German (GER)
German (GER)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
The following course is taught in English and does not presuppose a preparation in the language in question: German 31501.
11201 Elementary German I (4)
An introduction to the German language in the context of the cultures of German-speaking lands. Prerequisite: none.
11202 Elementary German II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the German language in the context of the cultures of German-speaking lands. Prerequisite: GER 11201.
21201 Intermediate German I (3)
Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: GER 11202.
21202 Intermediate German II (3)
Continuation of GER 21201. Prerequisite: GER 21201.
23531 Yiddish Short Story (3)
Introduction to Yiddish short stories in English translation with a special emphasis on works by Aleichem, Peretz and Mendele. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
23532 Yiddish Drama (3)
Examines representative Yiddish dramas which reflect the Yiddish-speaking society. They further depict the religious and political conflicts of this society with its Gentile neighbors. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
31095 Special Topics (1-3)
May be repeated when content varies. Topic announced in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: junior standing.
31201 Intensive German Grammar (3)
A systematic approach to German grammar and syntax. Prerequisite: GER 21202.
31211 German Composition and Conversation (3)
Grammar review and practice in writing and speaking German. Prerequisite: GER 21202 and 31201.
31215 German Phonetics and Diction (3)
Study of the German sound system with emphasis on pronunciation and intonation. Reading and performance of a series of skits and short plays. Prerequisite: GER 21202.
31231 Translation Practice: German (1)
Translation practice with German texts using principles and techniques learned in the lecture class. Corequisite: MCLS 30230.
31240 Conversation for Business and Special Purposes: German (3)
Introduction to the special vocabulary of business and other special subject areas; introduces the concept of language for special purposes and emphasizes the use of special vocabulary in conversations in business and other settings. Prerequisite: GER 31211.
31303 Introduction to German Literature (3)
Introduction to German literature and textual analysis. Prerequisites: GER 21202 and 31201.
31421 German Civilization (3)
A survey of German history and intellectual life to 1918; taught in German. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours upper-division German (GER) courses.
31501 German Literature in English Translation (3)
Reading and analysis of major works of German literature in English translation. No knowledge of German required. May not be counted toward the major or minor. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41095 Special Topics (1-4)
(Repeated registration permissible when content varies) Topic announced in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: senior standing.
41096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Independent investigation of problems in German language or literature. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours of upper-division German (GER) and special approval of the department chairperson.
41211 Advanced German Composition and Conversation (3)
Advanced practice in speaking and writing German. Prerequisite: GER 31211.
41216 Contemporary German Culture (3)
A study of selected sociological, political, cultural and economic issues in contemporary German-speaking countries, using readings, films and legal documents as the basis for discussions. Taught in German. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours upper-division German (GER) courses. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41230 Advanced Translation Practice: German (3)
Theory and practice course that discusses translation theory and emphasizes German-to-English translation of selected texts in business, technology, medicine and law. Prerequisite: GER 31231. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41240 Business and Special Texts: German (3)
Survey of the typical text types of business in the German culture and language. Practice sessions focus on reading and understanding specialized texts, and on the translation and composition of selected special texts in German. Prerequisite: GER 31211.
41330 Twentieth-Century German Authors (3)
A survey of the major movements and authors of the 20th century. Prerequisite: special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41331 History of German Literature (4)
History of the development of German literature from 750 to the present. Prerequisite: special approval.
41332 German Literature by Women (3)
Readings of works by female German authors. Taught in German. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41334 The German Novella (3)
Development of the German novella from the 18th-century to the present. Readings of major works, lectures, analyses; taught in German. Prerequisite: special approval.
41335 German Drama (3)
An examination of the development of the drama in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Taught in German. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of upper-division German (GER) courses.
41338 German Poetry (3)
An examination of the nature of poetry with particular attention to its development in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Taught in German. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of upper-division German (GER) courses.
41365 Classical German Literature (3)
Reading and critical analysis of major works of the Classical Age with emphasis on Goethe. Prerequisite: special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41399 Research Project in German Literature (3)
Thesis or other independent study. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of German (GER) at the 40000 level.
41731 Survey of German Cinema (3)
A survey of major contributions to the German cinema from the beginnings to the present; taught in German. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of upper-division German (GER) courses.