Industrial Engineering and Related Technologies (IERT)**
Industrial Engineering and Related Technologies (IERT)**
12005 Applications in Computer-Aided Design (2)
Course for training on the use of a popular, computer-aided drafting and design software. Practice with the advanced features of the software applicable to modern design in the graphics, mechanical, industrial and electronics fields. Prerequisite: none.
21096 Individual Investigation in Systems/ Industrial Engineering Technology (1-4)*
Independent, in-depth research of a systems/industrial engineering technology topic supervised and coordinated by an engineering technology faculty member. Prerequisite: special approval.
22000 Statistical Process Control (4)
Process variability, process monitoring, statistical methods using control charts for variables and attributes; Acceptance sampling plans; process capability, process adjustment, process improvement. Prerequisite: special approval.
22001 Motion and Time Study (3)
Motion economics, SPC, activity charts, methods improvement, use of standard data method of making studies, computerized line balancing. Prerequisite: none.
22003 Supervision and Labor Relations (5)
Practical methods and techniques for improving supervision and labor relations in industry. Personnel and performance evaluation, implementing policy, labor contracts, collective bargaining, wage and salary administration. Prerequisite: none.
22004 Facilities Engineering (2)
Principles of facilities engineering to meet production needs. Applications of material-handling devices, plant layout drawings, templates, models and FMS systems. Prerequisite: none.
22005 Production and Inventory Control (2)
Basic principles, objectives and influencing factors of production control in industrial organizations of various kinds and their effects on costs. Applied planning and scheduling. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
22006 Economic Decision Analysis (3)
Economic decision making for industrial engineering technology with applications emphasis, estimating economic elements, interest and economic equivalence, methods of comparing alternatives and evaluating replacement alternatives. Prerequisite: none.
22007 Cooperative Work Experience (2)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 hours) University-industry work study plan in which student alternates periods of study at the university with periods of employment in industry. Prerequisite: special approval.
22008 Taguchi Process Improvement (3)
Process and product improvement through reduction of variation. Design of experiments and interpretation of results. Analysis of variance, orthogonal arrays and Taguchi techniques. Prerequisite: MATH 19002.
22010 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3)
Planning, developing and implementing a strategy to control and coordinate all the engineering, production and business operations within a manufacturing enterprise. Prerequisite: none.
22095 Special Topics (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics in systems/industrial engineering technology. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.