prerequisites: 18 hours of biology (BSCI) and 2.75 minimum GPA in biology coursework and special approval.
40193 Variable Title Workshop in Biological Sciences (1-6)
Topics to be offered will meet specific needs in the biological sciences. S/U graded. Prerequisite: special approval.
40195 Special Topics in Biology (1-3)
IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 18 hours of biology (BSCI) coursework and special approval of instructor. Special course fees may be assessed.
40196 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Research study under the direction of a BSCI faculty mentor. May be repeated; however a maximum of 6 credit hours counts toward BSCI degrees as upper-division elective hours. Prerequisites: a minimum BSCI grade average of 2.75 and at least 18 credit hours of BSCI coursework. Departmental and faculty mentor approvals required.
40269 Biology of the Algae (4)
Morphology, ecology and systematics of freshwater and marine algae. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 10 credit hours biology (BSCI) coursework. Special fee: $28 flat fee—subject to change.
40272 Plant Anatomy (4)
Development and structure of cells, tissues and tissue systems of seed plants. Both vegetative and reproductive structures of angiosperms will be emphasized. Two-hour lecture and six-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
40275 Systematic Botany (4)
Biosystematics, angiosperm phylogeny, survey of some major families of dicotyledons. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120.
40277 Morphology of Lower Plants (4)
Nonvascular plants, emphasizing structure, reproduction, evolution, fossil history, economic, ecological and medical importance. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120. Special fee: $5 flat fee—subject to change.
40363 Microbial Ecology (3)
Microbial interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment; control of distribution and physiological activities; biochemical cycles; current techniques; emphasis on bacteria in aquatic systems. Pre/corequisites: BSCI 30171 and 30360.
40364 Limnology (4)
Field and lab study of the principles of aquatic ecology. Recitation one hour, lecture two hours, lab three hours weekly. Prerequisite: BSCI 30360. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
40367 Limnological Techniques (2)
Analysis and significance of ecologically important variables and constituents of surface waters. Lecture one hour, lab four hours weekly. Prerequisite: BSCI 40364.
40368 Wetland Ecology and Management (4)
Lecture, lab and field study of the principles of wetland ecology including adaptations of the biota to environmental conditions, comparison among different wetland habitat types and habitat management. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 10 hours of biology (BSCI) coursework. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
40369 Lake Management (3)
Lecture/discussion related to management of lakes and reservoirs, emphasizing eutrophication problems. Current literature and problem-solving techniques emphasized. Prerequisite: BSCI 40364.
40372 Populations, Communities and Ecosystems (4)
Integrated investigation of population, community and ecosystem ecology from historical and current perspectives. Community and ecosystem views of nutrient dynamics and biodiversity provide a framework for consideration of food web patterns, energy flow and ecosystem stability and function. Prerequisites: BSCI 30360 and 40163.
40374 Conservation Biology (4)
Provides a critical analysis of the factors that threaten biological diversity in the biosphere and the consequences on biological processes and quality of life. Prerequisite: BSCI 30360.
40430 Animal Physiology (3)
Physiologic principles and concepts. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 30140 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063.
40432 Endocrinology (3)
Principles of endocrine regulation of physiological and metabolic processes. Morphological and functional interrelationships between systems. Prerequisite: BSCI 40430.
40433 Mammalian Physiology I (3)
The internal environment, metabolism and energy balance, temperature regulation, nervous system and special senses. Corequisite: BSCI 40444. Prerequisites: BSCI 40430 and 9 credit hours mathematics (MATH) coursework or 20 credit hours chemistry (CHEM) coursework.
40434 Mammalian Physiology II (3)
Physiology of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and digestive systems. Corequisite: BSCI 40445. Prerequisites: BSCI 40430 and 9 credit hours mathematics (MATH) coursework or 20 credit hours chemistry (CHEM) coursework.
40435 Reproductive Physiology of Mammals (3)
Current concepts of reproductive processes based on studies with lab and domestic animals and man. Prerequisites: BSCI 40430 and 40432.
40439 Environmental Physiology (4)
Effects of heat, cold, oxygen, carbon dioxide, pressure, radiant energy, salt and water variations and other environmental factors on organisms. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063.
40444 Mammalian Physiology Laboratory I (1)
Lab experimentation emphasizing physiological principles covered in BSCI 40433. Corequisite: BSCI 40433. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
40445 Mammalian Physiology Laboratory II (1)
Lab experimentation emphasizing physiological principles covered in BSCI 40434. Four-hour lab weekly. Corequisite: BSCI 40434. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
40515 Animal Behavior (3)
Explores the evolution of various animal behaviors, the functions they might serve, and the interplay among the social, ecological and physiological mechanisms that regulate their occurrence. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120; and junior standing.
40517 Histology (3)
Study of the microscopic and submicroscopic structure of the mammalian body in relation to function. Two-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 30140 and 4 credit hours of biology (BSCI) coursework.
40525 Wildlife Resources (3)
Ecological parameters are discussed relative to the preservation and management of wild animal populations. Aesthetic, economic and environmental values are discussed. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 4 credit hours biology (BSCI) coursework.
40556 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
Field approach to identification and natural history of all Ohio vertebrates except birds. Three-hour lab and three hours field weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 4 credit hours biology (BSCI) coursework.
40581 Animal Parasitology (4)
Morphology, physiology, life-histories, systematics and economic importance of parasites. Lecture two hours, lab six hours weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and 10120 and 4 credit hours biology (BSCI) coursework.
40600 Writing in the Biological Sciences (1)
Writing-intensive course taken with a 3- or 4-credit-hour upper-division biology course. Prerequisites: biology (BSCI) major and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.