Technology (TECH)
(Technology, Aeronautics, Industrial Technology, Technology Education)
Technology (TECH)
(Technology, Aeronautics, Industrial Technology, Technology Education)
10001 Information Technology (3)
Introduction to the operation and use of computer systems in technology-related applications. Laboratory assignments include the use of microcomputers for solving technical problems. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
11071 Woods Technology I (3)
Provides experience in fundamental hand and machine processes in wood fabrication. Projects are designed, planned and constructed by the student according to curricular needs and interests. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $100 flat fee—subject to change.
11083 Technical Drawing and Sketching (3)
State-of-the-art experiences and fundamentals of sketching, lettering, blueprint reading, orthographic projection, dimensioning, sectioning, single and double auxiliaries, isometric, oblique, perspectives and fasteners. Prerequisite: none.
13580 Engineering Graphics I (3)
Technique of engineering drawing, lettering, instrument use, freehand drawing, orthogonal projection, sections, single and double auxiliaries, dimensioning, screw threads, charts and graphs. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
15000 Introduction to Aeronautics (3)
Introduction to aeronautical and aerospace technology including historical development, underlying science and technical applications. The past, present and future social-economic, technical and political impacts of aviation are also explored. Prerequisite: none.
15100 Women and Minorities in Aviation (3)
Course examines the roles and contributions of women and minorities in aviation and the historical, social, technological and political impact they have had on aviation and the aerospace industry. Prerequisite: none.
15250 FAA Orientation (3)
Introduction to the Federal Aviation Administration with particular emphasis on its role and impact on air traffic management and the National Airspace System (NASA). Course addresses the unique aspects and requirements of federal employment, as well as federal regulations affecting flight operations and the FAA’s associated supporting agencies. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
15740 Elements of Flight Theory (5)
Basic instruction in all areas which gives the student aeronautical knowledge required for a private pilot certificate. IP grade permissible. Corequisite: TECH 15741.
15741 Private Pilot Flight (3)
Flight course designed to fulfill FAA requirements for private pilot certificate. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and 2.50 GPA. Corequisite: TECH 15740. Special fee: $7,000 flat fee—subject to change.
15742 Private Pilot Helicopter Flight (3)
Flight course designed to fulfill Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for the private pilot helicopter certificate. Prerequisites: TECH 15740 and cumulative GPA of 2.50. Corequisite: TECH 35101.
15743 Private Pilot Helicopter Flight Add-On (2)
Flight course designed to fulfill Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for the private pilot helicopter certificate. Prerequisites: TECH 15742 and cumulative GPA of 2.0. Corequisite: TECH 35101.
20001 Energy/Power (3)
Study of basic thermodynamic laws and how they apply to the conversion and transfer of heat energy into useful power. Prerequisite: TECH 21021. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
20002 Materials and Processes (3)
Study and practice addressing the nature of basic manufacturing materials and the processes by which they are converted into manufactured products. Includes laboratory experience. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
20004 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits (4)
Introduction to electronic circuits consisting of resistors, capacitors and inductors. Calculation of voltages and currents in the circuits for he case of constant and time varying currents. Prerequisite: MATH 11010 and MATH 11022. Corequisite: MATH 12002. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
21021 Survey of Electricity and Electronics (4)
Survey of DC and AC circuits, electronic devices, amplifiers, sensors and transducers, digital circuits, motors, generators and controls. Includes laboratory. Not intended for industrial technology majors. Prerequisite: MATH
12001 or corequisite MATH 11022. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
21046 Graphic Communications Technology I (3)
An orientation to layout, composition and press operations as applied to the graphic communications processes of lithography, screen and relief printing. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
21071 Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques (3)
Covers current construction materials and their applications in commercial and residential construction buildings. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $90 flat fee—subject to change.
22200 Construction Document Reading (3)
An introductory course to construction document reading. Provides a basic working knowledge of construction mathematics, specifications, material submittal process, building codes and material take-off. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
22095 Special Topics in Technology (1-4)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Various special topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes, offering current topics in technology-based areas of study. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
22100 Training Topics in Technology (1-4)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Specialized instruction oriented primarily to the theoretical base and application of current technology developed by experts in the specific technology. This course is repeatable as the specific topics will vary. Prerequisite: special approval.
23200 Electronic Circuit Fabrication Laboratory (1)
Covers the common methods and items used in electronics to fabricate, repair and test electronic component connections and circuits. Topics include electrical safety, printed circuit board design and fabrication, soldering, wiring characteristics, cabling, wire connectors, splices, wire wrapping, crimping, network cable fabrication, fabrication and repair of fiber optic cables and connectors, and integrated circuit fabrication. Prerequisite: TECH 20004 or 21021. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
23224 Electrical Circuits II (3)
Intermediate electric circuit analysis. Reactance, impedance, network theorems and analysis. Resonance in series and parallel circuits. Applications. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: TECH 20004. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
23581 Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics (3)
Study of working drawings, descriptive geometry, geometrical tolerancing, structural/weldments, cams, gears, piping, and considerable time with the Hewlett Packard 900 CAD system. Prerequisites: TECH 10001 and 13580. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
25250 Elements of Aviation Weather (3)
Aviation weather provides an up-to-date and expanded course for professional pilots and others whose interest in weather is primarily in its application to flight. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
25350 Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control (2)
Introduction to the National Airspace System (NASA) and the orders, manuals and procedures associated with the purposes and directives of the air traffic control environment to include purposes and responsibilities of the ATC system. Prerequisite: TECH 15250.
