Women's Studies (WMST)
Women's Studies (WMST)
20095 Special Topics in Women’s Studies (1-5)*
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of particular contemporary figures, events and social practices or phenomenon as they relate to women’s studies. This includes women and war, women and work and women and interpersonal violence. Prerequisite: none.
20193 Variable Title Workshop in Women’s Studies (1-6)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Workshop focused on a specific topic within women’s studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
30000 Colloquium in Women’s Studies (3)
A critical investigation of the position and category of women from a cross-cultural, historical and interdisciplinary perspective, with special emphasis on major themes and issues in women’s studies. Issues including race, ethnicity and sexuality will be addressed. Prerequisite: junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
30001 Feminist Theory (3)
An examination of important historical and contemporary works of feminist theory and their influence on the development of feminist thought and practice in the U.S. and worldwide. Issues including race, ethnicity and sexuality will be addressed. Prerequisite: none.
30095 Special Topics in Women’s Studies II (1-5)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Study of selected topics in women’s studies organized around historical and theoretical issues and movements. This includes contemporary
feminist theory, suffragist movement and third wave feminism. Prerequisite: none.
30100 History of Women in the United States (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 31075)An exploration of the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural forces that have shaped women's lives, women's thought, perceptions of womanhood, and feminism from 1607 to the present in what is now the United States. Prerequisite: none.
30196 Women Studies Individual Investigation (1-3)
The design and completion of a scholarly research project related to women’s studies, and the presentation of findings at the end of the term. Typically a capstone course for those completing the women’s studies minor. Arrangements must be made in the semester prior to registration. Prerequisite: special approval.
40095 Special Topics in Women’s Studies III (1-5)
(Repeated registration permissible when topic varies) Informed study of critical issues in women’s studies from an international or global perspective. Prerequisite: WMST 30000 or 30001.
40193 Variable Title Workshop in Women’s Studies (1-6)
(Repeated registration permissible) Workshop focused on a specific topic within women’s studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
40992 Practicum in Women’s Studies (3)
An assignment at a private, public or nonprofit organization that centers on women’s issues, such as education, health and policy making. Arrangements must be made in the semester prior to registration. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.