Arabic (ARAB)
Arabic (ARAB)
11101 Elementary Arabic I (5)
Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic and colloquial Arabic in the context of the cultures of Arabic speakers. Prerequisite: none.
11102 Elementary Arabic II (5)
Continuation of the introduction to Modern Standard Arabic and colloquial Arabic in the context of the cultures of Arabic speakers. Prerequisite: ARAB 11101.
21201 Intermediate Arabic I (5)
Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Arabic, using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: ARAB 11102.
21202 Intermediate Arabic II (5)
Continuation of ARAB 21201. Prerequisite: ARAB 21201.
30095 Special Topics in Arabic Language and Culture (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 hours) Special topics in Arabic civilization, culture or language. Prerequisite: none.
31301 Advanced Intermediate Arabic I (4)
Continuation of the study of Modern Standard Arabic and colloquial Arabic in the context of Arab cultures. Further development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: ARAB 21202.
31302 Advanced Intermediate Arabic II (4)
Continuation of ARAB 31301. Prerequisite: ARAB 31301.
41201 Advanced Arabic I (4)
Continuation of ARAB 31302. Emphasis is on building active vocabulary for comprehension, reading authentic texts, writing of connected discourse and the development of higher levels of conversational proficiency. Prerequisites: ARAB 31302 and special approval.
41202 Advanced Arabic II (4)
Continuation of ARAB 41201. Prerequisites: ARAB 41201 and special approval.
41301 Arabic Culture (3)
Survey of the Arab world covering its geographical, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity and the roots of its current socio-cultural context. Prerequisite: ARAB 31302.
41302 Business Arabic (3)
Study of the business protocol, language functions, texts and vocabulary associated with travel and business in the Arabic-speaking world. Prerequisite: ARAB 31302.