25351 Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control Laboratory (1)
Introductory laboratory course on air traffic management and the National Airspace System, the orders, manuals and procedures associated with the purposes and directives of the air traffic control environment. To include purposes and responsibilities of the ATC system. Prerequisite: TECH 15250. Corequisite: TECH 25350. Special fee: $450 flat fee—subject to change.
25743 Commercial Pilot Flight I (2)
Advanced flight course providing flight instruction for the commercial pilot. Primary emphasis is on cockpit resource management, advanced navigational practices and basic instrument instruction. Prerequisites: TECH 15740 and 15741. Special fee: $7,500 flat fee—subject to change.
31000 Cultural Dynamics of Technology (3)
Study of technology and the forces it exerts upon society. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement and diversity requirement with approval of major department.
31010 Engineering and Professional Ethics (3)
Applications of codes of ethics in the engineering and technology professions reflective of social and moral responsibilities to the public and account-
ability in engineering practice. Prerequisite: none.
31015 Construction Technology (3)
Laboratory, lecture and field experience which relate to the construction industry and its relationship to our society. Prerequisite: TECH 13580 or 11083. Special fee: $100 flat fee—subject to change.
31016 Manufacturing Technology (3)
Classroom, laboratory and field experiences involving the major aspects of a manufacturing enterprise, including product design, production, financing and marketing. Prerequisites: TECH 10001 and 13580 and 20002.
31020 Automated Manufacturing (3)
Theory and operation of computer controlled machine tools, robots and processes. Prerequisite: none.
31023 Construction Surveying (3)
Covers the study of surveying including field work with equipment such as transit, level and tape. Prerequisite: TECH 22200. Special fee: $75 flat fee—subject to change.
31032 Power Technology (3)
Principles of energy conversion and power application. Overview of basic heat engines, machines and transmission devices. Alternative energy systems and conservation techniques. Prerequisites: TECH 20004 and 20001.
31043 Principles of Concrete Construction (3)
An introductory course on the use of concrete in the construction industry. Students will gain a basic understanding of the strength and behavior of reinforced concrete members and simple reinforced concrete structural systems. Prerequisite: TECH 21071. Special fee: $75 flat fee—subject to change.
31044 Construction Occupational Safety and Health (3)
Focuses on making the theories and principles of construction safety and health practical and useful in a real world setting. Prerequisite: none.
31047 Graphic Communications Technology II (2)
Advanced course in graphic communications processes with emphasis on procedures involved in special effect lithographic techniques, multiple imposition, pin registration and production operations. Prerequisite: TECH 21046.
31055 Plastics Technology I (1)
Design and development of ideas in plastics; study of the plastic industry, occupations, materials, products and processes. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
31065 Cast Metals (3)
Principles and processes of metal casting with a focus on current industrial practices. Includes laboratory experience with nonferrous metals and industrial tours. Prerequisite: TECH 20002. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
31067 Machining Technology I (3)
Lecture and laboratory experiences in basic machine tool principles and processes. Prerequisite: none.
31071 Woods Technology II (2)
Emphasis on basic woodworking machinery processes, fundamental construction and materials. Project design and development. Prerequisite: TECH 11071. Special fee: $100 flat fee—subject to change.
31087 Design for Technology (3)
Design as creative process. Individual and group experiences in problem solving. Relevance to art, industry and education. Prerequisite: TECH 13580 23581 and 31016. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
32002 Materials and Processes II (3)
Advanced study and practice in materials and processes. Emphasis will be upon developing skills and knowledge in producing a product and conducting problem-solving activities. Prerequisite: TECH 20002. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
32100 Fundamentals of Radiation Technology (3)
Study of the generation and application of radiation to everyday and industrial applications. Includes sound, RF and microwaves, light and ionizing radiation. Prerequisite: MATH 11022 or 12001 or 19002.
32101 Polymers I (4)
Description of various plastics, outline of polymer chemistry, identification tests, polymerization, molecular growth and molecular weight, extrusion, injection molding, thermoforming, compression molding and related topics. Prerequisite: none.
32102 Polymers II (3)
Comprehensive review of resin systems and fiber reinforcement for use in production of FRP products; fabrication procedures; comparative properties. Prerequisite: TECH 32101.
32105 Construction Jobsite Management (3)
Course concentrates on the procedures and methods that are used by the construction contractor during the construction and post-construction phases of a project. Prerequisite: none.
33010 Computer Hardware (3)
Introduction to the hardware, architecture and operation of the personal computer and associated devices. Topics include personal computer architecture and operation fundamentals, basic hardware, data busses and ports, hardware component packaging, auxiliary hardware components, computer assembly, basic hardware installation, configuration and troubleshooting. Prerequisite: junior standing. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
33016 PC/Network Engineering and Troubleshooting (3)
A course covering the service, maintenance, upgrade and optimization of personal computers. Specification, installation and maintenance of local area networks will be covered. Students will learn communication protocols and network architecture. Two lectures and two labs. Prerequisite: EERT 22014 or TECH 33010.
