Information Technology for Administrative Professionals (ITAP)**
Information Technology for Administrative Professionals (ITAP)**
16605 Introduction to Operating Systems and Networking Technology (3)
(Cross-listed with COMT 11005) Lab-oriented survey of desktop/network OS essentials, including file/disk management, system tools utilization, resource sharing and introductory network concepts. Prerequisite: none.
16620 Word Processing I (3)
Builds expertise in creating business documents applying the basic features of popular word processing software. Emphasis on hands-on experience. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: none.
16621 Word Processing II (3)
Design and create documents by using advanced features of word processing software. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: ITAP 26620.
16625 Business Presentations (2)
Development and production of professional computer-projected presentation materials using popular software. Includes use of graphic design techniques, color, layout, design principles and transparencies. Lecture one hour, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: none.
16636 Data Management for Administrative Professionals (3)
Introduction to the role of data and its management and evolution to information and knowledge in business environments. Prerequisite: none.
16639 Database Applications (3)
Concepts, terminology and use of current database software to manage and retrieve business information. Emphasis on hands-on experiences. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: none.
16649 Database Applications for Medical Billing (1)
Overview database course designed for medical billing certificate majors as they add, query, and create forms and generate reports for medical environments. Prerequisite: medical billing certificate (C123) majors.
16650 Systems Studies for Medical Billing and Coding (1)
Overview course to link knowledge of body systems with coding procedures in medical facilities. Corequisite: ITAP 26651 or HED 14020.
16680 Computer Keyboarding (1)
Basic keyboarding course using computers for students having no previous keyboarding instruction or a speed of less than 30 wpm. To pass the course, students must keyboard above 30 wpm for three minutes with no more than three errors. Prerequisite: none.
26611 Spreadsheet Applications (3)
Use of electronic spreadsheets from beginning to advanced applications that may prepare for software certification. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: none.
26613 Machine Transcription (3)
Basic transcription of machine dictation; application of language skills to typical and specialized office documents; and mastery of proofreading/editing procedures and techniques. Prerequisite: ITAP 16620.
26622 Desktop Publishing I (3)
Study and application of the principles of proper document design using high-end desktop publishing software for newsletters, brochures, reports, forms and other computer-based business documents. Lecture two hours. laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: ITAP 16620.
26623 Desktop Publishing II (3)
High-end layout/design and illustration software. Includes advanced documents, Web publishing, makeovers, computer graphic concepts and formatting, image editing techniques and the use of color. Lecture one hour. laboratory four hours. Prerequisite: ITAP 26622.
26635 Administrative Resource Management (3)
Explores how office professionals can apply resource management skills to the areas of space/workflow, forms/budgetary control, staff and materials/supplies. Prerequisite: none.
26636 Project Management for Administrative Professionals (1)
Provides the basic tools needed to effectively manage projects and to automate and streamline such functions as resource allocation, work scheduling and communication. Project management software is used in the course. Lecture one-half hour, laboratory one hour. Prerequisite: none.
26637 Specialized Machine Transcription (3)
Transcription of machine dictation emphasizing documents relating to the legal or medical professions. Includes application of language skills and mastery of proofreading/editing procedures and techniques. Prerequisite: ITAP 16620.
26638 Business Communications (3)
Theory and application of oral and written business communication with emphasis on business letters, reports, employment process, visual presentations and electronic communications. Basic word processing skills are suggested. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
26650 Medical Billing Procedures (3)
Introductory course in the preparation of various medical documents and forms in the health care industry. Use of computers and various word processing software will be included. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours. Prerequisite: none.
26651 Medical Billing Terminology (2)
Analysis of the language and terms used in medical billing environments. The medical billing context is used to frame the study of prefixes, suffixes and root words by specialty. Prerequisite: none.
26655 ICD Coding (3)
Basic medical coding using the current version of the ICD classification system and nomenclature. Prerequisite: ITAP 26651 or HED 14020.
26656 CPT Coding (3)
Introduction to coding rules for the CPT and Level II coding system, incorporating and applying ICD rules to code patient services. Prerequisite: ITAP 26655.
26691 Seminar for Administrative Professionals (2)*
Refines job search strategies, integrates coursework with realistic office settings, presents interpersonal/ethical issues and provides outreach activities, emphasizing the total quality management environment. Prerequisites: sophomore standing.
26692 Internship for Administrative Professionals (1-3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 4 hours) Supervised field experience of 10 hours per week paid or seven hours per week unpaid in a business environment functioning as an administrative professional. Prerequisites: sophomore standing, 2.00 GPA or better in the major. Special approval required.
26695 Special Topics in Information Technology for Administrative Professionals (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics in information technology topics for administrative professionals. Prerequisite: special approval.
26696 Individual Investigation: Information Technology for Administrative Professionals (1-3)*
Independent, in-depth research of an ITAP topic supervised and coordinated by an ITAP faculty member. Prerequisites: 12 credit hours of ITAP courses and special approval of a full-time ITAP faculty member.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.