Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology (OCAT)**
Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology (OCAT)**
10000 Introduction to Occupational Therapy (2)
Introduction to the profession of occupational therapy, its place in the health care system, and the role and function of the OTR and the COTA. Prerequisite: none.
10001 Therapeutic Media I (3)
Development of skills in the use of craft media as a basic approach to occupational therapy practice. Includes concept of activity analysis and problem solving. Prerequisite: occupational therapy assistant technology (OCAT) major. Special fee—$25 flat fee—subject to change.
10002 Therapeutic Techniques I—Psychosocial (5)
Application of occupational therapy skills and techniques in treatment programs, concerned with psychosocial dysfunction. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in OCAT 10000 and occupational therapist assistant technology (OCAT) major and special approval.
10003 Occupational Therapy Practice Skills Laboratory (1)
Development of basic assessment and intervention skills as related to clients with physical and mental disabilities. Prerequisite: occupational therapist assistant technology (OCAT) majors.
20000 Therapeutic Techniques II—Physical Dysfunction I (5)
Application of occupational therapy skills and techniques in treatment programs, specifically concerned with physical dysfunctions. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in OCAT 10002 and PTST 10002 and occupational therapy assistant technology (OCAT) major.
20001 Occupational Therapy Management Skills (2)
Introduction to skills required for performing administrative tasks in the occupational therapy department. Also includes professional issues. Prerequisite: OCAT 10002 and special approval.
20003 Therapeutic Media III (3)
Development of skills utilized in adapting equipment for patients/clients to carry out activities of daily living. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
20004 Therapeutic Techniques III—Developmental Disabilities (3)
Application of occupational therapy skills and techniques applied to patients/clients with developmental disabilities. Prerequisite: OCAT 20000.
20005 Clinical Applications (8)
(320 clinical laboratory hours) Under the supervision of personnel in selected health care agencies, the student will apply knowledge, skills and techniques acquired in prior and concurrent OCAT courses. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) or better in OCAT 10000 and 10001 and 10002 and 20000 and 20001 and 20003 and 20004 and 20006 and occupational therapist assistant technology (OCAT) major and special approval.
20006 Therapeutic Techniques IV- Physical Dysfunction II (3)
Continued application of occupational therapy skills and techniques in treatment programs in the area of physical dysfunction. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in OCAT 10002 and 20000 and PTST 10002 and occupational therapy assistant technology (OCAT) major.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.