33031 Programmable Logic Controllers (3)
An introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLCS) covering hardware, ladder logic programming, networking and communications. Programming timers, counters and sequencers and an introduction to human machine interfaces (HMIs). Prerequisites: TECH 10001 and 21021.
33033 Hydraulics/Pneumatics (3)
Fluid properties, hydraulic design, viscosity, hydraulic components, pumps, systems and circuits, maintenance and safety, pneumatics, air systems control and design. Prerequisites: MATH 11022 or 12001; and PHY 13001 or 23101. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
33056 Cooperative Education-Professional Development (1 or 2)
(Repeatable for a total of 4 credit hours) Supervised work-study experience in approved business or industrial environment relevant to the student’s major. 1 credit hour part-time (20-30 hrs/wk); 2 credit hours full-time work (more than 30 hrs/wk) for the duration of the semester. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and 2.25 GPA and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
33095 Special Topics: Applied Science and Technology (1-3)
(Repeated registration permitted) Special topics of immediate interest in applied science and technology. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
33111 Strength of Materials (3)
An analytical study of the relaxation between the external forces applied to elastic materials and the resulting deformations and stresses. Prerequisite: PHY 13001.
33220 Electronic Devices (4)
Introduction to electronic non-linear devices including diodes, transistors, opotoelectronic devices and operational amplifiers. Use and application of these devices in different types of applications like rectifiers, amplifiers and linear integrated circuits. Prerequisite: TECH 20004. Corequisite: TECH 23200. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
33222 Digital Design and Applications (3)
Introduction to digital electronics systems and applications. Topics include number systems, logic gates, switching algebra, combinational and sequential logic circuit analysis and minimization techniques. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: TECH 20004 or 21021. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
33223 Electronic Communication (3)
Electronic circuits and systems with emphasis on their application in communications systems. Prerequisite: TECH 33220.
33225 Industrial Control Systems (3)
The application of electronics to the control of industrial machines and processes. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: TECH 33220.
33363 Metallurgy and Materials Science (3)
Scientific study of modern manufacturing materials (metals, plastics and ceramics) and the laboratory test methods used to determine their manufacturing specifications and properties. Prerequisite: junior standing.
33580 Engineering Graphics for Electronics (3)
Use of CAD techniques in the generation of electronic circuit schematics and related drawings. Includes the design and implementation of printed circuit boards. Includes laboratory. Prerequisites: TECH 13580 and 33220.
33700 Quality Techniques (4)
Process variability, process monitoring, statistical methods using control charts for variables and attributes, acceptance sampling plans, process capability, process adjustment, design of experiments and process improvement. Prerequisite: special approval.
33870 Facility design and Material Handling (3)
Provides students with a fundamental understanding of how layout affects the flow through a system. Both qualitative and quantitative tools are presented for a complete approach to facility design and material handling. Prerequisite: junior standing. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
34000 Computer Animation II (3)
Continuation of the study and technology applications of computer animation with emphasis on camera usage and the production of a comprehensive animation project involving the Animation Thought Process (ATP). Prerequisite: CADT 22004.
34001 Computer Animation III (3)
Continued study of practical technology applications of computer animation with emphasis on scripting code writing, systems line variables and fluent realism factors within the ATP. Prerequisite: TECH 34000.
34002 Advanced CAD II (3)
Continuation of CADT 22000 with an emphasis on the use of a Parametric-based CAD software (PRO-ENGINEER) for the design and modeling of industrial products. Prerequisites: MERT 12001 and CADT 22000; or TECH 23581. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
34003 Animation Theory (3)
A comprehensive course on the history and current status and future of animation featuring the masters of animation, their landmark achievements and the processes they unveiled. Claymation, Stop-Motion, Anime, Commercial and Forensic animations will be covered. Prerequisite: none.
34004 Technology of Light, Color, Design and Layout (2)
A course dealing with the study of the technical principles and applications of light, color, design and layout to the production of computer animation for engineering materials and products. Prerequisite: CADT 22004.
35001 Aircraft Fabrication (3)
The study and laboratory practice of government-approved procedures used in the fabrication, repair and testing of certificated aircraft. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and MATH 12001 and PHY 13001.
35020 Aircraft Propulsion Systems (3)
A study of reciprocating engines, aircraft propellers and turbine engines. Course investigates basic theory, component function, performance characteristics and propulsion-related systems. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and MATH 12001; and PHY 13001 and 13002 or PHY 23101 and 23102.
35040 Aircraft Systems I (3)
Introduction to various aircraft systems including electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems and their performance as applied to aircraft. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and MATH 12001; and PHY 13001 and 13002 or PHY 23101 and 23102.
35095 Special Topics in Aeronautics (1-3)
Specialized offerings of interest in response to emerging or needed curricular needs in aeronautics. Topics will be announced in the Schedule of Classes. Repeat registration permitted. Prerequisite: aeronautics (AERN) major and sophomore standing.
35101 Helicopter Theory and Operation (3)
Study of the helicopter flight and operations that includes rotor system dynamics, control functions, major components, operation and performance. Prerequisite: TECH 15000 and 25250. Special fee: $240 flat fee—subject to change.
