Veterinary Technology (VTEC)**
Veterinary Technology (VTEC)**
10001 Introduction to Veterinary Technology (2)
Introduction to veterinary technician’s career: medical terminology, career choices, occupational safety, human-animal bond, pet loss, euthanasia, animal husbandry and basic nutrition, breed identification and basic animal behavior. Prerequisite: none.
10002 Veterinary Nursing I (3)
Introduction to animal nursing: record keeping, kennel sanitation, animal restraint, syringe and needle identification/handling, injection techniques, physical exams, grooming and administration of medications. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: veterinary technology (VTEC) major.
10204 Clinical Laboratory I (3)
Introduction to the clinical laboratory: equipment and equipment maintenance; hematology and serology; internal and external parasites. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: veterinary technology (VTEC) major.
10205 Veterinary Nursing II (3)
Clinical application off site. Emphasis on skills from VTEC 10002: physical exam, medications, blood vessel catheterization, venipuncture, fluid therapy, wound care, dental proplylaxis, first aid, bandaging and CPR. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10100; CHEM 10050; HED 14020; VTEC 10002 and 10204. Pre/corequisite: VTEC 10001.
10206 Pharmacology (2)
Regulations controlling the use of drugs and biologicals, classifications and mechanisms of action of pharmaceuticals, dosage calculations, labeling, packaging and dispensing of veterinary products. Two-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10100 and 10110; and CHEM 10052 and 10053; and HED 14020; and VTEC 10001 and 10002 and 10204. Pre/corequisite: VTEC 10205.
20008 Clinical Laboratory II (3)
Continuation and application of skills from VTEC 10204, including hematology, serology, urinalysis, cytology and other laboratory skills. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10100 and CHEM 10050 and HED 14020 and VTEC 10002 and 10204. Pre/corequisites: VTEC 10001 and 10205.
20009 Veterinary Nursing III (3)
Continuing nursing skills and techniques emphasizing large animal species: restraint, venipuncture, behavior, breeds, feedstuffs, food safety, medications, preventive care, surgical procedures and lameness. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10110 and CHEM 10052 and 10053; and VTEC 10001 and 10002 and 10204 and 10205 and 20008. Pre/corequisite: VTEC 10206.
20010 Imaging Techniques (3)
Principles and applications of the production of X-rays, processing, radiation safety, storage, patient positioning and other imaging techniques. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10100 and 10110; and CHEM 10052 and 10053; and VTEC 10001 and 10002 and 10204 and 10205 and 20008. Pre/corequisite: VTEC 10206.
20212 Surgery and Anesthesia (3)
Principles and applications of use of anesthetics, patient monitoring, presurgery preparation, post-surgical patient care, sterilization, surgical preparation and assisting and equipment maintenance. Two-hour lecture and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: BSCI 10100 and 10110; CHEM 10052 and 10053; and VTEC 10001 and 10002 and 10204 and 10205 and 20008. Pre/corequisite: VTEC 10206.
20213 Nutrition and Disease (2)
Principles of the disease process, disease control and prevention of common diseases of domestic animals. Nutrition principles, especially for clinical diseases, are covered. Prerequisites: BSCI 20021; VTEC 20009 and 20010 and 20212.
20214 Veterinary Nursing and Hospital Procedures (3)
Nursing procedures for laboratory and animal exotic procedures. Procedures by a veterinary technician in a hospital environment, including office and a computer application. One-hour lecture and six-hour laboratory weekly, including computer application. Prerequisites: BSCI 20021; and VTEC 20009 and 20010 and 20212.
20392 Practicum in Veterinary Hospital (5)
Students gain practical experience in a veterinary clinic or an approved clinical site to focus on mastering all clinical skills needed for this career. Prerequisites: BSCI 20021; and VTEC 20009 and 20010 and 20012. Corequisites: VTEC 20213 and 20214.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.