Hospitality Management (HM)
Hospitality Management (HM)
13022 Sanitation and Safety Principles and Practices (3)
Safety and sanitation practices pertinent to food service. Emphasis is on laws, food microbiology, storage practices and accident prevention. Prerequisite: none.
13023 Techniques of Food Production (5)
Commercial food production principles for milk, cheese, eggs, produce, grains, meats, poultry and fish are covered. Sauces, soups, salads, entrees, side dishes and desserts are prepared with an emphasis on food quality and safety, effective equipment use, work planning and simplification, recipe standardization, pricing and presentation. Prerequisites: HM 13022 and nutrition and food (NF) majors. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
13024 Introduction to Hospitality Management (2)
Career opportunities and the scope, development and history of the hospitality industry. Introduction to management in the hospitality industry including food service, lodging and tourism. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
23012 Food Study (3)
Principles of food preparation and quality evaluation with consideration of nutritive value and retention. One hour of lecture and four hours of lab. (Note: nutrition and dietetics majors should take CHEM 10060, 10061 and 20481; students in other majors should take CHEM 10050 and 10052 as prerequisites for this course.) Prerequisite: NUTR 23511. Special fee: $33 flat fee—subject to change.
23030 Lodging Operations (3)
This course provides students with an introduction to lodging, resort operations and management. Skills needed to succeed in the field and career opportunities are emphasized. Prerequisite: none.
33020 Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry (3)
Overview and analysis of legal issues of concern to the hospitality operation. Topics include: employment law; food and beverage liabilities; patron civil rights, local, state, and federal regulations; and franchising. Prerequisite: junior standing.
33026 Hospitality Cost Control and Analysis (5)
Prepares students to analyze and control costs encountered in hospitality operations. Includes computer applications, math drills and simulations. Prerequisites: MIS 24053 and ACCT 23020 and HM 13023.
33028 Hospitality Purchasing (3)
Emphasis on the selection of food, goods and services for the management of hospitality organizations. Emphasis is placed on product identification, grading and quality standards. Prerequisite: HM 13023.
33029 Catering and Banquet Preparation and Service (5)
Combines theoretical and practical applications of planning, merchandising, costing, producing and serving catered meals. Prerequisite: HM 33026. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
33035 Hospitality Service Quality Management (3)
The unique issues associated with managing guest satisfaction will be explored. The delivery of quality services and recovery from service failure in hospitality organizations will be studied from a human resource and organizational perspective. Prerequisite: MIS 24163.
33036 Club Management (3)
Introduction to private club management and operations. Strategic planning, marketing, human resources, service excellence, legal issues and financial management will be emphasized within the context of food and beverage, golf and recreation. Prerequisite: junior standing.
33040 Hotel Convention Group Sales and Services (3)
From a hotel sales and convention services perspective, the convention and meetings industry is examined. Students are introduced to all facets of the conventions and meetings industry. Prerequisite: HM 23030 and junior standing.
33050 Professional Practices in Hospitality Management (1)
Preparation of student for professional work experiences in hospitality management. Career development and professional workplace issues are addressed. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41093 Variable Topic Workshop in Hospitality Management (1-3)
Workshop setting dealing with a topic or topics in hospitality management. Learning experiences are provided in a wide range of areas. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
41095 Special Topics in Hospitality Management (1-4)
Discussion of a major topic within a specific field of hospitality management. Prerequisite: none.
41096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Independent study in hospitality management. Prerequisite: written special approval from instructor.
43025 Hospitality Marketing (3)
Application of marketing principles, practices and theories relevant to hospitality organizations. Case studies drawn from the hospitality industry are incorporated. Prerequisites: HM 13023 and MIS 24163 and MKTG 25010.
43027 Hospitality Human Resource Management (3)
Application of human resource management principles, practices, theories and legal issues relevant to hospitality organizations. Hospitality management-focused case studies are incorporated. Prerequisites: HM 33026 and MIS 34180. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
43029 Hospitality Financial Policy (3)
Strategic financial decision making for short- and long-term financial management problems in various hospitality organizations such as hotels, restaurants, clubs and resorts, through case analysis. Prerequisite: FIN 36053.
43030 Food Service Systems Management (3)
The study of food service systems management, including menu planning and evaluation, recipe development, purchasing, equipment, financial management, marketing and human resources. Prerequisite: HM 23012.
43031 Layout and Design of Food Service Operations (3)
Analysis and planning for the layout and design of commercial food services operations. Includes basic principles of design; space analysis; and equipment use, care selection and layout for food services facilities based on the financial performance of the operation; food codes; and related regulations. An appreciation for engineering and architecture concerns pertaining to food service operations is developed. Prerequisite: HM 13023.
43032 Food Production and Service Management (3)
The application of management principles in food production and service systems, including production management, quality control, distribution and service and physical facilities. A laboratory is included in the course. Prerequisites: HM 23012 and 43030.
43040 Strategic Lodging Management (3)
The hotel manager’s role as a strategic thinker is emphasized. Techniques such as co-alignment model, brand strategy, competitor analysis, market research, risk management and finance options are used to develop strategic plans in hotels. Prerequisites: HM 23030 and 33026.
43043 Hospitality Meetings Management (4)
Exploration of the unique issues associated with managing hospitality meeting and event planning. Emphasis on management of social, association and banquets, receptions and annual meetings held in hospitality venues requiring food and beverage and/or lodging. Prerequisites: HM 23030 and 33026.
43092 Practicum/Hospitality Management (3-6)
Supervised professional experience in the hospitality industry including operations such as restaurants, hotels, clubs, health care, theme parks and food distribution. Bimonthly seminars course assignments are included. Repeatable for a total of 6 credits. Prerequisites: HM 33050 and junior or senior standing.