Physical Education Professional (PEP)
Physical Education Professional (PEP)
15010 Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness and Sport (2)
An introduction to the history, philosophy, structure and changing nature of sport, fitness and the pedagogical aspects of physical education. Overview of the profession and career opportunities. Prerequisite: none.
15013 Development and Analysis of Dance (2)
Development and analysis of dance skills through experience in folk, social, modern and aerobic dance. Prerequisite: PEP 15017.
15014 Development and Analysis of Gymnastic Skills (1)
Development and analysis of gymnastic skills through experiences in conventional gymnastics events. Prerequisite: PEP 15017.
15015 Development and Analysis of Game Performance I (2)
Development and analysis of game performance skills used in net/wall games. Prerequisite: PEP 15017.
15016 Development and Analysis of Game Performance II (3)
Development and analysis of game performance skills used in target games, field/run/score games, and invasion games. Prerequisite: PEP 15017.
15017 Fundamental Motor Skills (1)
Motor skill development and analysis through practice in fundamental motor movements. Prerequisite: none.
15018 Development of Swimming and Aquatic Skills (1)
Development and analysis of basic aquatic skills, swimming strokes, starts and turns, diving skills, physical fitness principles, aquatic safety and basic rescue techniques. Prerequisite: none.
15019 Development and Analysis of Track and Field (1)
Introduction to basic techniques and rules of track and field events. Consideration of relative conditioning, safety and instructional procedures. Prerequisite: none.
25001 Officiating Sport Activities (1-2)
Individual prescriptions for certification in officiating the following sports: basketball, baseball, field hockey, football, gymnastics, etc. Prerequisite: none.
25025 Teaching in Physical Education (3)
A seminar focused on the inquiry of teaching and learning of movement activities. A study of the role of the teacher, teacher behaviors, learning environments in movement activities and technology applications in physical education. Prerequisite: PEP 15010 to 15017. Pre/corequisite: EDPF 29525.
25026 Overview of Outdoor Pursuits and Adventure Education (3)
An overview of outdoor pursuits and adventure education is provided for students preparing to serve students/clients in physically active, outdoor and adventure contexts. Includes a required service learning component, which involves the design and delivery of quality outdoor education programs and/or curricula to children within the local community. Prerequisite: physical education professional (PEP) major. Special fee: $75 flat fee—subject to change.
25033 Lifespan Motor Development (3)
Introduction to motor development across the life span. Special emphasis on description of motor development changes and factors influencing change. Prerequisite: PSYC 11762.
25034 Early Childhood Motor Development (3)
Motor development during the early childhood years, with emphasis on factors influencing change. Prerequisite: PSYC 11762. Corequisite: ECED 20163.
25051 Human Anatomy (3)
Structural analysis of the major organ systems of humans. Emphasis is placed on osteology, arthrology, myology, nervous system and cardiopulmonary systems. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: none.
25057 Human Anatomy Physiology I (3)
Comprehensive examination of anatomy and physiology related to the organization of the body and basic cell and tissue types. Specific structure and function of the muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems are addressed. Prerequisite: none.
25058 Human Anatomy Physiology II (3)
Comprehensive examination of anatomy and physiology related to the human body under rest and exercise conditions. Specific structure and function of the metabolic, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems are addressed. Advanced coverage of neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also addressed. Prerequisite: PEP 25057.
25059 Sport in Society (3)
Analysis of how sport relates to the social relations and cultural values of United States society.The course is framed by a critical evaluative perspective, examining how social class, ethnicity, race and gender relations contour sport practices. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirements.
25068 Measurement and Evaluation in Fitness and Sport (3)
Measurement and statistics applied to physical education and exercise/sport sciences; laboratory experiences in statistics, test construction and administration, and evaluation. Prerequisite: none.
35010 Psychological Dimensions of Motor Behavior (3)
Psychological factors in exercise, physical activity and sport, emphasizing motor control, learning and performance. Laboratory included. Prerequisites: junior standing and PEP 25068. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
35022 Exercise Leadership (3)
Designed to provide the students with a knowledge base in exercise leadership. Topic areas and competencies using a variety of techniques in leading and demonstrating safe and effective methods of applying the fundamental principles of exercise science. The exercise leader will demonstrate all forms of group exercise, flexibility and balance training. Prerequisites: PEP 25057.
35040 Coaching Football (2)
Techniques of coaching football, including film analysis and offensive and defensive skills and systems. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35041 Coaching Soccer (2)
Coaching soccer, including analysis of skills, strategy and administrative responsibilities. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35042 Coaching Volleyball (2)
Coaching volleyball, including analysis of skills, offensive and defensive strategy, and administrative responsibilities. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35043 Coaching Gymnastics (2)
Philosophy, fundamentals, skill analysis, spotting, conditioning, administrative and organizational responsibilities. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35044 Coaching Basketball (2)
Philosophy, fundamentals, strategy, administrative responsibilities and conditioning. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35045 Coaching Wrestling (2)
Fundamental skill development, skill analysis, diet and weight control, team selection methods and administrative responsibilities. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35047 Coaching Tennis and Golf (2)
Coaching tennis and golf, including skill analysis and organization of tournaments and matches. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35048 Coaching Baseball and Softball (2)
Coaching techniques in softball and baseball, including analysis of basic skills, position play, and offensive and defensive strategies. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35049 Coaching Track and Field (2)
Coaching techniques relative to track and field events. Principles of organization for track and field meets. Prerequisite: not open to freshmen.
35052 Educational Dance/Gymnastics (3)
Analysis of the sequential development of dance and gymnastic skills from foundational movement patterns to conventional skills. Laboratory experiences in teaching children. Prerequisite: PEP 45051.
