Modern and Classical Language Studies (MCLS)
Modern and Classical Language Studies (MCLS)
10001 Introduction to Structural Concepts for Language Students (2)
Entry-level analysis of concepts of structure and form employed in language instruction. Designed for students who anticipate difficulty in basic language courses. Taught in English. Should be taken with a beginning language course. Prerequisite: none.
21417 Multiculturalism in Today’s Germany (3)
This course examines how issues of diversity have shaped German culture and traces the country’s transformation into a postnational, multicultural society. Taught in English; knowledge of German not necessary. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
22217 Diversity in Today’s Russia (3)
This course examines how issues of diversity have shaped Russian culture and traces Russia’s attempts at transition to a postnational, multicultural society. Taught in English; knowledge of Russian not necessary. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
23217 The Francophone Experience (3)
An introduction to various aspects of contemporary society and culture in countries where French is spoken. Taught in English; knowledge of French not necessary. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
28403 Hispanics in the United States (3)
An introduction to various aspects of Hispanic culture in the U.S. that examines how issues of diversity have shaped today’s multicultural United States. Taught in English; knowledge of Spanish not necessary. Prerequisite: none.
28404 The Latin American Experience (3)
An introduction to various aspects of contemporary Latin American societies and cultures. Taught in English; no knowledge of a foreign language is necessary. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
28405 The Spanish Experience (3)
An introduction to aspects of contemporary Spanish culture that examines how issues of diversity have shaped today’s multicultural, multilingual society. Taught in English; knowledge of Spanish not necessary. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
30230 Approaches to Translation (3)
An introduction to foreign language translation. Course introduces concepts, resources, principles and techniques of text analysis, and translation strategies applicable to various types of texts. Prerequisite: junior standing.
30376 Novels of Pierre Loti (3)
A study of the gay novels of Pierre Loti, including the emergence of the idea of “the homosexual man” in modern Western thought and the ways in which this development is reflected in the course of Loti’s writing. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
30660 Orientation to Second Language Pedagogy (3)
Theories of human development and learning, second language acquisition research and second language methodology form the basis for classroom practices. Peer-teaching and 30 hours of field experience required. Prerequisites: special approval.
37143 The African-Brazilian Experience in Culture and Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 31143 and PAS 37143) Interdisciplinary approach to the study of the African-Brazilian experience, from the colonial period to the present, as reflected in selected literary, sociocultural and historical texts. Course taught in English. Prerequisite: junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
39597 Intradepartmental Colloquium (1-4)
Permits students to explore areas of special interest not usually covered in standard departmental courses (e.g., movies and literature, women in literature). Prerequisite: none.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Modern and Classical Language Studies (1-6)
Workshops individually designed to provide instruction and training in specific areas of modern and classical language studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
40095 Selected Topics (1-3)
Topic to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. Repeated registration permissible when content varies. Prerequisite: senior standing.
40420 Foreign Languages and Culture Studies (3)
Students of international business, foreign languages and translation will explore the complex relationship between a foreign language and the cultural system of which it is a part. Course focuses on German, French and Spanish cultures. Prerequisite: none.
40525 Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Foreign language teaching as a profession and the teacher as disciplined investigator. The final seminar of four, it is conducted during the student-teaching semester with emphasis on collaborative and individual classroom problem solving. Prerequisite: special approval.
40654 Computers in Second Language Teaching (3)
Designed for future teachers of language and culture, this course explores the availability of technology, its implementation in the classroom and its integration with second language skills. Prerequisite: MCLS 30660.
40657 Student Teaching of a Second Language (3-9)
Supervised practicum in the teaching of a second language, grades K-12. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
40660 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language (3)
Theoretical bases, approaches, methods, materials and techniques of foreign language instruction at the elementary and secondary levels. Peer-teaching and 30 hours of field experience required. Prerequisites: MCLS 30660 and special approval.