Anthropology (ANTH)
Anthropology (ANTH)
18210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
Exploration of human diversity through the analysis of world cultures. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
18420 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
Archaeology is the study of the human past using material remains. The themes of time, change and human diversity will be emphasized as students learn about ancient societies and how they teach us about ourselves. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
18630 Human Evolution (3)
Introduction to basic evolutionary theory with a focus on the emergence and progressive development of the human species during the last five million years. Includes related topics such as primate behavior and human variation. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
Students planning on majoring or minoring in anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences must enroll in ANTH 38630.
Students who are neither majoring nor minoring in anthropology should enroll in ANTH 18630.
18631 Issues in Human Evolution (1)
Laboratory study of primate and human anatomy; human paleontology; Mendelian, molecular and human genetics; and primate behavior, ecology and conservation. Pre/corequisite: ANTH 18630. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
38050 Theory in Cultural Anthropology (3)
Development of anthropological thought. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210.
38096 Individual Investigation in Anthropology (1-3)
Readings and/or research supervised by a member of the anthropology staff. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
38240 Culture and Personality (3)
Comparative cross-cultural socialization and personality development; group and national character; relationship of personality to politics, social and occupational roles. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210 or SOC 12050. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
38250 Religion: A Search for Meaning (3)
How human beings search for meanings in religious experience; the universality and cultural conditioning of this phenomenon. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210.
38292 Field Work in Cultural Anthropology (3)
Practical experience carrying out field research in cultural anthropology under the supervision of members of the anthropology faculty. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210 or SOC 12050.
38420 Prehistory: Urbanism (3)
Survey of evolution of urban society, emphasizing development of food production, village-farming community, and urban life in Old and New Worlds. Prerequisite: ANTH 18420.
38430 Lithics (3)
History of chipped-stone flint working and toolmaking is traced from man’s earliest beginnings through the spread of ground stone tools. These developments are examined chronologically, spatially and functionally. Prerequisite: ANTH 18420.
38480 Archaeological Analysis (3)
Methods necessary for the description and lab analysis of prehistoric remains. Course will include lab exercises as well as class lectures. Prerequisites: ANTH 18420. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
38490 Quantitative Anthropology (3)
Introduces the quantitative description of numerical data, provides an understanding of the basis of probability theory and statistical inference and acquaints the student with the role of computers in anthropology. Prerequisite: ANTH 18420 or 18630 or 38630.
38492 Field Work in Archaeology (3)
Field and lab techniques in archaeological research. Prerequisite: special approval.
38630 Principles of Biological Anthropology (3)
Review of fundamental subfields of modern biological anthropology, including human population genetics, primate paleontology, human evolution and modern human taxonomy and variation. Prerequisite: none.
38680 Primate Societies (3)
This course will be a survey of the behavior of living primates. Topics covered include reproductive and foraging strategies, social structure and primate conservation. Antecedent human behavior will also be considered. Prerequisite: ANTH 18630 or 38630.
48093 Variable Title Workshop in Anthropology (1-6)
Classroom discussions and field study activity focused on professional and disciplinary concerns. Specific content varies with workshop group. S/U grading. Prerequisites: special approval.
48095 Special Topics in Anthropology (3)
Offered irregularly when unusual resources and/or opportunities permit. Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210 or 18420.
48210 Culture and Communication (3)
Relationship between language and culture. Covers basic principles of formal linguistics and their use in anthropology; case studies from ethnography of speech. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210 or SOC 12050.
48212 Kinship and Social Organization (3)
This course employs cross-cultural approaches to the understanding of marriage, family organization, descent and kinship systems. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
48214 Politics of Culture (3)
This course will address the way in which culture has been politicized. It will look at issues such as cultural relativism and objectivity in anthropological studies with reference to specific peoples and geographic areas. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
48220 Cultural Ecology (3)
Analysis of the relationship between socio-cultural systems and the physical-biological environment. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210.
