Visual Communication Design (VCD)
Visual Communication Design (VCD)
13000 Introduction to Visual Communication Design I (2)
Introduction to the design and illustration program in visual communication design as well as the design profession. Focus on historical overview, industry standards, job opportunities, creative design process and skills needed to succeed. Prerequisites:photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major.
13001 Introduction to Visual Communication Design II (3)
Introduction to basic design processes using research, writing, conceptual problem-solving and format organization of two-dimensional space utilizing type and imagery. Prerequisites: VCD 13000. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
17000 Color: Theory and and Application (3)
Color and its interaction through a series of nonapplied (abstract) exercises. Prerequisite: none.
20000 Basic Computer Graphic Design and Illustration (3)
Introduction of basic operating system of Macintosh hardware and major design software for creation of layouts, vector and raster graphics. Explore production and peripheral equipment including scanners and printers. Prerequisite: none.
20001 Sophomore Entrance Examination/Portfolio Review-Photo Illustration (1)
VCD faculty review student portfolios of work from prerequisite and corequisite courses. A diagnostic examination to evaluate technical proficiency and formal organizational ability also is included in this review. Prerequisites: VCD 28002 and photo illustration (PHOI) major. Corequisites: VCD 20010 and 38003.
20003 Intermediate Computer Graphic Design and Illustration—Various Software Programs (3)
A technical, studio course designed to teach the fundamentals of Web design in GoLive and Flash. Material is presented throughout a series of demos, exercises and projects. Prerequisites: VCD 20000. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
20006 Kinetic and Sequential Graphic Design (3)
A technical, studio course designed to teach the fundamentals of newly emerging technologies including Web design in the visual communication design profession. Material will be presented through series of demos and hands-on exercises. Prerequisite: VCD 20003 and visual communication design (VCD) major.
20009 Sophomore Entrance Examination/Portfolio Review (1)
Visual communication design faculty review a portfolio of work from prerequisite courses and administer diagnostic examinations of technical and drawing skills and formal organizational ability. S/U grading. Prerequisites: VCD 13000 and 13001 and 28000 and 28002 and 38003 (for PHOI majors); or VCD 13001 and 22000 and 22001 and 23001 and 23002 (for VCD majors); and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication (VCD) major. Special fee: $5 flat fee—subject to change.
20010 Introduction to Design Research (3)
Introduction to research methods used in the professional practice of visual communication design. Students are exposed to strategies, tactics and frameworks used in the creation of design artifacts. Prerequisite: VCD 23001 and visual communication design (VCD) major.
22000 Design/Illustration Techniques I (3)
Introductory course in design/illustration. Object drawing with emphasis toward rendering materials and techniques used in reproduction, perspective, spatial organization and use of reference material. Prerequisites: VCD 13001.
22001 Design/Illustration Techniques II (3)
Continuation of Design/Illustration Techniques I with expanded emphasis on black-and-white media used for illustration purposes, with emphasis on media capable of reproduction by traditional printing methods. Prerequisites: VCD 22000.
23000 Intermediate Studio Skills: Graphic Design and Illustration (3)
A technical lecture course designed to outline the process and describe and discuss the technologies and vocabulary used in the printing industry. Prerequisites: VCD 23001. Special fee: $33 flat fee—subject to change.
23001 Introduction to Typography (3)
Historical study of letter forms and their application to the development of new forms. Execution and use of letter forms as design elements in layout and illustration using fundamental typographic theories and rules of spatial organization. Prerequisites: minimum B (3.0) grade in VCD 13000 and 13001. Special fee: $12 flat fee—subject to change.
23002 Introduction to 3D Graphic Design (3)
Continuation of Introduction to Graphic Design and Introduction to Typography with application of typography and imagery to 3-D form. Prerequisites: VCD 13001 and 23001.
24001 Product Design (3)
Research and design of singular self-contained objects. Utilization of industrial materials and fabricating techniques emphasizing aesthetics. Prerequisites: VCD 24000. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
24009 Sophomore Portfolio Review (1)
Preparation and review of a portfolio of work under supervision of industrial design faculty, to be judged at end of term. See Requirement 1 under Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design. Prerequisites: VCD 24000.
