Japanese (JAPN)
Japanese (JAPN)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
15101 Elementary Japanese I (5)
Introduction to modern standard Japanese in the context of Japanese culture. Prerequisite: none.
15102 Elementary Japanese II (5)
A continuation of the introduction to modern standard Japanese in the context of Japanese culture. Prerequisite: JAPN 15101.
25201 Intermediate Japanese I (5)
Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: JAPN 15102.
25202 Intermediate Japanese II (5)
Continuation of JAPN 25201. Prerequisite: JAPN 25201.
30095 Special Topics (3)
Topic to be announced in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: special approval.
35101 Advanced Intermediate Japanese I (5)
A continuation of the study of modern standard Japanese in the context of Japanese culture. Further development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, using a variety of materials. Prerequisite: JAPN 25202.
35102 Advanced Intermediate Japanese II (5)
Continuation of JAPN 35101. Prerequisite: JAPN 35101.
45201 Advanced Japanese I (5)
Advanced study of the four language skills, with particular emphasis on general conversational proficiency and reading of authentic texts to enhance linguistic and cultural competence. Prerequisite: JAPN 35102.
45202 Advanced Japanese II (5)
Continuation of JAPN 45201. Prerequisite: JAPN 45201.
45301 Business Japanese (3)
Development of the four language skills in a manner specific to Japanese corporate settings. Introduces Japanese business practice and business etiquette. Prerequisites: JAPN 35102 and special approval.
45421 Japanese Culture (3)
Explores key aspects of traditional and contemporary Japanese culture. Taught in English; no knowledge of Japanese necessary. Prerequisite: none.
45591 Variable Topic Seminar in Japanese (3)
(Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours) Seminar on Japanese literature or culture; course may be repeated when content varies. Student should have completed at least 9 hours of upper division work in Japanese. Prerequisite: special approval.