Real Estate Technologies (RERT)**
Real Estate Technologies (RERT)**
11000 Real Estate Principles and Practices (3)
Introduction to listing, selling, real estate math, legal descriptions of property and contracts. Prerequisite: none.
11001 Real Estate Law (3)
Review of basic Ohio laws covering the functions of an agency and the legal aspects of real estate transactions. Prerequisite: RERT 11000.
11003 Real Estate Financing (2)
Covers types of institutions, instruments and procedures involved in financing real estate transactions. Covers nature and characteristics of mortgage loans and nature of mortgage market. Prerequisite: RERT 11000.
21000 Real Estate Appraisal (2)
Emphasizes methodology of appraising urban real property and appraisal techniques. Presents market approach to residential appraisal. Prerequisite: RERT 11000.
21003 Special Topics in Real Estate (2)
Seminar involving discussion of current issues and solutions to special problems in real estate investment, management and brokerage operations. Prerequisites: RERT 11000 and 11001 and 11003 and 21000.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.