Business Management and Related Technologies (BMRT)**
Business Management and Related Technologies (BMRT)**
11000 Introduction to Business (3)
Overview of social, economic and consumer environments as related to large and small business. Emphasis is on production, marketing, finance, management and human resources. Prerequisites: US 10006 or Compass reading score minimum 86; and ENG 11001 or Compass writing score minimum 67.
11006 Business Computations I (3)
Application of algebraic and arithmetic concepts to accounting, finance and marketing. Computation of finance charges, taxes, fundamentals of inventory control and depreciation. Prerequisite: US 10006 or appropriate test score; and ENG 11001 or appropriate test score.
11009 Introduction to Management Technology (3)
Study of planning, organizing, directing/leadership, controlling, staffing, decision making and communication theories, and management applications of human and material resources and methods. Prerequisite: US 10006 or appropriate test score; and ENG 11001 or appropriate test score.
21000 Business Law and Ethics I (3)
Introduction to American law as related to government, business, society and the ethical issues that occur in the legal environment. Emphasis will focus on contract law. Relevant past and current law issues will be addressed. Prerequisite: US 10006 or appropriate test score; and ENG 11001 or appropriate test score.
21002 Business Law and Ethics II (3)
This course is a continuation of Business Law and Ethics I. Topics include commercial paper, insurance, real property, partnerships and corporations, security devices and bankruptcy. Prerequisite: BMRT 21000.
21004 Introduction to Business Statistics (3)
Basic decision-making statistics for business management. Emphasis is on probability theory, statistical inferences and decision making under uncertainty. Prerequisite: MATH 11011.
21005 Purchasing and Supply Management (3)
Practical approach to the material acquisition, management and supply chain function in the American business system. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 or special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21006 Human Resources Management (3)
The study of contemporary issues of human resources. Covers planning, job design, selection, appraisal, compensation, training, life quality, safety/ health, diversity and unions. Prerequisite: BMRT 11009 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21008 Case Studies in Management Technology (3)
Application of management theory to actual business situations. Emphasis on decision making and evaluation of methods and styles of management in all functional areas. Prerequisite: special approval of BMRT faculty only.
21009 Seminar in Management Technology (3)
Last-semester students of business management technology engage in critical reading, writing and discussion to apply business theory to on-the-job experiences. Prerequisite: BMRT 21008 or special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21011 Fundamentals of Financial Management (3)
Understanding basic financial reports for analysis and performance of a business. Preparation of sales forecasts to develop capital and expense budgets. Prerequisites: ACTT 11000 and COMT 11000, or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21020 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
Provides information about the functional elements of starting a small business. Includes the use of instruments, exercises and case analyses to assess entrepreneurial skills. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
21023 Financing the Business Venture (3)
Course deals with determining capital needs, identifying sources of capital, developing a financial plan and interpreting financial statements. Both public and private loan programs will be reviewed. Prerequisite: BMRT 21020 or special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21050 Fundamentals of Marketing Technology (3)
Study of the basic concepts and principles involved in marketing a product/service with an emphasis on the marketing mix variables: product, price, place and promotion. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 and ECON 22060.
21051 Fundamentals of Retailing (3)
A survey of retailing that emphasizes skills necessary for store organization, location, layout, pricing, merchandising and inventory control. New retail concepts are stressed. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21052 Professional Selling Techniques (3)
Study of personal selling as a promotional technique to determine and satisfy the needs of buyers and to build a long-term relationship among all parties. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 or special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21053 Advertising in Business (3)
A practical approach to the study of advertising. Emphasis is on the effective use of the media, creating advertising operations and advertising management. Prerequisite: BMRT 21050 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21054 Insurance Principles (2)
Introduction to the types of insurance, risk management and ethics of insurance. Other topics to be addressed are contract law and retirement planning. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21055 Retail Merchandising (3)
Principles and procedures of retail merchandising. Problem solving for merchandising and utilization of mathematical models. Procedures for planning and control of merchandise. Prerequisite: BMRT 21051 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21056 Principles of Visual Display (3)
Basic principles of visual display. Introduction to basic equipment used in display work. Window and interior displays in department and specialty stores. Prerequisite: BMRT 21051 or special approval of BMRT faculty.
21092 Internship in Management Technology (1-3)*
Students participate in a supervised educational experience. Each credit hour requires a minimum of seven hours work without pay or 10 hours work with pay per week for 15 weeks. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21095 Special Topics (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics in business technology announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
21096 Individual Investigation in Business Technology (1-3)*
Individual study in business and related fields. Open to business technology students only. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval of full-time BMRT faculty.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.