35150 Aircraft Structures (3)
Aircraft structural design investigations dealing with theory and applications in aviation. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and MATH 12001 and PHY 13001 and 13002. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
35340 Airport Management (3)
Introduction to the many functions that are involved in the operation and management of an airport. Includes an analysis of the development of the airport - airway system, airport legislation, airport planning and airport operations. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
35341 Air Transportation Systems (3)
Descriptive course in airline operations as seen from the air carrier’s business perspective. Emphasis is on business practices and techniques unique to aviation. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
35342 Air Traffic Control (3)
Study of the fundamental concepts of air traffic control and airspace management in the National Airspace System (NASA), with an emphasis on the interaction between terminal and en route traffic control functions. Prerequisites: TECH 15000 and 15740 and 25250. Special fee: $450 flat fee—subject to change.
35343 En Route Air Traffic Control (2)
Introduction to en route operations of air traffic control. To include an understanding of en route charts, radio procedures and use of weather forecasting products. Prerequisites: TECH 25250 and 25350 and 35342.
35344 En Route Air Traffic Control Laboratory (1)
Laboratory course with real-world, scenario-based introduction to en route operations of air traffic control. To include an understanding of en route charts, radio procedures and the use of weather forecasting products. Prerequisites: TECH 25250 and 25350 and 35342. Corequisite: TECH 35343.Special fee: $450 flat fee—subject to change.
35644 Instrument Flight Theory (3)
Comprehensive instruction presenting theoretical and practical aspects of instrument and weather flying. Prerequisites: TECH 15740 and 25250. Corequisite: TECH 35645. Special fee: $5 flat fee —subject to change.
35645 Instrument Pilot Flight (2)
Comprehensive flight course for the professional pilot candidate to meet the requirements of the FAA instrument rating. Prerequisites: TECH 25250 and 25743. Corequisite: TECH 35644. Special fee: $8,500 flat fee—subject to change.
35646 Instrument Helicopter Flight (2)
Flight course designed to fulfill FAA requirements for the Instrument Helicopter Rating. Prerequisites: TECH 15742 or 15743; special approval; and minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA. IP grade permissible. Corequisite: TECH 35644. Special fee: $10,500 flat fee—subject to change.
35647 Commercial Pilot Flight II (2)
Comprehensive flight course for the professional pilot candidate with emphasis on commercial flight maneuvers and instrument flight review. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 35644 and 35645. Special fee: $6,000 flat fee, Fixed Wing—subject to change.
35648 Instrument Helicopter Flight Add-On (1)
Flight course designed to fulfill FAA requirements for the Instrument Helicopter Rating. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 35645 and minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA. Corequisite: TECH 35101. Special fee: $4,000 flat fee—subject to change.
35746 Commercial Pilot Theory (2)
Comprehensive instruction covering all areas necessary to exercise the privileges of a commercial pilot. Prerequisite: TECH 35644 and 35645.
35747 Commercial Pilot Flight III (2)
Comprehensive flight course for the professional pilot candidate to meet the requirements of the FAA commercial pilot certificate. Major emphasis on complex aircraft operations. Prerequisites: TECH 35644 and 35645. Corequisite: TECH 35746. Pre/corequisite: TECH 35647. Special fee: $6,000 flat fee—subject to change.
35748 Commercial Pilot Helicopter Flight Add-On (2)
Flight course designed to fulfill Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for the commercial pilot helicopter certificate. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 2.0; and TECH 35747; and TECH 15742 or 15743.
35749 Commercial Pilot Helicopter Flight (3)
Flight course designed to fulfill FAA requirements for the Commercial Pilot Helicopter certificate. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 15742 or 15743; and minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA. Corequisite: TECH 35746. Special fee: $27,800 flat fee—subject to change.
36008 Ergonomics in Computer Systems (3)**
This course introduces students to ergonomics, usability design, assessment methods and safety for the development of computer systems. Prerequisites: ENG 20002 and PSYC 11762 and junior standing.
36095 Special Topics in Computer Technology (2 or 3)**
Various special courses will be announced in the Schedule of Classes under this course number with different section numbers. Prerequisite: special approval.
36110 Principles of Fraud Examination (3)
Study of occupational fraud and abuse; its detection and prevention within the realm of an enterprise. Prerequisite: ACTT 21000.
36120 Ethical Issues Relating to Fraud Examination (3)
Understanding ethical dilemmas, issues and professionalism relating to fraud examination. Prerequisite: TECH 36110.
36301 Advanced C++ Programming (4)
Laboratory course using C++: classes and data abstraction, stream I/O, inheritance, standard template library, Microsoft foundation classes, system programming concepts using Unified Modeling Language. Prerequisite: COMT 20001.
36310 Multimedia Development Tools (3)
Course focuses on advanced technologies for Web development, including .cfm, plug-ins, etc. Students will learn to create more interactive and dynamic Web sites. Prerequisites: COMT 21011 and 21036 or COMT faculty special approval.
36311 Advanced Java Programming (4)
Laboratory course using Java abstract data types and objects, object-oriented/event-driven design, file organization and access and systems programming concepts. Prerequisite: COMT 20011.
36318 Survey of Information Security, Internet Fraud and Computer Forensics (3)
This lecture-based, survey course provides a non-technical introduction to contemporary issues in information security, Internet fraud and computer forensics. Prerequisites: ENG 21011 and junior standing.
