Marine Retail Operations Technology (MROT)**
Marine Retail Operations Technology (MROT)**
11000 The Marine Dealership (3)
A review of recreational boating in the United States; new technology affecting the industry; and industry growth forecasts nationally and geographically. Prerequisite: none.
11005 Principles of Navigation and Seamanship (3)
Review of equipment and techniques fundamental to navigation, pilotage and safety. Includes the study of tides and streams, navigational equipment and safe handling of recreational boats. Prerequisite: none.
21015 Internal Operations of the Marina and Dealership (2)
Review of current government regulations, risk management and operation management of the service department of marinas and marine dealership boatyards. Prerequisite: special approval.
21050 Merchandising Boats and Service (3)
Basic concepts of merchandising including inventory, assortment planning, pricing, showroom and service facilities; location factors, design, layout and space utilization; advertising and other promotion functions. Prerequisites: MROT 11000 and BMRT 21050.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.