Radiologic and Imaging Sciences (RIS)**
Radiologic and Imaging Sciences (RIS)**
34003 Radiation Therapy Principles/Practice I (3)
An overview of cancer, radiation therapy and its physical and technical aspects. Includes the roles/ responsibilities of the therapist, treatment parameters, documentation and delivery of patient care, education and procedures. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34004 Radiation Therapy Patient Management (3)
Provides the basic concepts in patient assessment and evaluation. Includes communication skills, infection control, nutrition, medications, exams, emergencies, patient transfer techniques, medical ethics and law as applied to radiation therapy. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34008 Radiation Therapy Physics I (3)
Introduction to radiation therapy physics, including the fundamentals of atomic structure, radiation properties, radiation production, radiation quality, interactions of radiation with matter and principles of radiation detectors. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34030 Radiation Therapy Clinical Education I (1)
Observation and supervised clinical education with emphasis on administering radiation therapy treatments, simulation, block formation and patient care. Students are assigned to a clinical education site for approximately 16 hours per week. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34042 Abdominal Sonography I (3)
Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the abdomen; instrumentation and scanning techniques; normal and abnormal sonographic appearances of abdominal structures will be presented. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34044 Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation (3)
Ultrasound principles to include interaction of sound with matter, propagation of sound in tissue, physical units, transducer parameters, image storage and display, quality assurance, bioeffects, image artifacts and physical principles of Doppler. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34045 Ultrasound Clinical Education I (2)
Provides clinical education and experience at a clinical site to allow students the opportunity to practice skills necessary to obtain high quality sonographic images, to alter protocols based on patients and to identify image quality problems. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34052 Abdominal Sonography II (3)
Continuation of RIS 34042; anatomy, physiology and pathology of the abdomen; instrumentation and sonographic scanning techniques; normal and abnormal sonographic appearance of abdominal structures are presented. Prerequisites: RIS 34042 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34055 Ultrasound Clinical Education II (3)
Provides clinical education and experience in abdominal sonography at clinical sites to allow students the opportunity to practice skills necessary to obtain high quality sonographic images, to alter protocols based on patients and to evaluate image quality. Prerequisite: RIS 34045 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34062 Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography I (3)
Anatomy and pathophysiology of the non-pregnant female pelvis; instrumentation and scanning techniques; normal and abnormal sonographic appearances; and findings of the female reproductive tract are covered. Prerequisites: RIS 34045 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34065 Ultrasound Clinical Education III (2)
Provides clinical education and experience at a clinical sites to allow students the opportunity to practice skills necessary to obtain high quality sonographic images, to alter protocols based on patients and to identify image quality problems. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 34055 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34082 Small Parts Sonography (1)
Anatomy and pathophysiology of superficial structures; instrumentation and scanning techniques; normal and abnormal sonographic appearances of superficial structures; correlation with laboratory findings and other imaging modalities are presented. Prerequisites: RIS 34083 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
34083 Sectional Anatomy in Medical Imaging (3)
Presentation of sectional anatomy of the body in the transverse (axial), sagittal and coronal planes as seen in medical images in CT, MRI and diagnostic medical sonography. Prerequisites: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major; and BSCI 11000 or 11020 or 20020.