36320 Computer Forensics (3)
This lecture/laboratory course emphasizes hands-on skills in incident response, forensic preparation, and data recovery and analysis. Prerequisites: COMT 21002.
36330 Local Area Network Security Fundamentals (3)
This lecture/laboratory course will examine the primary issues involved in securing resources in a LAN including threat assessment, countermeasures, best practices, security protocols, cryptography and management-related issues. Prerequisites: COMT 21002.
36336 Web Scripting II (3)
This course will focus more in-depth on selected scripting topics needed to create interactive and dynamic Web sites. Prerequisite: COMT 21036 or COMT faculty special approval.
36350 Programming Office Productivity Applications (3)
Introduces the use of Visual Basic for Applications as a tool to create customized programs that automate repetitive and/or complex tasks performed using office suite applications. Prerequisites: COMT 11002 and 21010.
36401 Applications of Technology Management Software (3)
Combination of computer and business applications for managing technology within an organization. Focus is on using emerging computer software programs for the enhancement of decision making. Course is two hours lecture, one hour lab. Prerequisite: BMRT 11000 and COMT 12000 and MATH 11011 or full-time applied-business faculty special approval.
36410 Security for Business Students (3)
Concepts and principles of security and safety in industrial and commercial settings. Focus on executive oversight of corporate security functions. Includes risk analysis, security surveys, emergency preparedness and security policies and procedures. Prerequisite: junior standing.
36415 Customer Service Technology (3)
Analysis and definition of customer satisfaction with an emphasis on quality customer service that includes technique for assessing company service efforts and developing customer satisfaction programs. Prerequisites: junior standing and BMRT 11000.
36420 Physical Security (3)
Elements of design, technology and procedures that deter, delay, detect and defeat criminal activity. Deployment and optional countermeasures. Budgeting based on risk analysis. Prerequisite: junior standing.
36430 Security Management (3)
Principles of security and safety in private business and institutions. Emphasis on proprietary departments and security of those departments. Focus on need for proprietary security organization, internal controls, external threats and electronic devices. Examination of departmental policies and procedures. Prerequisite: junior standing.
36440 Security Investigation (3)
Addresses future of private security, conducting interviews and dealing with testimonial evidence. Following leads, collecting evidence, preserving crime scenes, use of investigative tools, surveillance techniques and report writing. Prerequisite: junior standing.
36595 Special Topics in Microsoft Certification (3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics courses which prepare students for Microsoft professional certifications. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $400 flat fee—subject to change.
36620 Coordinating Technical Projects (3)
Organization and coordination of project-based management functions utilizing project management software to visualize what has been planned. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41001 Methods in Technology Education (3)
Methods of teaching curriculum development and evaluation which are unique to the profession of technology education. Prerequisite: special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41002 Organization in Technology Education (3)
Principles and practices involved in housing, equipping, organizing, maintaining and operating industrial arts/technology education courses. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41040 Construction Estimating I (3)
Introduction to estimating and the quantity takeoff process needed to complete accurate estimates for all types of construction projects. Prerequisite: TECH 22200. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
41041 Commercial Construction Estimating (3)
Examines putting costs to the project, finalizing the bid, incorporating the estimate into the schedule, buying out the project, bidding ethics and using computer spreadsheets including Excel to automate estimating functions. Prerequisite: TECH 41040. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
41051 Foundations and Contemporary Theories of Technology Education (3)
This course explores the history, contemporary theories and practices of technology education. Included are site visits to exemplary technology education programs. Prerequisite: none.
41052 Technology Education for Elementary School (3)
Using discussion, laboratory experience and field experiences, this course explores technology education as it relates to all content areas of the K-12 curriculum. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
41055 Industrial Practice (1-8)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Practical experience in industry of cooperative work-study nature. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41093 Variable Title Workshop in Technology (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Specialized instructional unit oriented toward the application of current technology concepts. S/U grading, IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
41096, 41196 Individual Investigation In Technology Education (1-4)
(Repeatable for a total of 4 hours) Individual investigation course. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: special approval by department.
42100 Training Topics in Technology (1-4)
(Repeated registration permissible) Specialized advanced instruction oriented primarily to the theoretical base and application of current technology developed by experts in the specific technology. This course requires substantial base knowledge and is repeatable as the specific topics will vary. Prerequisite: special approval.
42105 Construction Contracts (3)
An introductory course on construction contracts and how they are used in the construction industry. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
42107 Construction Scheduling (3)
Covers the traditional theory on planning, scheduling and controlling construction projects. Current industry computer applications for scheduling will be utilized. Prerequisite: TECH 32105. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
42200 Radiation Sources and Processing (3)
Description of the radiation sources used in radiation technology and the study of the effects of electrons and gamma rays on materials of technological interest. Experiments deal with the effects of radiation in different materials. Prerequisites: PHY 13002 or 12202; and MATH 12002 or 19002; and TECH 32100 and 33363.
42300 Radiation Detection Technology (3)
Familiarize students with basic types of instrumentation used for the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation, including operation and applications. Lectures supplemented with laboratory exercises. Prerequisites: TECH 21021 or 23224 or EERT 12001; and TECH 42200.
