Russian (RUSS)
Russian (RUSS)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
12201 Elementary Russian I (4)
An introduction to the Russian language in the context of Russian cultures. Corequisite: RUSS 12211.
12202 Elementary Russian II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the Russian language in the context of Russian cultures. Prerequisite: RUSS 12201 and 12211. Corequisite: RUSS 12212.
12211 Elementary Russian I Recitation (1)
Reinforces material presented in Elementary Russian I (RUSS 12201). Must be taken together with Elementary Russian I. Corequisite: RUSS 12201.
12212 Elementary Russian II Recitation (1)
Reinforces material present in Elementary Russian II (RUSS 12202). Must be taken together with Elementary Russian II. Prerequisites: RUSS 12201 and 12211. Corequisite: RUSS 12202.
22201 Intermediate Russian I (4)
Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: RUSS 12202. Corequisite: RUSS 22211.
22202 Intermediate Russian II (4)
Continuation of RUSS 22201. Prerequisite: RUSS 22201. Corequisite: RUSS 22212.
22211 Intermediate Russian I Recitation (1)
Reinforces material presented in Intermediate Russian I (RUSS 22201). Must be taken together with Intermediate Russian I. Prerequisite: RUSS 12202 and 12212. Corequisite: RUSS 22201.
22212 Intermediate Russian II Recitation (1)
Reinforces material presented in Intermediate Russian II (RUSS 22202). Must be taken together with Intermediate Russian II. Prerequisite: RUSS 22201 and 22211. Corequisite: RUSS 22202.
22260 Russian Morphology and Vocabulary Building (3)
A systematic presentation of the extensive root, prefix and suffix system, which provides the basis for rapid acquisition of Russian vocabulary. Prerequisite: RUSS 22202.
32201 Intensive Russian Grammar (3)
A systematic approach to Russian grammar and syntax. Prerequisite: RUSS 22202.
32211 Composition and Conversation (3)
Grammar review and practice in composition and conversation. Prerequisite: RUSS 22202.
32215 Russian Phonetics and Diction (3)
Study of the Russian sound system with special emphasis on pronunciation and intonation. Application of the international phonetic alphabet to Russian. Prerequisite: RUSS 22202.
32231 Translation Practice: Russian (1)
Translation practice with Russian texts using principles and techniques learned in the lecture class. To be taken concurrently with MCLS 30230. Corequisite: MCLS 30230.
32240 Conversation for Business and Special Purposes: Russian (3)
Introduction to the special vocabulary of business and other special subject areas. Introduces the concept of language for special purposes and emphasizes the use of special vocabulary in conversations in business and other settings. Prerequisite: RUSS 32211.
32303 Modern Writers (3)
Reading and analysis of modern Russian plays and stories. Prerequisite: RUSS 22202. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32325 Russian Poetry and Folklore (3)
Reading and analysis of major poems and introduction to folklore. Prerequisite: RUSS 32303. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32350 Russian Prose (3)
Reading and critical analysis of major prose works. Prerequisite: RUSS 32303. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32354 Russian Drama (3)
Reading and critical analysis of major plays. Prerequisite: RUSS 32303. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32421 Russian Civilization (3)
A survey of Russian history and intellectual life. Prerequisite: RUSS 32303. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32501 Russian Literature in English (3)
This course is designed as a survey of major authors, movements and works of 19th- and 20th-century Russian literature in English translation. No knowledge of Russian required. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
42093 Variable Title Workshop in Russian Language and Literature (1-6)
Workshops individually designed to provide instruction and training in specific areas of Russian studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
42095 Special Topics in Russian Language and Literatures (1-4)
Topic to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Repeated registration permitted when content varies. Prerequisite: senior standing.
42096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Independent investigation of problems in Russian language or literature. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 6 hours of upper-division Russian (RUSS) and special approval of the department chairperson.
42211 Advanced Composition and Conversation (3)
A continuation of RUSS 32211. Prerequisite: RUSS 32211.
42230 Advanced Translation Practice: Russian (3)
Theory and practice course that discusses translation theory and emphasizes Russian-to-English translation of selected texts in business, technology, medicine and law. Prerequisite: RUSS 32231. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
42240 Business and Special Texts: Russian (3)
Survey of the typical text types of business in the Russian culture and language. Practice sessions focus on reading and understanding specialized texts and on the translation and composition of selected special texts in Russian. Prerequisite: RUSS 32211.
42351 Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature (4)
Survey of major trends and developments in Russian literature from 1900 through 1917 and that of Soviet Russian literature from 1917 to present. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of upper-division Russian (RUSS).
42399 Research Project in Russian Language and Literature (3)
Thesis or other independent study. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Russian (RUSS) at 40000 level and special approval.