34084 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sectional Anatomy I (2)
Presentation of sectional anatomy of the human body in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Includes orientation of organs and structures and pathological processes present in images. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
34086 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sectional Anatomy II (2)
Presentation of sectional anatomy of the human body in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Includes orientation of organs and structures and pathological processes present in images as seen in the extremities. Prerequisite: RIS 34084 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
41095 Special Topics in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences (1-3)
Courses will consist of various topics in medical imaging designed to enhance learning outcomes. Prerequisites: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44001 Patient Management in Nuclear Medicine (3)
Provides the student with a working knowledge of a health care facility’s function, basic patient care skills, emergency care, patient communications and professionalism. Interactions and care of diverse populations will also be addressed. Course enables the student to provide appropriate care for the patient while undertaking any nuclear medicine procedure. Corequisite: RIS 44002 and 44005 and 44006 and 44011 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44002 Nuclear Medicine Procedures I (3)
An introduction to imaging “in vivo” nuclear medicine procedures. Course focuses on the biological, anatomical and physiological aspects involving the skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, genitourinary and gastrointestinal organ systems. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44005 Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education I (3)
Provides clinical experience at assigned clinical site. Includes orientation to program and policies, observation of procedures, patient management, radiation safety, equipment orientation and the competency procedure. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44006 Nuclear Medicine Physics and Instrumentation I (4)
Presents concepts and physical principles of nuclear medicine physics including interactions with matter. Also presents information on radiation detectors and their applications, functions and limitations. Prerequisite: program admission radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major. Corequisite: RIS 44010.
44010 Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education II (3)
Continuation of RIS 44005. Students apply principles of patient care, structure and function, physics, instrumentation, radiation safety and protection, imaging techniques and radiopharmacy to clinical education. Students begin performing clinical competency exams. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44005.
44011 Nuclear Medicine Radiopharmacy (4)
Includes methodologies, calculations and basic properties of radiopharmaceuticals. Radiopharmaceutical chemistry is applied. Localization methods, quality control and radiation safety issues are examined. Non-radioactive interventional drugs, radiopharmacy management and governing rules and regulations are also explored. Corequisites: RIS 44001 and 44002 and 44005 and 44006 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
44012 Nuclear Medicine Procedures II (3)
Emphasis on the biological, anatomical and physiological aspects of nuclear medicine procedures involving the endocrine and central nervous systems, as well as inflammatory, tumor, miscellaneous and pediatric studies. Prerequisites: RIS 44001 and 44002 and 44005 and 44006 and 44010. Corequisites: RIS 44011 and 44014 and 44015 and 44017.
44013 Radiation Therapy Principles/Practice II (3)
Examines the multidisciplinary treatment approaches. Consists of advanced topics in therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and surgical interventions for combined modalities, for benign conditions and for managing side effects and emergencies. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 34003.
44014 Nuclear Medicine Physics and Instrumentation II (3)
Explores the use and quality control of all nuclear medicine instrumentation. The student will understand the function of radiation detection devices to include counting and imaging equipment, SPECT and PET instrumentation. Computer applications as related to nuclear medicine is addressed. Prerequisites: RIS 44001 and 44002 and 44006 and 44011 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major. Corequisites: RIS 44010 and 440123 and 44015 and 44017.
44015 Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education III (2)
Continuation of RIS 44010 with emphasis on clinical procedures covered in RIS 44012 and equipment in RIS 44014. Competency testing continues. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: RIS 44001 and 44002 and 44005 and 44006 and 44010. Corequisites: RIS 44011 and 44012 and 44014 and 44017.
44016 Nuclear Medicine Procedures III (3)
Emphasis on in vitro procedures, immunology, radionuclide therapy, SPECT and PET scanning. Also includes a review of all nuclear medicine procedures. Prerequisites: RIS 44011 and 44012 and 44014 and 44015 and 44017. Corequisite: RIS 44020.
44017 Nuclear Medicine Radiation Safety (3)
Presents the units of radiation measurement, dose limits, safety and monitoring devices, safe handling of radioactive materials, licensing requirements, therapeutic doses and the effects of radiation on the body. Prerequisites: RIS 44001 and 44002 and 44005 and 44006 and 44010. Corequisites: RIS 44011 and 44012 and 44014 and 44015.
44018 Radiation Therapy Physics II (3)
Continuation of the principles of radiation therapy physics and the study of photon beam dosimetry, electron beam dosimetry and treatment planning. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 34008.
44020 Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education IV (2)
Continuation of RIS 44015 with emphasis on advanced procedures, SPECT and PET scanning, advanced and emerging technologies, teleradiology and PACS and critical thinking skills for the clinical site. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44015. Corequisite: RIS 44016.