27000 Interiors Rendering (3)
The production of professional techniques in design communication using felt pens, chalks and pencils. Elevations, plans, furniture, perspectives, axonometrics and furnishings are produced in color. Prerequisites: TECH 11083. Special fee: $12 flat fee—subject to change.
27001 Visual Design for Media: Basic (1)
An introductory lecture course on the theoretical principles of design and their relation to content in magazines, newspapers, television and online media, etc. Course may not be used by visual communication design majors. Prerequisite: none.
28000 Photography (3)
Basic camera techniques to provide a better understanding of photography as a creative skill in visual communication. Prerequisites: VCD 13000 and 13001. Special fee: $65 flat fee—subject to change.
28002 Photography II (3)
Elaborates upon the basic technical information covered in Photography, VCD 28000. Through a set of sequential and interrelated problems, the class is designed to touch upon a series of photographic situations that frequently affect the working professional in the studio, or in the field. Prerequisite: VCD 28000. Special fee: $125 flat fee—subject to change.
30008 Junior Portfolio Review-Photo Illustration (1)
A required portfolio review of work completed in VCD 38001, 38003 and 38004. Student interview are conducted by VCD faculty. Students who successfully pass review may continue in the B.S. degree program in Photo Illustration. Students not receiving a passing grade may not continue in the program. Prerequisites: VCD 38004 and photo illustration (PHOI) major. Corequisite: VCD 38001.
30009 Junior Portfolio Review: Graphic Design/Illustration (1)
Required portfolio review in conference with the visual communication design faculty of work completed in VCD 32000, 32001, 33000 and
33001. Students successfully passing review may continue in the B.A. degree. To change to the B.F.A. degree or B.S./M.A. combined degrees in visual communication design, students must receive a minimum B (3.0) grade in junior portfolio review. Those students not receiving a passing grade in review should see Requirement 3 in program section. Prerequisites: VCD 20009 and 38001 and 38003 and 38004 (for PHOI majors); or VCD 32000 and 33000. Corequisites: VCD 33001 and 32001 (for VCD majors); and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication (VCD) major.
32000 Illustration I (3)
Continuation of Design/Illustration Techniques I and II with emphasis on technique and creative solutions as they apply to four specific illustration areas, viz., editorial, book, advertising and institutional. Prerequisites: VCD 20009.
32001 Illustration II (3)
Illustration as communication: conceptual problem-solving visualizations of ideas utilizing felt tip markers as the medium of expression. Prerequisites: VCD 32000.
33000 Graphic Design I (3)
Continuation of Introduction to Graphic Design and Introduction to Typography in the structuring of 2-D communication design utilizing headline, body copy and illustration with the addition of limited conceptual content. Prerequisites: VCD 20009. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
33001 Graphic Design II (3)
Continuation of Graphic Design I utilizing basic layout with emphasis on concept as applied to problem solving methodologies through a series of exercises and problems. Prerequisites: VCD 32000 and 33000. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
37000 Visual Design for Media: Advanced (3)
A laboratory course in which students apply design concepts to computer-generated communication pieces using a layout software program. May not be used toward degree requirements by visual communication design majors. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
38001 Photographics (3)
Exploration of basic studio setups and controlled lighting with special emphasis on the inter-relationship of photography and typography in communication. Unique solutions are created through the use of the camera and image manipulation programs. Prerequisites: VCD 13001 and 20009 and 28000 and 38004. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
38003 Photo Technology (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 32003) A professional course serving visual communication design
students within photo-illustration major. Designed to give students an advanced working knowledge of digital and film photographic systems through testing procedures and use of special purpose materials. Prerequisites: VCD 13001 and 28000 and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $90 flat fee—subject to change.
38004 Advanced Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 32004) Use of specialized equipment, materials and techniques. Development of conceptual abilities and problem-solving skills. Special equipment furnished. Prerequisites: VCD 13001 and 28000. Special fee: $90 flat fee—subject to change.
38008 Photo-Design Techniques (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 32008) Use of unusual photographic materials and techniques in design of images for many purposes. Prerequisites: VCD 13001 and 28000. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
38009 Internship Seminar-Photo Illustration (1)
Under the supervision of faculty, students prepare materials such as cover letters, resumes, applications for employment and individual portfolios in preparation for interviewing for an internship in their field of study. Prerequisites: VCD 38004 and photo illustration (PHOI) major. Corequisite: VCD 38001.
