Geology (GEOL)
Geology (GEOL)
11040 Earth Dynamics (3)
Application of basic concepts and theories of Earth science to the interpretation of Earth materials and dynamic processes (erosion, sedimentation, volcanism, continental drift). Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
11041 Earth Dynamics Laboratory (1)
Lab study of minerals, rocks, aerial photos, topographic maps and geologic maps. Pre/corequisite: GEOL 11040. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
11042 Earth History (3)
Application of basic concepts and theories of Earth science to the interpretation of the origin and evolution of the solar system, the Earth, the structures of the crust and life. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
11043 Earth History Laboratory (1)
Lab study of fossils, sedimentary rocks and geologic maps in the framework of interpreting Earth history. Pre/corequisite: GEOL 11042. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
21061 Glacial Geology (3)
Origin and movement of glaciers, glacial erosion, transport, nature of glacial drift, Pleistocene stratigraphy, periglacial phenomena and climatic oscillations. Field trips. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: GEOL 11041.
21062 Environmental Geology (3)
Application of geology to environmental problems including natural resource extraction, water supply, pollution, waste disposal, landslides, floods and land use planning. Field trips. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
21080 Oceanography (3)
Introduction to geological, physical, chemical and biological nature of the oceans. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
23063 Mineralogy (4)
Occurrence, associations, characteristics, crystallography and crystal chemistry of common minerals. Lab identification emphasizing physical properties. Lecture three hours, lab two hours weekly. Required field trip. Prerequisites: GEOL 11040 and 11041. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 10060.
31070 Petrology (4)
Occurrence and origin of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Lab identification, description and classification of hand specimens. Lecture three hours, lab two hours weekly. Required field trip. Prerequisite: GEOL 23063.
31080 Structural Geology (4)
Mechanical principles of rock deformation. Structures in sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Lecture three hours, lab two hours weekly. Required field trip. Prerequisites: GEOL 31070.
32066 Geomorphology (4)
Earth’s surface features as functions of geological structures, processes and time. Landform analysis using topographic maps and some stereographic aerial photos. Lecture three hours, lab two hours weekly. Trigonometry recommended. Prerequisites: GEOL 11040 and 11041.
34061 Invertebrate Paleontology (4)
Concepts applied to study of commonly preserved invertebrate organisms; identification of common North American fossils. Lecture three hours, lab two hours weekly. Required field trip. Prerequisites: GEOL 11042 and 11043 and either BSCI 10110 or 20560. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Geology (1-8)
(Repeated registration permissible) Workshop or training program focused on a specific professional or disciplinary topic within geology. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40095 Selected Topics in Geology (3)
Selected topics presented by visiting professors or one-time offerings presented by regular faculty. Prerequisite: 20 credit hours of geology (GEOL) courses.
40096 Individual Investigation in Geology (1-3)
Directed field, lab and/or library research. Written report required. Open on special approval of faculty member directing work. Only 3 credit hours will be applied toward baccalaureate degree. Does not count toward geology major. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
41025 General Geophysics (3)
Physics of Earth, seismology, geomagnetism, heat flow, radioactivity, geochronology, geotectonic models. Required field trip. Prerequisites: GEOL 31070 and 31080; and MATH 12002; and PHY 13001 or 23101.
41073 Geology of Ohio (3)
Minerals, rocks, fossils, structural geology, physiography, environmental geology and geologic resources. Required field trips. Does not satisfy requirements of geology major. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41075 Geology of the United States (3)
Distribution of natural regions and geologic features of United States. Geologic concepts illustrated by detailed examination of selected areas. Prerequisite: GEOL 31070 and 31080.
41077 Geology of the National Parks (3)
Introduction to the geology of selected major national parks, emphasizing basic geological principles and the processes which have produced the spectacular scenery, rocks and fossils in each park. Not counted toward requirements for a major in geology. Prerequisite: junior standing.
41079 All About Dinosaurs (3)
Dinosaurs (and some relatives) and their world, emphasizing how to interpret evidence concerning their history, biology and evolutionary relationships. Does not satisfy requirements of geology major. Prerequisite: none.
41080 Tectonics and Orogeny (3)
Introduces advanced concepts of plate tectonics and mountain building with emphasis on Western United States and Appalachians. Required field trip to New England. Prerequisite: GEOL 31080.
41092 Summer Field Camp (6)
Five weeks devoted to geologic mapping and solving structural and stratigraphic problems in Black Hills, S.D. Prerequisites: GEOL 31070 and 31080. Special fee—actual cost basis.
42030 Remote Sensing (3)
(Cross-listed with GEOG 49230) Computer analysis of multispectral satellite datasets. Applications in Terrestrial Earth Science are emphasized. Prerequisite: none.
42035 Scientific Methods in Geology (3)
Applying scientific methods to geologic data in the field and lab; models and sampling procedures. Collecting and analyzing data. Formulating and testing hypotheses. Provides background necessary for upper-level geology courses for majors. Lecture two hours, lab two hours weekly. Prerequisite: none.
42067 Introductory Hydrogeology (3)
Occurrence of groundwater in geologic materials, emphasizing utilization, conservation and management of groundwater resources. Lecture two hours, lab two hours weekly. Prerequisites: MATH 12002 and GEOL 31070 and 32066.
42068 Contaminant Hydrology and Hydrogeology (3)
An introduction to the basic principles of chemical and physical behavior of contaminants introduced by humans into the environment. Students are expected to understand concepts and work practical quantitative problems. Prerequisites: GEOL 42067 and CHEM 10060 and 10061 and 10062 and 10063.
42069 Hydrogeochemistry (3)
Processes and evolution of the chemical composition of water in the natural hydrologic cycle. Methods of hydrochemical interpretation applied to groundwater and pollution problems. Three-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisites: 10 credit hours of chemistry (CHEM) courses.
42074 Environmental Core and Well Logging (3)
Examination of subsurface processes and the distribution of stratigraphic layers using core and well logging techniques based on analysis of physical properties of sediment, rock and proe fluids. Applications to paleoclimate, hydrogeology, engineering geology, oil and gas exploration and environmental remediation. Prerequisite: GEOL 31070.
42078 Engineering Geology (4)
Engineering properties of soils and rocks. Site evaluation for building foundations, dams, tunnels and highways. Slope stability. Lecture three hours and lab two hours weekly. Prerequisite: Geology (GEOL) majors and junior standing.
43040 Principles of Geochemistry (3)
Introduction to chemical thermodynamics and its applications in solving geochemical problems. Distributions of elements and isotopes in the Earth and laws governing these distributions. Prerequisites: GEOL 31070 and MATH 12002 and CHEM 10060 and 10061.
43066 Optical Petrography (3)
Theory of optical crystallography and the microscopic examination and identification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in thin section. Lecture two hours, lab two hours weekly. Prerequisite: GEOL 31070.
44052 Glaciers and Glaciation (3)
(Cross-listed with GEOG 41052) Examination of how glacial ice masses change the shape of the earth's surface, how they are integral to climate and sea-level change and how they pose high risk hazards. Prerequisite: GEOG 21062 or GEOL 11040. Special fee: $100 flat fee—subject to change.
44070 Principles of Stratigraphy (4)
Students are introduced to the principles regarding the systematics of sedimentary rocks and the relationships between geologic formations at various spatial and temporal scales. Lectures are integrated with readings from the open literature and required labs and field trips.
Prerequisites: GEOL 31070 and 34061.
44074 Paleoceanography (3)
A broad spectrum of geological approaches, including paleontology, geochemistry and stratigraphy, is employed to interpret the history of Earth’s oceans. Prerequisite: senior standing and geology (GEOL) major.