44021 Patient Management in Computed Tomography (CT) (3)
Provides knowledge about care-giving skills for patients undergoing CT exams. Information includes effective communication, problem-solving techniques, patient safety/comfort, patient preparation, monitoring, contrast agents and venipuncture. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44022 Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging Procedures (3)
Presentation of information about CT scanning techniques related to each part of the body as well as special studies. Positioning criteria, protocols and variations from routine exams will be included. Image quality evaluation criteria will be discussed. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44024 Physical Principles of Computed Tomography (CT) (3)
Information presented about data acquisition and processing. The components in the image acquisition system are outlined. The software and technical parameters used in the acquisition of images is discussed. Problem-solving methodologies discussed. Prerequisites: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major and RADT 14004 and COMT 11000.
44025 Computed Tomography (CT) Clinical Education I (3)
Provides clinical education at a clinical site so students can observe and become familiar with CT equipment and procedures, and apply knowledge of physics and patient care. Students begin to perform some CT procedures under direct supervision of technologists. Competency exams required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44027 Computed Tomography (CT) Clinical Education II (3)
Continuation of RIS 44025. Students apply knowledge of physics, patient care, sectional anatomy and pathology in the performance of CT clinical competency exams. Students act more independently using critical thinking skills. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44025.
44028 Radiation Therapy Radiobiology (3)
Establishes a foundation in radiation biology for radiation therapy. Cell biology and its response to radiation are reviewed as well as the effect of radiation on pathology and body systems. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44018.
44029 Radiation Therapy Pathology I (3)
General overview of various disease processes with emphasis on cancer types. Includes epidemiology, etiology, symptoms, metastases, histology, tumor grading, staging, detection, screening and diagnosis, treatment, side effects and prognosis of malignancies of the head and neck, central nervous, respiratory and digestive systems. Prerequisites: RIS 34003 and 34004 and 34030 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major. Corequisites: RIS 44013 and 44040.
44031 Patient Management in MRI (3)
Provides information on the role of the MRI technologist in maintaining patient safety and comfort as well as personal and coworker safety. MR contrast agents and venipuncture will be studied. Includes problem solving with diverse patient types. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44035 MRI Clinical Education I (3)
Students observe and become familiar with MRI equipment and procedures and apply knowledge of physics, MRI safety and patient care. Students begin to perform some procedures under direct supervision of technologists. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44036 MRI Clinical Education II (3)
Continuation of RIS 44035. Students apply knowledge of physics, patient care, anatomy and pathology when performing clinical competency exams as well as quality assurance procedures. Some applications to special procedure exams. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44035.
44037 MRI Clinical Education III (3)
Continuation of RIS 44036. Students use critical thinking skills in performing MRI exams in the clinical setting and solve problems in a more independent manner. Students complete all required clinical competency exams. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44036.
44038 Radiation Therapy Physics III (3)
Includes determination of radiation intensity, use of high-energy beams, linear accelerators, other high energy machines, geometry of photon beams, clinical application in treatment planning and safety. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44018.
44040 Radiation Therapy Clinical Education II (1)
Continuation of RIS 34030 with emphasis on clinical practice of treatment techniques and planning. Students are assigned to clinical education site for approximately 24 hours per week. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 34030.
44041 Radiation Therapy Quality Management (2)
Provides overview of quality management programs and continuing quality improvement in radiation therapy. Topics include validity of quality assurance checks, chart checks, image checks, testing on simulators, linear accelerators and brachytherapy sources. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44018.
44042 Radiation Therapy Pathology II (3)
Continuation of RTH Pathology I to include epidemiology, etiology, symptoms, metastases, histology, tumor grading, staging, detection, screening and diagnosis, treatment, side effects and prognosis of malignancies of the reproductive, urinary, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, integumentary and musculoskeletal systems as well as pediatric solid malignancies. Prerequisites: RIS 34083 and 44029 and 44040 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major. Corequisites: RIS 44028 and 44050.