42400 Radiation Dosimetry and Safety (3)
Basic concepts of dosimetry and its units as applied to radiation technology, including theory of dosi-meter response. Safety principles and practices followed in radiation environments, including terminology, policies and procedures to minimize exposure to radiation. Prerequisite: TECH 42200.
42500 Laboratory in Radiation and Materials (3)
Laboratory investigation into the effects of radiation on materials, including dosimeters. Methods employed include spectroscopy, thermal analysis, optical microscopy and mechanical properties. Prerequisites: TECH 42300 and 42400.
43000 Advanced Animation and Game Development (2)
Covers the process of game conceptualization and development. Learning how to model low-polygon characters and environments for the real-time 3D games. Customizing game properties, characters, animations, and terrains for purposes of visualization and game development. Prerequisite: TECH 43000.
43001 Technology of Media and Film Production (2)
A course dealing with the technical and business aspects of pre- and post-production planning for multimedia, video or film projects. Covers a systematic approach to content organization and development, scripting, visualization proposal development contracts, budgets and legal issues. Prerequisites: TECH 34001 and 34004.
43002 Graphics Design Technology (3)
A course of study in the technology of creating knowledge and effects using computer-graphics concepts to create photo-realistic composite images and to restore and enhance a wide array of images. Prerequisite: CADT 22004.
43003 Virtual Reality and Game Design (2)
Covers the creation of interactive online multimedia presentations/portfolios and serves as an introduction to advanced 3D gaming environments for off-line distribution and presentation. Prerequisite: TECH 34000.
43004 UNIX Scripting with Applications (2)
A course in the use of UNIX scripting for animation and multimedia development. Prerequisites: COMT 21095 and TECH 43001.
43026 Microprocessor Systems (4)
Introduction to the architecture, operation and applications of an advanced microprocessor, focusing on assembly language programming and interfacing of standard programmable peripherals. Prerequisites: TECH 33222 and 46330. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
43050 Inventive Problem Solving (3)
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, TRIZ, is a collection of powerful probelm-solving tools for a broad range of inventive problems. Capstone web-based course for students finishing their bachelor's degree. Assists students in utilizing material learned in earlier courses to solve many real world problems in multiple disciplines. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
43060 Management of Technology Innovation (3)
Subjects covered in this course are case studies of innovative companies, elements of an innovation process, review of major problem solving methods, technical opportunity analysis, technical planning, technological forecasting, concept development and elements of patents. A project is included that utilizes TRIZ software and innovation model elements. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
43080 Industrial and Environmental Safety (3)
Examines the Occupational Safety and Health Act and fundamentals of industrial safety programs. Prerequisite: none.
43096 Individual Investigation in Applied Science and Technology (1-3)
Work-study of an individual nature on a topic in a field of applied science and technology. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and special approval.
43132 Manufacturing Engineering Project (2)
Problem selected by students and instructors to develop students in desired specialty or strengthen students in lesser field or prepare students for specific employment. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval of instructor.
43220 Electrical Machinery (3)
Principles of operation and application of motors, generators, transformers and other magnetic devices; electrical power generation, distribution and use. Prerequisite: TECH 23224.
43221 Digital Control Systems and Instrumentation (4)
Focuses on applications of instrumentation and control systems using computers and microcontrollers including sensors, transducers, instruments, data acquisition boards, software programs, signal conditioning and transmission methods. Prerequisites: TECH 43026 and MATH 12003 and PHY 23102. Corequisite: TECH 33223. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
43550 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (3)
The application of computers to the preparation of machine tool control programs. Prerequisite: TECH 10001 and 20002. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
43580 Computer-Aided Machine Design (3)
Application of the principles of mechanics and strength of materials, with computer assistance, to the design and selection of machine components under both static and dynamic loads. Prerequisites: TECH 10001 and 33111 and 34002 and MATH 12002 and PHY 13001.
43700 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3)
Study of the computer-integrated manufacturing system as it relates to product design, estimating, inventory, machining and assembly, quality control and distribution. Prerequisite: TECH 43550. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
43800 Applied Engineering Technology Seminar (2)
An individual or group project involving the solution of a problem through the application of technology. Prerequisite: technology (TECH) major and senior standing. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
45030 Aircraft Systems II (3)
Application and performance of various electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and computer systems as applied to aircraft. Prerequisites: TECH 35040. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
45092 Aeronautical Internship/Cooperative Education (1-2)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Work experience in aerospace/aviation industry or related activity, laboratory or student professional organization. Prerequisite: special approval.
45096 Individual Investigation in Aeronautics (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Work-study of an individual nature on a topic relating to professional aviation. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and special approval.
45121 Advanced Aerospace Propulsion (3)
A study of gas turbine and rocket engines as aerospace propulsion systems. Includes laboratory experience related to component function and system performance. Prerequisites: aerospace technology (AERN) major and TECH 35020.