40025 Professional Portfolio: Graphic Design/ Illustration (1-2)
(Repeatable with permission) Develop a professional portfolio in graphic design and/or illustration through selection and refinement of previously completed classroom work/development of projects in areas of deficiency with emphasis on organization and presentation. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $9/credit hour—subject to change.
40052 Graphic Design—Travel and Field Experience (1-16)
Development of awareness and understanding in the practical application of graphic design and communication through directed field trip experience. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
40053 Graphic Design Studio—Glyphix (1-8)
(Repeatable for a total of 24 credit hours)
Professional experience through an internal design studio. Involves responsibilities and procedures for the production of communication materials for off-campus clients including nonprofit organizations, charities, arts groups and selected on-campus groups and departments. May carry an IP grade when appropriate. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $10/credit hour—subject to change.
40092 Internship 1—Graphic Design/Illustration (1)
Preparation for experience in design studio, agency or company involving design responsibilities and procedures to broaden a student’s understanding of the profession through real job situations. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
40095 Special Topics: Graphic Design/Illustration (1-4)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 credit hours) To broaden the course offerings into specialized areas of study in graphic design and illustration taught by experts in the profession as guest faculty. Primarily used to fulfill electives in graphic design or illustration. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: VCD 30009. Special fee: $7/credit hour—subject to change.
40096 Individual Investigation in Graphic Design and Illustration (1-8)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 credit hours) Individual study related to topics of graphic design and illustration approved by and under the direction of a faculty member. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
40192 Internship 2—Graphic Design/Illustration (1-6)
3 credit hours required; maximum of 6 credit hours allowable in B.F.A. degree only. Experience in design studio, agency or company involving design responsibilities and procedures to broaden a student’s understanding of the profession through a real job situation. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: VCD 40092.
40193 Variable Title Workshop in VCD (1-3)
Workshop setting dealing with intensive examination of special topics in VCD. May be repeated. Prerequisite: none.
40195 Selected Topics: Graphic Design/Illustration (1-4)
(Repeated registration permissible) Variable topics related to GD&I. Prerequisite: none.
42000 Advanced Illustration: Media (3)
Discussions and practice of media and grounds as they pertain to the illustration field. Discussion will also center around the problems in developing work for reproduction. Prerequisites: VCD 30009.
42002 Editorial Illustration (3)
Exploration and discussion of various illustration techniques and their application in the publishing field. Emphasis is placed on client needs, concept and intended audience. Prerequisites: VCD 30009.
42003 Advertising Illustration (3)
Exploration and discussion of various illustration techniques and their application in advertising. Emphasis is placed on client need, concept of solution and intended audience. Prerequisites: grade of B (3.0) or better in VCD 30009.
42004 Computer Illustration (3)
An introductory course on the use of the computer as an illustration tool. The class will cover the necessary computer applications for advertising, editorial and book illustration. Prerequisites: VCD 20000.
42051 Calligraphy and Layout (3)
Development of creative techniques and technical proficiency in calligraphy as applied to illustration and graphic design. Prerequisites: VCD 30009.
43000 Studio Production (3)
A technical lecture course designed to teach the fundamental techniques and processes of electronic prepress and printing production. Material is presented through lectures, demos, tests and field trips. Prerequisites: grade of B (3.0) or better in VCD 30009. Special fee: $10 flat fee-subject to change.
43001 Advanced Kinetic and Sequential Graphic Design (3)
The exploration of the use of the computer in kinetic and sequential graphic design. 3-D modeling, and sound. Prerequisites: VCD 20006 and visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
43002 Typographic/Photographic Graphic Design (3)
The use of typography (rather than visual imagery) as the primary design form in solving graphic design communication problems. Prerequisites: VCD 30009. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
43003 Corporate Identity/Graphic Design (3)
Use of graphic design forms (typography, photography and illustration) in the development of corporate identification for total advertising programs. Prerequisites: VCD 30009. Special fee: $33 flat fee—subject to change.