44043 Radiation Therapy Principles/Practice III (2)
Content examines the health care market with emphasis on current trends in radiation therapy. Focuses on operational issues such as human resource regulations, accreditation agencies, billing and reimbursement and Medicare. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44013.
44044 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Procedures I (2)
Provides the imaging techniques related to the body, special clinical application, coil selection, scan sequences, protocols, positioning criteria, normal and abnormal anatomical and pathologic structures and signal characteristics for all areas of the body except extremities and vascular areas. Corequisites: RIS 44036 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
44045 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Procedures II (2)
Provides the imaging techniques related to the body, special clinical applications, coil selection, scan sequences, protocols, positioning criteria, normal and abnormal anatomical and pathologic structures and signal characteristics for the extremities and vascular areas. Prerequisites: RIS 44044 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major. Corequisites: RIS 44036.
44050 Radiation Therapy Clinical Education III (1)
Continuation of RIS 44040 with added emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and clinical competency. Students are assigned to clinical education site for approximately 24 hours per week. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44040.
44051 Magnetic Resonance Equipment and Image Acquisition I (2)
Develops an understanding of the physics of MR image acquisition and the hardware used. Provides information in the use and manipulation of the instrumentation and technical parameters used in the generation of images. Establishes safety procedures. Corequisites: RIS 44036 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
44052 Magnetic Resonance Equipment and Image Acquisition II (2)
Develops an understanding of MR image acquisition and the hardware used. Provides information in the use and manipulation of the hardware and technical parameters used in the generation of images. Reviews safety special applications such as advanced imaging techniques. Enables the students to maximize MR image quality. Prerequisites: RIS 44051 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major. Corequisite: RIS 44036.
44060 Radiation Therapy Clinical Education IV (1)
Continuation of RIS 44050 with added emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and clinical competency. Students are assigned to clinical education site for approximately 24 hours per week. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44050.
44070 Radiation Therapy Clinical Education V (1)
Continuation of RIS 44060 with added emphasis on clinical practice, treatment procedures, simulation and treatment planning. Students are assigned to clinical education site for approximately 24 hours per week. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44060.
44072 Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography II (3)
Embryonic and fetal development throughout gestation; fetal measurements, normal fetal anatomy and physiology; and abnormal sonographic appearances of the fetus will be covered as well as invasive obstetric procedures and antepartum testing. Prerequisite: RIS 34062.
44074 Vascular Sonography (2)
Anatomy, physiology and hemodynamics of the cerebrovascular abdominal and peripheral vascular systems; normal and abnormal sonographic vascular appearances; Doppler instrumentation and scanning techniques are covered. Prerequisites: RIS 44075 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44075 Ultrasound Clinical Education IV (3)
Provides clinical education and experiences at clinical sites to allow students the opportunity to practice skills necessary to obtain high quality sonographic images, to alter protocols based on patients and to evaluate image quality. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 34065 and radiologic and imaging science (RIS) major.
44078 Sonographic Techniques (3)
Course integrates diagnostic medical sonography concepts in preparation for certification exams. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44083 Pathophysiology for Medical Imaging (3)
Provides students with basic information on the causes of diseases and the body’s response to disease, as well as the medical imaging modalities that will demonstrate them. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44084 Ultrasound Image Evaluation (1)
Presentation of sonographic findings in specific disease processes, with evaluation of image quality and emphasis on diagnostic features of pathologic entities. Prerequisites: 34065 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44085 Ultrasound Clinical Education V (3)
Provides clinical education and experience at clinical sites to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in obtaining high quality sonographic images, to alter protocols based on patients and to evaluate image quality. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: RIS 44075 and radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44096 Individual Investigation in Medical Imaging Directed Readings (3)
Student selects prescribed number of medical imaging journal articles, completes questions, paper and presentation. Prerequisite: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major.
44098 Research in Medical Imaging (3)
Fundamental concepts and procedures for systematic collection, analysis, critique and application of qualitative and quantitative data in medical imaging. Prerequisites: radiologic and imaging sciences (RIS) major and senior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.