Gerontology (GERO)
Gerontology (GERO)
14029 Introduction to Gerontology (3)
An interdisciplinary approach to the aging process. Experiences with older members of the community are included. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
30656 Psychology of Aging (3)
(Cross-listed with PSYC 30656) Exploration of basic research and theory on the psychological consequences of aging and psychological factors that affect the behavior of older persons. Prerequisite: PSYC 11762.
41093 Variable Topic Workshop in Gerontology (1-3)
Workshop setting dealing with a topic or topics in aging. Learning experiences are provided in a wide range of areas. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
41095 Special Topics in Gerontology (1-4)
Discussion of a major topic within a specific field of gerontology. Prerequisite: none.
41096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Independent study in gerontology. Prerequisite: written special approval from instructor.
44030 Adult Development and Aging (3)
Examines developmental processes across adulthood. Evaluation of theoretical models and scientific literature. Prerequisite: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors only. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
44031 Social Policy and Community Resources for Older Adults (3)
Overview of national, state and local public policy affecting older adults. Legislation, funding, planning and the service delivery system are examined. Prerequisite: GERO 44030.
44092 Practicum in Gerontology (3-10)
(Repeatable for a total of 20 credit hours) Observation and participation in long-term care of community agencies. One class discussion per week. S/U grading. Prerequisites: human development and family studies (HDFS) majors and senior standing.