43004 Issues for Graphic Design Businesses (3)
Designed to familiarize students with the basic business, marketing, legal and ethical standards in the graphic design industry. Prerequisites: VCD 30009. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
43005 3-D Graphic Design-Direct Mail/Packaging/Point Purchase (3)
Use of typography, visual images, photography and illustrations in the structure of information for communication on 3-D surfaces (direct mail, packaging and point-of-purchase display). Prerequisites: VCD 30009. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
43006 Environmental Graphic Design (3)
Aims at coordinating architectural planning, interior design, systems analysis and graphic communications. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
43007 Information Graphics (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 46001) Introduction to shapes, color, type and combinations of these for computer-designed news graphics; maps, charts, graphs and diagrams. Prerequisites: JMC 20004 and 20007; and VCD 13001 or 27001. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
43051 Experimental Typography (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours) Investigation of form, pattern and texture in typographic usage. Emphasis on linking traditional letterform technology and computer-generated forms. May carry an IP grade when necessary. Prerequisites: grade of B (3.0) or better in VCD 30009. Special fee: $12/credit hour—subject to change.
44001 Packaging and Exhibition Design (3)
Study and design of containers, packaging systems and exhibits in relation to particular function, including merchandising, learning and recreation. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $12 flat fee—subject to change.
45000 Graphic Design Perspectives (3)
Comprehensive exploration of design through history. Topics include the early alphabet, print processes, illustration, photography, corporate design, modern design and digital processes. Prerequisite: visual communication design (VCD) major and junior standing.This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
46000 Web Design and Programming I (3)
(Cross-listed with CS 47105) Course focus is on Web concepts and high quality Web design; CS and VCD principles, tools, architecture, presentation, design and creation of Web sites through teamwork. Course is jointly taught by CS and VCD. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: CS 10051 and VCD 13001. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
46001 Web Design and Programming II (3)
(Cross-listed with CS 47106) An elective course jointly taught by computer science and VCD on advanced Web technologies and multimedia Web design: Web servers, security, advanced design, java servlets, applets, database connectivity, site maintenance, relation of actual Web sites by teamwork. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: VCD 46000. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
46003 Digital Typography (2)
Applying typographic rules in digital environments. Organizing large amounts of text in complex architectures and designing viewer controlled space. Exploration of dynamic information, sound and motion sequences. Prerequisites: VCD 23001 or 27001 or 37001.
46053 Web Design and Programming Studio (3)
(Cross-listed with CS 47107) A joint computer science and visual communication design project course exploring advanced aspects of Web design and programming. Student may pursue individually defined projects or team projects for real clients. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: VCD 46001.
48005 Color Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 42005) The discipline of color photography is explored through a range of lectures, assignments and critiques. Prerequisites: VCD 38003 and 38004. Special fee: $110 flat fee—subject to change.
48007 Photo Illustration Techniques (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 42007) Creative photography for advertising and editorial uses. Art director/photographer relationship stressed in given assignments. Critique by professionals in addition to academic evaluation. Prerequisites: VCD 38003 and 38004 and 48005; and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD)major. Special fee: $90 flat fee—subject to change.
48009 Fashion Photography (3)
(Cross-listed with JMC 42009) Instruction in studio lighting, filters and special effects. Emphasis on editorial and advertising fashion photography. Studio and location assignments. Prerequisites: VCD 38003 and 38004 and 48005; and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
48092 Practicum in Photography (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 10 hours. Cross-listed with JMC 42092) Individual or group investigation into student-selected areas of photographic field. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing; and photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major. Special fee: $15/credit hour—subject to change.
49098 Senior Research Proposal: Graphic Design and Illustration (1)
Research proposal must be approved by a faculty committee before project is started. Research paper or project must meet the educational and professional criteria of the program. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: senior standing and visual communication design (VCD).
49198 Senior Research Paper: Graphic Design/Illustration (2)
Written documentation of a senior project in graphic design or illustration. If Senior Project GD/I, VCD 49199 option is chosen, it must be taken concurrently with Senior Research Paper and presented for final review by a faculty committee. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: senior standing and VCD 49098. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
49199 Senior Project: Graphic Design/ Illustration (3)
A final visual project in graphic design or illustration structured by a senior (with approval by faculty committee), completed independently and presented for review and evaluation by a faculty committee during final semester before graduation. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: photo illustration (PHOI) or visual communication design (VCD) major; and senior standing . Special fee: $21 flat fee—subject to change.