45130 Physiology and Human Factors of Flight (3)
A study of the interaction of the human body with flight and those human factors that affect flight operations. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
45150 Applied Flight Dynamics I (3)
An applied aircraft flight dynamics course that demonstrates aircraft, engine and propeller performance with the overall flight performance and stability of the typical light airplane. Includes flight testing laboratory participation. Prerequisites: MATH 11012 or 12002; and PHY 13001 and 13002 or PHY 23101 and 23102; and TECH 15000. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
45151 Applied Flight Dynamics II (3)
An applied flight dynamics course that demonstrates aircraft performance, dynamics, operating characteristics and propulsion of both light airplanes and high speed, high altitude aircraft. Includes flight testing laboratory participation. IP grades permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 35020 and 45150 and PHY 32562. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
45250 Aviation Law and Safety (3)
Study of federal, state and local laws that impact aviation. Defines major causes of aircraft accidents. Emphasis on safety and prevention of violations. Includes actual case studies. Prerequisite: TECH 15000.
45291 Aerospace Senior Seminar (1)
Seminar on selected topics relating to problems, issues and conditions of employment within aviation. S/U grading only. Prerequisite: aeronautics (AERN) and senior standing. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
45320 Air Traffic Control II (2)
Advanced study of the concepts of air traffic control and airspace management in the National Airspace System (NASA), with an emphasis on tower and terminal operations. Prerequisite: TECH 35342. Corequisite: TECH 45321.
45321 Air Traffic Control II Laboratory (1)
Simulator-based laboratory that includes air traffic control experiences that integrate tower and terminal control procedures. Prerequisite: TECH 35342. Corequisite: TECH 45320. Special fee: $450 flat fee—subject to change.
45340 Aircraft Maintenance (3)
Fundamentals of aircraft maintenance and resolving maintenance problems on the flight line. Prerequisites: aerospace (AERN) major and senior standing and special approval.
45343 En Route Air Traffic Control II (2)
Advanced course on en route air traffic operations with emphasis on current and emerging practices in the National Airspace System (NASA). Course explores emerging paradigms in the Next Generation (NextGen) Air Traffic System. Prerequisite: TECH 35342. Corequisite: TECH 45344.
45344 En Route Air Traffic Control II Laboratory (1)
Simulator-based advanced practical course on en route air traffic operations, with emphasis on current and emerging practices in the National Airspace System (NASA). Course explores emerging paradigms in the Next Generation (NextGen) air traffic system. Prerequisite: TECH 35342. Corequisite: TECH 46343.
45349 Systems Maintenance and Reliability (5)
Combines theories of systems and operations with practical experience to meet FAA standards for an airframe and powerplant license. 300 hours shop experience. Prerequisite: TECH 45340.
45350 Avionics (3)
A study of aviation electronic systems in flight vehicles that pertain to communication, navigation and air traffic control systems. Prerequisites: PHY 13001 and 13002 or 23101 and 23102; and TECH 15000 and 21021.
45648 Theory of Flight Instruction (2)
Detailed fundamentals of teaching flight and ground instruction and the analysis of flight techniques, to meet requirements of FAR’s Part 61.185 (a). Prerequisites: TECH 35746 and 35747. Corequisite: TECH 45649.
45649 Flight Instructor/Airplanes (2)
Flight course with emphasis on instructing techniques in aircraft from right seat. Includes student evaluation techniques to meet FAR requirements for CFI. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 35746 and 35747. Corequisite: TECH 45648. Special fee: $5,800 flat fee, Fixed Wing—subject to change.
45651 Flight Instructor—Instruments (2)
Flight course with emphasis on flight instructing techniques involved with instrument flight and ATC procedures. Student evaluations included. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 45648 and 45649. Special fee: $3,170 flat fee, Fixed Wing—subject to change.
45653 Multi-Engine Pilot Flight (1)
The course provides the required ground and flight instruction necessary to qualify students for the multi-engine rating from the FAA. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: TECH 35747. Special fee: $4,200 flat fee—subject to change.
45655 Advanced Multi-Engine Pilot Flight (1)
Ground flight instruction for proficiency and required hours in preparation for multi-engine instruction. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: TECH 45653. Special fee: $2,850 flat fee—subject to change.
45657 Multi-Engine Flight Instructor (1)
This course provides the necessary ground and flight instruction to professionally qualify students for the multi-engine instructor rating by the FAA. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 45655 and 45649. Special fee: $3,000 flat fee—subject to change.
45659 Basic Aerobatic Flight (1)
Consists of 15 hours of ground school and 15 hours of flight training reviewing commercial maneuvers and introducing basic aerobatic maneuvers and related classroom theory. Prerequisites: 2.25 GPA and TECH 25645 and special approval. Special fee: $728 flat fee—subject to change.
45700 Aircraft Design (4)
Preliminary design of a fixed-wing aircraft for a specific mission: weight estimates; wing planform, airfoil and propulsion selection; airframe configuration and layout design; performance analysis; and overall systems integration. Prerequisites: PHY 13001 and 13002 or 23101 and 23102; and TECH 15000 and 21021. Pre/corequisites: TECH 45030 and 45350 and 45150. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
45710 Turbine Engine Theory and Operation (2)
An in-depth study of the theory, operation and performance of turbine/turboprop engines and associated systems. Prerequisites: TECH 35020.
45711 Turbine Engine Theory and Operation Laboratory (1)
Laboratory using a turboprop flight simulator to provide instruction and demonstration of the operating characteristics and procedures associated with turbine/turboprop engines. Prerequisite: TECH 35020. Pre/corequisite: TECH 45710. Special fee: $120 flat fee—subject to change.
