Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (RPTM)
Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (RPTM)
16000 Foundations of Recreation and Leisure (3)
Historical examination of the park and recreation movement; sociological, economic, psychological and political considerations for the delivery of leisure and recreation services in contemporary society. Prerequisite: none.
26000 Computer Applications in Recreation and Sport (3)
This course focuses on the personal computer and its general function and uses in a recreation and sport environment. Students learn a wide variety of applications and programs pertinent to the recreation and sport industry. Prerequisite: RPTM 16000 or ATTR 15011.
26001 Introduction to Community Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities (3)
Interdisciplinary exploration of conceptual, theoretical, philosophical and legal aspects related to inclusion of individuals with disabilities in community life. Prerequisite: none.
26010 Community Development in Recreation (3)
Explores the contemporary and historical roles, organization and services of public and nonprofit leisure service providers. Includes various theoretical perspectives on community organization and development, as well as methods available to the recreation practitioner to facilitate the development of recreation services in communities. Prerequisite: RPTM 16000.
26030 Recreation Group Leadership (3)
Group leadership concepts, methods and techniques. Practical experience in planning and conducting recreational activities for a variety of populations. Prerequisite: RPTM 16000. Special fee: $12 flat fee—subject to change.
26060 Introduction to Global Tourism (3)
(Cross-listed with GEOG 22040) Introduction to travel and tourism around the world, including tourism technologies, cultural and natural environments as attractions, benefits of travel, travel ethics and sustainable development. Prerequisite: none.
26071 Maintenance and Operation of Areas and Facilities (3)
A systems approach for the effective maintenance and operation of areas and facilities. Prerequisites: RPTM 16000.
26080 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation (3)
Introduction to the profession of therapeutic recreation. Includes history, philosophy, settings and populations served and an overview of therapeutic recreation process. Prerequisite: RPTM 16000.
26081 Principles of Outdoor Recreation (3)
Introduction to outdoor recreation, including the history, economics, resources, management, education and environmental aspects. Prerequisite: RPTM 16000.
36010 Recreation, Leisure and Aging (3)
Knowledge and understanding of leisure and aging. Planning and implementing recreational programs and activities for enriching the lives of older persons. Prerequisite: RPTM 26030.
36040 Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Leisure Services (3)
An examination of attitudes toward people with disabilities, characteristics of various disability groups, the role and responsibility of leisure service providers to be inclusive of all individuals and techniques for adapting programs. Prerequisite: RPTM 26030. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
36060 Commercial Recreation and Tourism (3)
Principles of commercial recreation and tourism services, including entrepreneurship, economic concepts of the for-profit recreation industries and management skills. Prerequisite: RPTM 26060.
36075 Program Design and Evaluation (3)
Programming leisure services within a socio-cultural context, involving understanding and assessing client behavior and needs, proficiency in program design and implementation and knowledge of evaluation methods reflective of a service-centered and benefits approach. Prerequisite: RPTM 26030.
36080 Principles of Therapeutic Recreation (3)
Introduction to the empirical basis of therapeutic recreation practice. Includes information on assessment, activity analysis and the systematic documentation of individualized treatment plans from within the context of therapeutic recreation programs. Prerequisites: RPTM 26080 and 36040.
36081 Adventure Education (3)
Introduction to adventure education, the history and philosophy, initiatives, ropes courses, adventure curricula and the basics of outdoor leadership and process facilitation. Prerequisites: RPTM 26030 and 26081. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
36085 Leisure and Culture (3)
Leisure behaviors and beliefs of people from diverse cultures, factors perpetuating inequality in the United States and strategies for leisure programming in a pluralistic society. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
36092 Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation (1)
(Repeatable for total 3 credit hours) A 60-hour field experience in a therapeutic recreation setting. Must be approved by instructor prior to registration. S/U grading. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: RPTM 16000 and recreation, park and tourism management (RPTM) major and special approval.
36192 Practicum in Leisure Services Management (1)
(Repeatable for total 3 credit hours) A 60-hour field experience in a leisure services setting. Must be approved by the instructor prior to registration. S/U grading. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: RPTM 16000 and recreation, park and tourism management (RPTM) major and special approval.
46000 Tourism Development and Recreational Travel (3)
(Cross-listed with GEOG 42040) Investigation of travel and tourism development using an interdisciplinary social science approach. Prerequisite: RPTM 36060.
46001 Principles and Methods of Community Inclusion (3)
Interdisciplinary approach to the principles and methods of designing an inclusive environment. Focus is on characteristics of disability groups and societal consideration to making adaptations and accommodations. Students complete a service learning component that focuses on inclusion of people with disabilities in community life. Prerequisite: RPTM 26001.
46030 Dynamics of Leisure Behavior (3)
Analysis of leisure behavior through an examination of social-psychological theories and research. Prerequisites: RPTM 36040 and 36075 and PEP 25068 or PSYC 21621. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
46040 Therapeutic Recreation Program Techniques (3)
(Cross-listed with ELS 56040) Intervention/facilitation techniques employed in therapeutic recreation practice. Integration of theory into program plans used in therapeutic recreation for treatment and leisure education services for people with illnesses or disabilities. Prerequisite: RPTM 36080.
46041 Advanced Therapeutic Recreation Program Techniques (3)
Advanced intervention/facilitation techniques employed in therapeutic recreation practice. Professional issues related to therapeutic recreation practice. Prerequisite: RPTM 46040.
46060 Administration of Leisure Services (3)
Administrative practices of private and public leisure service agencies. Organization, philosophy, personnel and fiscal management, public relations and legal concerns are examined. Prerequisites: RPTM 36040 and 36075 and 36192.
46070 Park Planning (3)
(Cross-listed with ELS 56070) Understanding the relationship between recreation resources (e.g., land and facilities) and the people who use them. This includes the planning, design and functioning of public and commercial recreation places. Prerequisites: RPTM 26081 and 36040.
46080 Legal Issues in Sport and Recreation (3)
(Cross-listed with ELS 56080) Designed to alert potential recreation and sport professionals to the litigious environment prevalent in the United States, increase awareness of their legal responsibility and risk management. Prerequisite: senior standing.
46091 Seminar for Internship Preparation (1)
Planning and preparation for the internship experience in leisure service settings. Students should register for this course two semesters before enrolling in the internship course. S/U grading. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and recreation, park and tourism management (RPTM) major and RPTM 36092 or 36192; and special approval.
46092 Internship in Recreation (6-12)
Supervised full-time experience providing knowledge of overall agency operation in approved leisure setting. Fifty contact hours per credit hour. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: senior standing and RPTM 46090 and special approval.
46095 Selected Topics in Recreation (1-3)
(Repeatable for total 6 credit hours) Selected topics dependent upon interest. Prerequisite: none.
46096 Individual Investigation in Recreation (1-3)
(Repeatable for total 6 credit hours) Independent study completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Written approval of the supervising faculty member and school director required prior to registration. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and special approval.