48225 Archaeology of Death (3)
From excavations of prehistoric burial mounds to studies of colonial gravestones, the archaeology of death has always occupied a prominent place in anthropological research. The course explores approaches to diverse meanings of life and death. Prerequisites: ANTH 18420.
48230 Socio-Cultural Change (3)
Analysis of institutional change where peoples of different cultures are in sustained contact. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210.
48240 The Symbolic Imperative (3)
Studies the problem of cultural meanings from the perspective of symbols: the objects, persons, relations and acts through which people communicate with each other and perceive order in their cultures. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210 or SOC 12050.
48250 Culture and Curing (3)
Examination of the relationship between cultural beliefs about the nature of reality and the essence of humanity, and the causation and alleviation of disease. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
48260 Culture Conflict (3)
Analyzes structured conflict situations between widely different cultures, both simple and complex, including intertribal conflict, colonial conflict and problems arising from contact between dominant and subdominant social systems. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
48270 Native Peoples of North America (3)
Comparative analysis of North American Indian peoples and cultures with special reference to linguistic groupings, cultural areas and contemporary issues. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210.
48291 Seminar in Revolution and Culture Change (3)
The seminar deals with the interrelationship between culture and revolution since antiquity. The main focus is on dramatic and abrupt culture change. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210.
48391 Seminar in History of Anthropology (3)
Seminar focusing on the development of anthropology within the intellectual and historical context from the height of the enlightenment to the close of World War II. Prerequisite: ANTH 18210.
48410 Stone Age Archaeology (3)
Survey of Old World cultural history, using archaeological data. Stresses the period of three million years ago to 10,000 years ago. Prerequisites: ANTH 18420 and junior standing.
48420 Archaeology of North America (3)
Survey of major North American and Mexican archaeological sequences with emphasis on interareal relationships. Prerequisites: ANTH 18420 and junior standing.
48425 Ancient Mesoamerica (3)
Comparative analysis of Mesoamerican societies from the arrival of the first Americans over 10,000 years ago to European colonization in the 16th century A.D.; including major pre-Columbian civilizations. Prerequisites: ANTH 18420.
48440 Archaeology of Ancient Ohio (3)
Cultural evolution and human-environmental relationships in the ancient Ohio region documenting an 11,000-year period from initial occupation to the beginning of European written history. Pre-
requisites: ANTH 18420.
48450 States and Empires (3)
This course presents a comparative analysis of both Old and New World case histories to explore definitions, causal explanations and organizational parameters associated with prehistoric state and empire-level societies. Prerequisite: ANTH 18420.
48630 Pacific Island Cultures (3)
Peoples and characteristics of culture areas of Pacific Islands, including Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia, with analysis of several representative cultures from these areas. Prerequisites: ANTH 18210. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
48692 Field Work in Biological Anthropology (3)
Can be applied to any bioanthropology field of study and off-campus activity, ranging from museum work to U.S. and international research projects. Prerequisite: special approval.
48810 Human Paleontology (3)
Study of primate fossils of the Miocene and Pliocene to include the origins of humans and their earliest ancestors. Prerequisite: ANTH 38630.
48820 Human Musculo-skeletal System (3)
A largely hands-on course introducing the study of human anatomy for students interested in biological anthropology and archaeology. Topics include skeletal and functional anatomy, biomechanics, and estimation of age and sex from isolated bones. Prerequisite: ANTH 38630.
48830 Human Behavioral Ecology and Evolution (3)
How “unique” is human behavior? Using an evolutionary perspective, we will explore the evolution of human mating systems and parental investment. Prerequisite: ANTH 18630 or 38630 or BSCI 30156. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
48835 Primate Ecology and Conservation (3)
Study of the geographic distribution and evolutionary ecology of prosimians, monkeys and apes and the human and climatic effects on their long-term survival. Prerequisite: ANTH 18630 or 38630 or 38680 or BSCI 10120.
48840 Natural Selection in Perspective (3)
The course provides an in-depth introduction into the theory of natural selection by reading both Darwin’s original work and recent interpretations. Prerequisite: ANTH 18630 or 38630 or BSCI 10120.