Instructional Technology (ITEC)
Instructional Technology (ITEC)
19525 Educational Technology (3)
Identification, evaluation, design, preparation and efficient use of education technology as instructional resource in classroom relating to principles of learning/teaching. Develop classroom communication abilities through lectures, discussions, modeling, laboratory experiences, completion of comprehensive project. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in EDPF 29535 and admission to one of the following majors: earth science (ESCI), integrated language arts (INLA), integrated mathematics (IMTH), integrated science (ISCI), integrated social studies (INSS), life science (LFSC), life science chemistry (LSCM), physical science (PHSC), school health education (SHED), early childhood education (ECED), middle childhood education (MCED), gifted (GFTD), intervention specialist (INSP), integrated business education (IBED), family and consumer sciences education (FCSE), marketing education (MKT), art education (ARTE), music education (MUED) or early childhood education technology (ECET).
37400 Introduction to Educational Media (2)
Principles and techniques in the selection and utilization of educational media in teaching/learning situations. Prerequisite: junior standing.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Educational Media (1-4)
Variable topic workshop designed to respond to curriculum trends and issues and specialized needs. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
47401 Design and Production of Educational Media (3)
Students apply effective approaches to the design and production of instructional media. The course develops skills in photography, audio and television. Prerequisite: junior standing.
47402 Organization and Administration of Educational Media Programs and Centers (3)
The planning, organizing, administering and evaluating of educational media programs and centers for schools, higher education, industry or churches. Prerequisite: ITEC 37400.
47403 Instructional Design (3)
Enables participants to design instructional sequences based upon a systematic approach and incorporating media as integral components. Prerequisite: junior standing.
47411 Designing Visuals for Instruction (3)
Investigation of historical, cultural and aesthetic dimensions of instructional visual design. Focus on design of instructional visuals across media, including print, video and computer-based technology. Presentations, laboratory activities. Prerequisite: none.
47413 Digital Video in Education (3)
Design/production of instructional TV programming. Planning and scripting techniques. Hands-on experience with TV equipment. Students will digitize video footage, learn nonlinear editing techniques and export productions to tape/CD. Prerequisite: none.
47427 Technology and Learning (3)
Overview of technology used in education. Focuses on implementing and facilitating learner-centered curriculum with computer technology. Students develop Web-based instructional materials. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
47430 Computer Applications in Education (3)
Preparation for use of computers effectively in a variety of educational settings. Students should have some expertise with computers. Focus on advanced applications in education. Macintosh and Windows. Prerequisite: ITEC 47427.
47495 Special Topics: Educational Media (1-5)
Specialized offering in response to emerging or selected program needs in educational media and instructional design. Prerequisite: none.
47496 Individual Investigation in Educational Media (1-5)
Directed independent reading and/or research of special interest or need in student’s program. Planned with and directed by a faculty member. Prerequisite: special approval.