35054 Biomechanics (3)
Anatomical and mechanical bases of human movement. Emphasis is placed on tools and techniques for motion analysis, mechanical concepts, forces and performance analysis. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PEP 25051.
35065 History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity (3)
Historical and philosophical foundations of sport and physical education: a study of factors influencing pedagogical, curricular and evaluation decisions in sport and physical education programs today. Prerequisite: PEP 15010. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
35075 Exercise Programming (3)
Problems and issues in developing exercise programs in institutional and commercial settings. Prerequisites: PEB 10035 and BSCI 20020.
35079 Sports Physiology (3)
Application of physiological principles of human performance to sports/exercise. Focus on examples for teaching and coaching. Prerequisite: PEP 25051.
40612 Exercise Leadership for the Older Adult (3)
Designed to provide students with a knowledge base in exercise leadership in the older adult population, including special populations. Students participate in the leading, supervision and evaluation of participants within the exercise program. They also assist in the collection of functional fitness data. Prerequisite: PEP 35022.
43093 Variable Title Workshop in Exercise, Leisure and Sport (1-3)
Workshop in exercise, leisure and sport studies; topics vary; S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
43098 Research in Exercise, Leisure and Sport (1-3)
(Repeatable to 12 credit hours) Research project completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Written approval of supervising faculty member and school director required prior to registration. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
45015 Psychology of Coaching (3)
Psychological factors affecting athletic performance, with particular attention to practice factors, personality, motivation and problem athletes. Prerequisite: junior standing.
45020 Contemporary Athletic Coaching (3)
A focus on the philosophy, skills, strategies and tactics of coaching within contemporary society. Prerequisite: none.
45021 Organization and Administration of Athletics (3)
An understanding of theories necessary to run an efficient athletic department at all levels, including: budgeting, leadership and administrative theory, organizational structure, personnel, legal issues and facilities. Prerequisite: none.
45037 Adapted Physical Education (3)
An academic and practical approach to physical education for specific disorders. Field-based experience (10 hours). Prerequisites: PEP 25051 and 35054.
45051 Elementary School Physical Education Methods (3)
Approaches to teaching in elementary school physical education. Focusing on sequential curriculum development and on learning outcomes in three domains. Prerequisites: PEP 25033 and 25025 and 15013-15017 and special approval.
45053 Elementary School Physical Education Content (3)
Physical education content for the elementary school child with emphasis on developmentally appropriate learning in three domains. Prerequisites: PEP 25033 and 25025 and 15013-15017 and special approval.
45058 Secondary School Physical Education Methods (3)
Approaches to teaching in secondary school physical education. Focus on sequential curriculum development and on learning outcomes in three domains. Prerequisites: PEP 25033 and 25025 and 15013-15017 and special approval.
45059 Secondary School Physical Education Content (3)
Introduction and development of content, management and organizational skills related to sports and activities utilized in secondary school physical education. Prerequisites: PEP 25033 and 25025 and 15013-15017 and special approval.
45065 Exercise Testing (3)
Lecture and laboratory experiences dealing with the administration and interpretation of exercise tests. Prerequisites: PEP 35075 and 45080.
45070 Electrocardiography for the Exercise Physiologist (3)
Designed to provide students with the knowledge base in electrocardiography. Students work on interpreting the 12-lead electrocardiogram with clinical case studies to enhance the knowledge base of the exercise specialist. Prerequisites: PEP 25057 and special approval. Corequisite: PEP 25058.
45080 Physiology of Exercise (3)
Response of the human to acute and chronic exercise with emphasis on the underlying physiological mechanisms. Prerequisites: PEP 25057 and 25058 and special approval. Corequisite: BSCI 30030.
45091 Senior Seminar (1)
Investigation and study of current problems, topics and/or issues in physical education, exercise or sport. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: senior standing.
45092 Internship in Physical Education (2-8)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 credit hours) Supervised full-time experience providing knowledge of overall operations for an agency or sports program in an approved setting. Fifty work hours per credit hour. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval.
45096 Individual Investigation in Physical Education (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Independent study completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Written approval of supervising faculty member and school director required prior to registration. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
45392 Internship in Mainstreamed Physical Activity (1-12)
Supervised experience with School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport Motor Development Center participants of all ages and abilities in a mainstreamed situation; assessment, program planning, instruction, report preparation. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
45490 Internship Seminar (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Discussion of procedures and expectations for internships in exercise programming. S/U grading. Prerequisite: PEP 35075 and physical education professional (PEP) major.
45492 Internship in Physical Fitness/Cardiac Rehabilitation (2-8)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 hours) Supervised experience providing practical experience in administration and operation of programs in physical fitness, health enhancement and/or cardiac rehabilitation. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Sixty clock hours per credit hour. Prerequisites: PEP 45490 and senior standing and special approval.
45692 Internship in Athletic Coaching (2-4)
(Repeated registration permissible) Supervised experience in organized sport focused upon the duties of a coach; can be at one or more levels (youth, school, college, professional) and sports. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Sixty contact hours per credit. Prerequisite: PEP 45020 and special approval.
46095 Special Topics in Physical Education (1-3)
Selected topics in physical education dependent upon interest. Prerequisite: none.
49525 Inquiry into Professional Practice in Physical Education (3)
Seminar focused on development of those skills and knowledge which enable future teachers to engage in effective reflective, collaborative and ethical professional practice. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study. Corequisite: PEP 49526.
49526 Student Teaching in Physical Education (12)
This experience provides for a full semester of student teaching in a school setting that is corequisite with PEP 49525, Inquiry into Professional Practice in Physical Education. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisite: special approval and admission to advanced study. Corequisite: PEP 49525.