45720 Crew Resource Management (2)
An in-depth study of the common principles of aviation Crew Resource Management (CRM) and human factors as utilized by air transport flight crews. IP grades permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 45130.
45721 Crew Resource Management Laboratory (1)
Flight simulator-based laboratory that includes flight simulator experiences that integrate CRM and LOFT in a multicrew environment. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: TECH 45130. Prerequisite/corequisite: TECH 45720. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
45730 Applied Transport Category Aircraft Systems (3)
Course examines various systems in use on air transport aircraft. The course emphasis is on the principles, operation and limitations of complex, integrated systems found in modern aircraft. Prerequisites: TECH 35020 and 35040 and 45030.
45740 Flight Management and Electronic Display Systems (3)
Course examines various advanced avionics systems used on air transport type aircraft. The course emphasis is on the principles, operation and limitations of integrated avionics related to the “glass cockpit” found on modern aircraft. Prerequisites: TECH 35040 and 45030 and 45350.
45791 Aviation Security and Policy Seminar (3)
Examines policies, practices, procedures and regulatory provisions developed to create and enhance security in civil aviation with a special emphasis on airlines, airports, airspace and agencies responsible for civil aviation security. Prerequisites: TECH 35340 and 35341 and 35342 and 45250. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
46020 Applications of Artificial Intelligence Products (3)
Examines AI techniques that can be used to enhance, replace or help build applications packages. Topics include expert systems, natural language interfaces. Prerequisite: COMT 21004 or MATH 43105.
46031 Student Teaching (9)
Provides a 12-week student teaching experience in technology education program. All professional courses must be completed along with 75 percent of all technology courses and 100 hours of technology education program visits. S/U grading; IP grade. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: special approval. Corequisite: TECH 49525.
46170 Case Studies in Fraud Examination (3)
Application of principles of fraud examination, detection and evaluation of recommended action plans to specific fraud cases. Prerequisites: TECH 36110 and 36318.
46191 Seminar in Fraud Examination (3)
Capstone course for students studying fraud examination and its related areas. Students will be required to research, analyze and present current fraud issues. Prerequisite: TECH 46170 and special approval.
46295 Special Topics in Applied Business (2-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Specialized advance instruction oriented primarily to applied business topics. Topics will vary and will be announced as scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval of full-time technology faculty or of professor teaching the course.
46308 Developing Desktop Applications (3)
Course focuses on designing and implementing desktop applications. Topics include use of component objects, online help, advanced debugging package deployment. Prerequisite: COMT 21005 or COMT faculty special approval.
46309 Developing Distributed Applications (3)
Course focuses on interface design and establishment of transaction-based client/server database applications using distributed objects, server object components, SQL and Web technologies. Prerequisite: TECH 46308 or COMT special approval.
46310 Technology of Operating Systems (3)
Lab-oriented course covering installation, configuration, tuning and communication among state-of-the-art desktop operating systems, using available system tools, utilities and files. Prerequisites: ENG 20002 or ITAP 26638; and COMT 21002; or full-time COMT faculty special approval.
46311 Technology of Networking (3)
Advanced topics of enterprise network management, including DNS/WINS/IP addressing, routing basics, subnet masking, firewalls; storage redundancy techniques; and general tuning/optimizing/ troubleshooting/recovery strategies. Prerequisites: ENG 20002 or ITAP 26638; and COMT 21002; or full-time COMT faculty special approval.
46321 Web Database Integration (3)
Laboratory course focused on integrating databases in Web sites. Current topics include using object-oriented technology, structured query language and large-scale database engines. Prerequisites: COMT 21005 and 21036.
46330 Visual Basic Programming in Engineering Technology (3)
This course will cover the concepts of object-oriented, event-driven programming with hands-on application of those concepts to solve engineering-related problems, utilizing the current version of visual basic. Prerequisites: TECH 10001 and MATH 11011 and PHY 13001 and special approval.
46331 Local Area Network Security and Firewalls (3)
This lecture/laboratory course will examine the primary issues involved in defining and configuring a local area network defense perimeter including LAN security analysis, implementing firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Prerequisite: TECH 36330.
46340 Database Design and Implementation (3)
Explores the role and design of databases in organizations, with emphasis on the technologies used in their implementation. Emphasis on SQL. Prerequisites: COMT 21005 and 21010.
46409 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (3)
An examination using case studies and readings of the management of technology and innovation through perspectives at the product line, business unit and corporate levels. Prerequisite: BMRT 11009 or MIS 24163; and sophomore standing.
46410 Crisis and Disaster Management Planning (3)
Addresses planning process for mitigation and recovery strategies for natural and man-made crises and disasters. Includes risk assessment, incident management and planning evaluation. Prerequisite: junior standing.
46418 Labor Studies in Technology (3)
This course will include the history of the labor movement, interrelationships of labor with business and industry, labor law, contemporary labor problems that emphasizes how unions are organized, contracts, arbitration and management issues. Prerequisite: junior standing.
46420 Legal Issues in Security (3)
Survey of laws applicable to security risks including torts, labor, employment, criminal and constitutional issues. Prerequisite: junior standing.
49525 Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Seminar during student teaching to explore issues and techniques appropriate to teaching technology education. Corequisite: TECH 46031.
** Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
** Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.