Health Education (HED)
Health Education (HED)
11570 Personal Health (3)
This course examines the leading causes of death and disability in the United States with an emphasis on the application of knowledge and skills to reduce risk and enhance the quality of life. Prerequisite: none.
11590 Community Health (3)
Identification of community health problems and measures for control. Emphasizes principles, objectives and methods of community health planning. This course includes five field/clinical hours. Prerequisite: none.
13510 Winning Combination: Health and Athletes (1)
An exploration of strategies for promoting healthy lifestyles for athletes. The course is reserved for varsity athletes. Prerequisite: special approval.
14020 Medical Terminology (3)
Identification of the meaning of various roots and terms and combining forms that are components of medical words, including anatomical, physiological and pathological therapeutic terminology, and implications for health literacy. Prerequisite: none.
20000 Health Education for Early Childhood Educators (3)
Investigate current health issues relevant to children in preschool environments/primary grades; identify educational strategies to increase student health knowledge, foster positive health attitudes and promote healthy behaviors. Prerequisite: none.
21030 Introduction to Health Education (3)
This course introduces the student to the health education profession. Roles and responsibilities of health educators in a variety of occupational settings are described. Prerequisite: none.
21050 Health Behavior (3)
Application of various attitude and behavior models to health and illness behavior in order to develop a framework for educational intervention. This course includes five field/clinical hours. Prerequisite: none.
32530 Drug Use and Misuse (3)
Introduction to the study of drug/alcohol abuse. Basic pharmacology of drug actions is reviewed. Common myths/misconceptions about drug/alcohol use are examined. Current drug problems and related prevention/treatment issues are analyzed. Prerequisite: none.
32542 Methods and Applications of Health Education (5)
Analysis observation, demonstration and experience in the teaching-learning process utilizing methods, materials and resources appropriate to the preparation of professional health educators. This course includes 50 field/clinical hours. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: HED 11570 and 11590. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
32544 Human Sexuality (3)
A study of the role and meaning of human sexuality throughout the life cycle for self and society. Prerequisite: none.
32565 Marketing in Health Education (3)
Examines the basic elements of marketing processes as they relate to promoting health in communities. Emphasis on application of marketing/planning concepts and practices for service providers involved with health education. Prerequisite: none.
32575 Consumer Health (3)
An overview of the health marketplace including health products, services, financing, promotional practices and consumer protection laws. Prerequisite: none.
34050 Program Planning and Evaluation in Health Education (3)
Provides students with the knowledge and skills to assess health resources and needs, develop health programs to meet specific needs in particular populations and determine appropriate measures to evaluate the effectiveness of health programs. Prerequisites: HED 11590 and 32542.
34060 Small Group Processes (2)
(Cross-listed with CHDS 37800) Group processes in human relationships, including techniques of democratic leadership and effective group membership. This course includes 25 field/clinical hours. Prerequisite: none.
36048 Emergency Medical Training (5)
Basic immediate care procedures for victims of acute illnesses and accidents. Course does not conform to EMT-B National Standard Curriculum as adopted by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Division of EMS. Prerequisite: special approval required. Special fee: $4/credit hour—subject to change.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Health Education and Promotion (1-3)
Discussion of major issues in health and safety education. Content, emphasis and prerequisites vary depending on workshop. S/U grading. Prerequisites: HED 11590 and special approval.
41561 Environmental Health (3)
Effects on human health of overpopulation and various sources of energy and the resultant environmental pollutants. Consideration of alternatives and solutions. Prerequisite: HED 11570.
42041 Health Counseling (3)
Techniques of counseling applied to health education. Individual and group approaches relative to personal, family and societal health issues. This course includes 20 field/clinical hours. Prerequisite: none.
42358 Student Teaching in Health Education (9)
Provides a twelve week student teaching experience. See Student Teaching section of the Catalog. S/U grading. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisite: eligibility for admission to student teaching and admission to advanced study.
42575 Health and Learning: Strategies for Students and Teachers (3)
Focus on health issues/education/environment policy and practice strategies to respond to threats confronting students utilizing a coordinated school/community strategy to promote health to improve academic outcomes. CPR and first aid certification required for completion of course. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
42580 Professional Issues in Health Education (2)
Career preparation through investigation of professional role, standards, issues in work settings. Prerequisite: HED 44095.
44025 Women’s Health Issues (3)
Traditional and feminist analysis of women’s health issues and the health educational responses to those issues. Prerequisite: none.
44092 Internship in Community Health Education (12)
Participation for one academic semester in the health education activities of an approved agency, organization or industry. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval.
44095 Special Topics: Health Education and Promotion (1-3)
Selected topics related to public health issues facing professionals in communities, schools, health care settings and the worksite. Prerequisite: none.
44096 Individual Investigation in Health Education and Promotion (1-3)
Independent reading and/or research directed by a HED faculty member. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
44543 Administration of School Health Programs (3)
Organizational design and administration of a comprehensive school health program including health services, instruction and environment. This course includes 25 field/clinical hours. CPR and first aid certification required for completion of course. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
44544 Sexual Health Promotion Programs (3)
This course prepares the student to develop, implement and evaluate sexuality education programs in school and community settings. Prerequisite: HED 32544.
44550 Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention (3)
Drug abuse and violence prevention from theoretical, philosophical, empirical and practical perspectives. Application of etiological theories to planning prevention programs. Prerequisite: HED 32530.
44565 Health Data Analysis and Presentation (3)
Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data utilized in epidemiological surveillance and evaluation. Application of statistical and graphic computer programs in this area. Prerequisite: none.
46052 Stress: Recognition and Management (2)
An examination of stress, its role as a predisposing factor for various illnesses and diseases, types of stressors and the body’s reaction to stress, as well as techniques for recognizing, preventing and reducing stress. Prerequisite: none.
46057 Advanced Human Sexuality (3)
Selected aspects of human sexuality; history, cross-cultural perspectives, medical/surgical conditions and sex therapy and counseling. Prerequisite: HED 32544.
46060 Death Education (3)
Issues of living with the human experiences of death and facilitating understanding with selected client systems in schools and community agencies. Prerequisites: HED 11570 and PSYC 11762.
46070 Health Related Aspects of Aging (3)
Theories of biological aging and identification of major health hazards, age-related diseases and age changes, their prevention and control. The health care delivery system for the elderly. Prerequisite: none.
47070 AIDS: Issues, Education and Prevention (3)
This course provides an extensive overview of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus epidemic as it has developed and exists today. A particular emphasis will be given to AIDS education and prevention issues and strategies. Prerequisite: none.
47091 Current Issues in Health Education and Promotion (1-3)
Public health issues facing professionals in communities, schools, health care settings and the worksite. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
48092 Field Experience in Health Education and Promotion (1-3)
Observation and participation in educational and promotional activities of a public health agency, school or health care facility. Joint university-agency supervision. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
49525 Inquiry Seminar into Professional Practice (3)
Interdisciplinary inquiry into teaching as a professional practice in health education; emphasis on teacher as disciplined investigator. Final semester of four. Utilization or teaching/learning technology. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study. Corequisite: HED 42358.