Physical Therapist Assistant Technology (PTST)**
Physical Therapist Assistant Technology (PTST)**
10000 Introduction for the Physical Therapist Assistant (2)
Orientation to the field of physical therapy history. Functions and responsibilities. Legal and ethical accountability. Patient rights. Safety. Health care delivery system. Prerequisite: none.
10001 Principles of Patient Care in Physical Therapy (4)
Underlying principles of physical therapy procedures. Equipment. Fundamentals of patient care relative to the role of the physical therapist assistant. Prerequisite: physical therapist assistant technology (PTST) major. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
10002 Analysis of Movement (4)
Function of the human body with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system. Gross body measurements. Prerequisite: BSCI 11001. Corequisites: PTST 10003 and 10004 and 10005.
10003 Clinical Conditions I (2)
Introduction to medical conditions commonly encountered in the practice of physical therapy which affect the integumentary, digestive and endocrine systems. Will include general medical testing procedures and psychological disorders. Prerequisite: PTST 10001.
Corequisites: PTST 10002 and 10004 and 10005.
10004 Physical Therapy Procedures I (4)
Theory and techniques of treatment procedures with emphasis on modalities. Maintenance of equipment and supplies. Prerequisite: PTST 10001. Corequisites: PTST 10002 and 10003 and 10005. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
10005 Directed Practice in Physical Therapy I (2)
Introduction to the practice of physical therapy procedures in the clinical setting under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: PTST 10001. Corequisites: PTST 10002 and 10003 and 10004.
10009 Medical Terminology (1)
Terminology utilized by the medical profession. Emphasis is on definition, spelling, pronunciation and correct usage of terms. Prerequisite: none.
10010 Transitions in Physical Therapy (8)
Validates prior learning, builds knowledge necessary for the transition to the physical therapist assistant technology (PTST) program and prepares students for advance placement in PTST. Students registering for this course must have successfully completed an approved allied health program and been admitted to PTST. Students successfully completing this course with a grade of C (2.00) or better will receive credit for the following courses:PTST 10002, 10004, 20003, 20004 and PHY 12111. Prerequisite: physical therapist assistant technology (PTST) major and special approval.
20001 Therapeutic Communications in Physical Therapy (1)
Focus on understanding human behavior, emotional needs of individuals, therapeutic use of self, and development of communication skills and interpersonal relationships. Prerequisite: none.
20003 Clinical Conditions II (2)
Continued study of medical conditions commonly encountered in the practice of physical therapy. Focus on orthopedic and cardiopulmonary pathologies. Prerequisite: PTST 10003. Corequisites: PTST 20004 and 20005.
20004 Physical Therapy Procedures II (4)
Continuation of theory and techniques of treatment procedures. Emphasis on correlating equipment with treatment procedures and correlating application with dysfunction. Prerequisite: PTST 10004. Corequisites: PTST 20003 and 20005. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
20005 Directed Practice in Physical Therapy II (5)
Discussion and practice of physical therapy procedures and techniques in an institutional setting under the supervision of licensed physical therapy personnel. Prerequisite: PTST 10005. Corequisites: PTST 20003 and 20004.
20006 Physical Rehabilitation Procedures (4)
Principles and techniques of therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation in physical therapy. Prerequisite: PTST 20005. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
20007 Directed Practice in Physical Therapy III (6)
Continued discussion and practice of physical therapy procedures and techniques in an institutional setting under the supervision of licensed physical therapy personnel. Prerequisite: PTST 20005.
20008 Clinical Conditions III (2)
Continued study of medical conditions commonly encountered in the practice of physical therapy. Focus on geriatric disorders, pharmacology, neurological disorders, fetal development/normal development, genetic and pediatric disorders. Prerequisites: PTST 10003 and 20003.
20010 Directed Practice in Physical Therapy Transitions (7)
Validates prior learning and builds student knowledge of the clinical practice necessary for a physical therapist assistant. An introduction to physical therapy procedures in the clinical setting under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist, and a discussion of the procedures and techniques used in institutional settings. Students completing this course with a grade of C (2.00) will receive credit for PTST 10005, 20005 and 20007. Prerequisite: PTST 10001 and special approval. Corequisites: PTST 20006 and 20008.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.