Spanish (SPAN)
Spanish (SPAN)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
18201 Elementary Spanish I (4)
An introduction to the Spanish language in the context of Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: none.
18202 Elementary Spanish II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the Spanish language in the context of Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 18201.
18301 Spanish for Health Care I (4)
Introduction to the Spanish language in the context of health care situations, tasks and terminology and Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: none.
18302 Spanish for Health Care II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the Spanish language in the context of health care situations, tasks and terminology and Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 18301.
28201 Intermediate Spanish I (3)
A continuation of the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using a variety of material on the Spanish language in the context of Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 18202.
28202 Intermediate Spanish II (3)
A continuation of the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using a variety of material on the Spanish language in the context of Hispanic cultures and specific areas of study like culture, business, justice, etc. Credit may be given for SPAN 28202 or 28206, but not for both. Prerequisite: SPAN 28201.
28206 Spanish Reading for Comprehension (3)
Further develops skills and techniques for understanding written Spanish; conducted in English. Credit not applicable toward Spanish major or minor. Students may obtain credit in SPAN 28202 or 28206, but not both. Prerequisite: SPAN 28201.
28207 Business Spanish I (3)
Terminology, organization and modes of communication prevalent in modern business world of Spain and Latin America. Presentation of materials followed by practical exercises organized in situational units. Prerequisites: SPAN 28202 and special approval.
28208 Business Spanish II (3)
Terminology, organizations and modes of communication prevalent in modern Spanish business world. Presentation of materials is followed by practical exercises organized in situational units. Prerequisite: SPAN 28207.
28209 Field Study (1-6)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) For residence and/or field research in a Spanish-speaking community. Prior to registering for this course, students must obtain departmental approval. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
28212 Studies in Grammar (4)
This course provides a comprehensive grammar review for students who need to improve their skills prior to taking advanced language courses. Prerequisite: SPAN 28202.
38211 Spanish Grammar and Composition (3)
This course provides an intensive grammar study and further written practice to help advanced intermediate students express complex ideas in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 28202.
38213 Spanish Reading and Conversation (3)
This course provides reading techniques and develops oral skills to help advanced intermediate students express complex ideas in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211.
38215 Spanish Phonetics and Diction (3)
Study of the modern Spanish sound system with special emphasis on pronunciation and intonation. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211.
38231 Translation Practice: Spanish (1)
Translation practice with Spanish texts using principles and techniques learned in the lecture class. Corequisite: MCLS 30230.
38240 Conversation for Business and Special Purposes: Spanish (3)
Introduction to the special vocabulary of business and other special subject areas. Introduces the concept of language for special purposes and emphasizes the use of special vocabularies in conversations in business and other settings. Prerequisite: SPAN 38213.
38330 Early Spanish Literature (3)
Outline of development, reading of representative works, to 1700. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
38331 Recent Spanish Literature (3)
Outline of development, reading of representative works, 1700-present. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
38334 Early Spanish-American Literature (3)
Outline of development, reading of representative works, including indigenous literature, 1492-1882. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
38335 Recent Spanish-American Literature (3)
Outline of the development of modern Spanish-American literature (1882 to the present). Reading of representative works. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
38421 Civilization of Spain (3)
General survey of evolution of Spanish civilization from antiquity to present day. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211.
38424 Culture and Civilization of Latin America (3)
A thematic approach to the study of four or five representative Latin American countries focusing on 19th- and 20th-century Latin American culture and society. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211.
48093 Variable Title Workshop in Spanish (1-6)
Workshops individually designed to provide instruction and training in specific areas of Hispanic studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
48095 Selected Topics in Spanish (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Topic announced in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: 9 credit hours above 20000 level of Spanish (SPAN) courses.
48096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Allows the advanced, serious student to carry out research/study project on Spanish literature, language or culture. Prior approval of supervising faculty member, department required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
48215 Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation (3)
Focuses on description, summary, narration, exposition and argumentation on topics dealing with diverse areas of Hispanic culture as presented through literary and non-fiction texts. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211 and 38213 and one of the following: SPAN 38330 or 38331 or 38334 or 38335.
48216 Contemporary Hispanic Culture (3)
A study of selected sociological, political, cultural or economic issues in the contemporary Hispanic world. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from 30000-level Spanish (SPAN) courses.
48230 Advanced Translation Practice: Spanish (3)
Theory and practice course that discusses translation theory and emphasizes Spanish-to-English translation of selected texts in business, technology, medicine and law. Prerequisite: SPAN 38231. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
48240 Business and Special Texts: Spanish (3)
Survey of the typical text types of business in the Spanish culture and language. Practice sessions focus on reading and understanding specialized texts and on the translation and composition of selected special texts in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 38211.
48340 Medieval Spanish Poetry (3)
Spanish poetry from its origins to 1500. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours of SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48350 Don Quixote (3)
A penetrating study of Cervantes’ masterpiece. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48351 Minor Works of Cervantes (3)
La Numancia, Entremeses, La Galatea, Novelas ejemplares. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48352 Medieval Spanish Prose (3)
The development of medieval Spanish prose, with special emphasis on La Celestina. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48354 Neoclassicism and Romanticism (3)
Survey of neoclassicism and romanticism in Spain. Prerequisite: 9 credit hours of Spanish (SPAN) courses above the SPAN 38211 level.
48356 Golden Age Prose (3)
Study of the development of the various forms of prose fiction during the Spanish Golden Age. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48358 Nineteenth-Century Novel (3)
Analysis and critical interpretation of outstanding representatives of 19th-century novel. Prerequisites: SPAN 38421 and 38331.
48360 Twentieth-Century Spanish Drama (3)
Representative works of leading Spanish dramatists of the 20th century. Prerequisites: SPAN 38421 and 38331.
48364 Generation of ’98 and After (3)
Intensive reading of representative works with examination of the history leading to this group. Prerequisites: SPAN 38421 and 38331.
48366 The Novel of the Mexican Revolution (3)
A critical sociocultural and literary examination of selected Mexican novels that explore a variety of responses to the first major 20th-century mass upheaval in Latin America known as the Mexican Revolution. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48370 Modernismo in Spanish-America (3)
Ruben Dario and other writers of the modernista movement; works include modernist poetry, short story and essay. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48372 Spanish-American Novel I (3)
A cultural and literary analysis of selected major Spanish-American novels written between 1900 and 1950. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48373 Spanish American Novel II (3)
A cultural and literary analysis of selected major Spanish-American novels written from 1950 to the present. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48374 Modern Spanish American Drama (3)
Analysis of selected plays from various Spanish-American countries. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48376 Contemporary Spanish-American Short Story (3)
The development of the Spanish-American short story from 1917 to the present. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours from SPAN 38330 and 38331 and 38334 and 38335.
48378 U.S. Latina/o Writers (3)
The course focuses on a representative selection of literary pieces in Spanish by recent U.S. Latino writers. Develops oral and listening skills in Spanish and strengthens critical thinking on various cultural and literary matters. Prerequisites: SPAN 38211 and 38213 and one of the following—SPAN 38330 or 38331 or 38334 or 38335.
48422 Early Spanish-American Discourse (3)
This course provides a critical analysis of cultural and literary issues on texts dealing with early Colonial Spanish-American expression. Prerequisites: SPAN 38213 and 38334.
48423 Spanish-American Indian Discourse (3)
This course provides a critical analysis of cultural and literary issues in selected excerpts of the Spanish-American Indian expression from pre-Columbian to Colonial times. Prerequisites: SPAN 38213 and 38334.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.