Legal Assisting Technology (LEGT)**
Legal Assisting Technology (LEGT)**
18000 Introduction to Paralegal Studies (3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 18000) An overview of the legal system and the role of a paralegal professional. Includes legal terminology, types of laws, research, litigation, interviewing and office management. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: none.
18001 Legal Research and Writing (3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 28001) In-depth analysis of the legal research process and development of legal writing skills; opportunities to utilize research and writing skills are integrated into the course. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
18002 Corporate Law (3)
Introduction to corporation law and its application to client variations in practice. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: LEGT 18001.
18003 Family Law and Procedure (3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 28003) Designed to acquaint the student with family law substance and practice. Included: definitions, terminology, topical areas and the philosophy underlying family law practice. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
18004 Tort Claims for Paralegals (3)
Focus on tort claims management for paralegals. Topics include injuries to person and property, negligence, strict and products liability, defenses, processing insurance claims and settlements. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
18005 Employment Regulations (3)
Introduction to the employment environment and various regulations pertaining to the workplace. Wage and hour statutes, wrongful discharge statutes, ERISA, Title VII, COBRA. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
21092 Internship (2)
Supervised field experience. This experience requires a minimum of 14 hours per week for unpaid work experiences or 20 hours per week for employment with pay. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisites: LEGT 28006 and special approval. Corequisite:
LEGT 28008.
27091 Special Topics in Paralegal Studies (2-3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 27095) (Repeatable for a total of 6 hours) Intensive analysis of issues significant and current in the field which are not covered in regular courses. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
28004 Principles and Practice of Litigation (3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 28004) Introduction to the rules of civil procedure, statutes of limitation and discovery. Includes the role of the legal assistant in preparing for litigation. Prerequisite: LEGT 18000.
28005 Civil Litigation (3)
Role of paralegals in preparation for motions, trials and appeals. Specialized practices such as personal injury, medical malpractice, product and environmental liability. Prerequisite: LEGT 28004.
28006 Advanced Legal Research and Writing (3)
Introduction to case analysis and preparation of argumentative memorandum. Including writing of factual memorandum, file summaries and advocacy letters. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: LEGT 18001.
28007 Estate and Probate Administration (3)
(Cross-listed with JUS 28007) A study of legal principles applicable to wills, organization and jurisdiction of probate court, estate administration in probate, and tax considerations in estate administration. Course offered at the East Liverpool Campus only. Prerequisite: LEGT 28006.
28008 Professional Development for Paralegals (1)
Exploration and discussion of the paralegal field. Employment opportunities and responsibilities. Professional organizations and business etiquette. Prerequisites: LEGT 18001 and special approval.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.