Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)
14027 Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies (2)
Introduction to human services related to human development and family studies, the career opportunities available and the skills required to succeed in the field. Prerequisite: none.
24011 Interpersonal Relationships and Families (3)
(Cross-listed with SOC 24011) Exploration of the sociological nature of families across the life span, focusing on structure, diversity and life-course processes, such as dating, mate selection, cohabitation, marriage, parenthood, divorce, remarriage, singlehood, widowhood, parent-child interactions, sexual orientation, inequality and difference. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
24012 Child Development (3)
General development of the child from prenatal through middle childhood. Prerequisite: HDFS 24011.
24013 Early Adolescence (3)
Examines the fundamental transitions, social contexts and psychosocial processes involved in human development from ages 10 through 15. Implications for working with this age group within schools, human services agencies and youth development programs. Prerequisite: none.
24095 Special Topics in Human Development and Family Studies (1-4)*
Discussion of a major topic within human development or family studies. Prerequisite: HDFS 24011.
25512 Management of Family Resources (3)
Management as applied to individuals, families and human service professionals. Prerequisite: HDFS 24011.
34013 Development in Infancy (3)
Study of genetic influences, prenatal development and birth, and the developmental characteristics of the infant and toddler. Prerequisites: HDFS 14027 and 24012.
34031 Cultural Diversity: Implications for the Helping Professions (3)
This class is designed to enhance the competence and success of students planning to work in human services. Learning how different cultural backgrounds influence the perceptions and behaviors of clients in the human service setting is emphasized. Prerequisite: none.
41093 Variable Topic Workshop: Human Development and Family Studies (1-3)
Workshop setting dealing with a topic or topics in human development and family studies. Learning experiences are provided in a wide range of areas. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
41095 Special Topics in Human Development and Family Studies (1-4)
Discussion of a major topic within human development or family studies. Prerequisite: none.
41096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Independent study in human development and family studies. Prerequisite: written special approval from instructor.
44018 Professional Development in Human Development/Family Studies (3)
Preparation of students for professional work experiences as well as providing an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the fields of human development and family studies and gerontology. Prerequisites: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors and senior standing.
44019 Intergenerational Experiences (3)
Provides students with practical experience in working with older adults in a structured setting. The focus of activities is on enhancing the well-being of all participants and providing information in the areas of health, fitness and other areas of well-being as well as community resources for older adults. Students apply information about adult development to the older participants or members via a case study. Moreover, both the students and older adults will become more knowledgeable about the characteristics of each age group and their respective cultures and achieve a comfort level that promotes intergenerational experiences. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisite: none.
44020 Adolescent Development (3)
Study of adolescent development with emphasis on forces related to adolescent behavior in the family and society. Evaluation of current research. Prerequisite: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors.
44021 Family Intervention Across the Lifespan (3)
Evaluation of research and theoretical models in the area of family intervention. Focus on strategies for assisting families in coping with a variety of critical issues over the family life cycle. Prerequisite: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors.
44022 Changing Roles of Men and Women (3)
A study of roles of men and women—past, present and future. Prerequisite: none.
44023 Building Family Strengths (3)
The Building Family Strengths Model builds upon family life potential; based on extensive research emphasizing identified family strengths. Prerequisite: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors.
44028 Parent-Child Relationships (3)
Study of parent-child relationships across the life span and within various contexts. Emphasis on the process of socialization and determinants of parent-child relationships based on current research. Prerequisite: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors.
44029 Family Policy (3)
Understanding federal, state and local policy issues affecting families. Role of family life educator in promoting a family-friendly perspective in policy making. Prerequisite: GERO 44030.
44030 Family Life Education Methodology (3)
Developing teaching methods and techniques for family life education and the study of family life education content areas. Prerequisite: GERO 44030.
44031 Intergenerational Family Caregiving (2)
Intergenerational concerns of family caregivers across the lifespan, coping resources, formal and informal support systems. Prerequisite: none.
44032 Nonprofit Fundraising and Grantwriting (3)
Provides comprehensive preparation in planning, seeking and acquiring funding from available resources in supporting the mission of nonprofit human service agencies. Prerequisite: none.
44033 Nonprofit Management I (3)
An overview of nonprofit/human service organizations, including how to start and manage one, leadership, ethics, program development, service learning, board development, budgeting, legal aspects, advocacy and lobby, mission and vision and fundraising. Prerequisite: none.
44034 Nonprofit Management II (3)
An overview of nonprofit/human service organizations, including conflict resolution, human resource management, risk management, marketing, ethics, leadership, intercultural sensitivity and social entrepreneurship. Prerequisite: none.
44035 Assessment and Strategies in Case Management (2)
An examination of the evaluation of client needs and assessment of client condition. Emphasizes interviewing as a major assessment strategy. Corequisites: HDFS 44192 and junior standing.
44036 General Case Management Methods (3)
Examination of case management processes and strategies, with focus on community resources to meet client needs in the human service setting. Prerequisites: HDFS 44035 and junior standing. Corequisite: HDFS 44292.
44092 Practicum in Human Development and Family Studies (3-10)
(Repeatable for a total of 20 credit hours) Observation and participation in child, family and social service agencies. One class discussion per week. S/U grading. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors and HDFS 44018 and senior standing with an overall GPA of 2.50.
44192 Internship in Human Development and Family Studies—Case Management I (3-6)
Supervised field experience in a human service agency. Joint university-agency supervision. Corequisites: HDFS 44035 and junior standing.
44292 Internship in Human Development and Family Studies—Case Management II (3-6)
Continued supervised field experience in a human service agency. Join university-agency supervision. Prerequisites: HDFS 44192 and junior standing. Corequisite: HDFS 44036.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.