French (FR)
French (FR)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
13201 Elementary French I (4)
An introduction to the French language in the context of Francophone cultures. Prerequisite: none.
13202 Elementary French II (4)
A continuation of the introduction to the French language in the context of Francophone cultures. Prerequisite: FR 13201.
23201 Intermediate French I (3)
Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills using a variety of cultural materials. Prerequisite: FR 13202.
23202 Intermediate French II (3)
Continuation of FR 23201. Prerequisite: FR 23201.
23207 Business French I (3)
Terminology, organizations and modes of communication prevalent in modern French business world. Presentation of materials followed by practical exercises organized in situational units. Prerequisites: FR 23202 and special approval.
23208 Business French II (3)
Terminology, organizations and modes of communication prevalent in modern French business world. Presentation of materials followed by practical exercises organized institutional units. Prerequisite: FR 23207.
23209 Field Study (2-6)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) For residence and/or field research in a French-speaking community. Prior to registration for this course, students must obtain departmental approval. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
33095 Selected Topics in French (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Topic to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: FR 33211.
33211 French Conversation (3)
A course designed to enhance students’ oral proficiency through instruction in facilitating conversation and the discussion of culture-based texts. Prerequisite: FR 23202.
33212 French Composition (3)
A course designed to develop writing and reading skills, and in particular to prepare students to read and write about French literature. Prerequisite: FR 23202.
33213 Intensive French Grammar (3)
Comprehensive, in-depth review of French grammar. Students should already have a grounding in spoken and written French. Prerequisites: FR 33211 and FR 33212.
33215 French Phonetics and Diction (3)
Study of sounds of French language and their relation to spelling; application of international phonetic alphabet to French. Study augmented by recordings. Prerequisite: FR 33211.
33231 Translation Practice: French (1)
Translation practice with French texts using principles and techniques learned in the lecture class. Corequisite: MCLS 30230.
33240 Conversation for Business and Special Purposes: French (3)
Introduction to the special vocabulary of business and other special subject areas; introduces the concept of language for special purposes and emphasizes the use of special vocabulary in conversations in business and other settings. Prerequisite: FR 33211.
33301 French Play Production (3)
Intensive analysis of one or two plays with equal emphasis on text and problems involved in staging them; public performance in French of one or two plays. Prerequisite: FR 23201.
33335 Introduction to French Theatre (3)
Evolution of French dramatic literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Readings of representative works with lectures and analyses. Course conducted in French. Prerequisite: FR 33212. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
33336 Introduction to French Poetry (3)
Evolution of French poetry from the Middle Ages to the present. Readings of representative works with lectures and analyses. Course conducted in French. Prerequisite: FR 33212. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
33337 Introduction to the French Novel (3)
Evolution of French novel from 17th century to present. Readings of representative major works, lectures and analyses. Course conducted in French. Prerequisite: FR 33212. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
33421 French Civilization (3)
A survey of French history and culture from its beginnings to World War II. Course conducted in French. Prerequisite: FR 33212.
43091 French Seminar (3)
Topic to be announced. Prerequisite: FR 33335 or 33336 or 33337.
43093 Variable Title Workshop in French (1-6)
Workshops individually designed to provide instruction and training in specific areas of French studies. S/U grading. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
43096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 hours) Allows the advanced, serious student to carry out research/study project on French literature, language or culture. Prior approval of supervising faculty members, department required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
43213 French Composition—Advanced (3)
French stylistics developed by analyses of literary extracts and practice in written expression. Prerequisite: FR 33212.
43216 Contemporary French Culture (3)
A study of selected sociological, political, cultural or economic issues in the contemporary Francophone world. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from 30000-level French courses.
43230 Advanced Translation Practice: French (3)
Theory and practice course that discusses translation theory and emphasizes French-to-English translation of selected texts in business, technology, medicine and law. Prerequisite: FR 33231. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
43240 Business and Special Texts: French (3)
Survey of the typical text types of business in the French culture and language. Practice sessions focus on reading and understanding specialized texts and on the translation and composition of selected special texts in French. Prerequisite: FR 33212.
43366 Studies in Nineteenth-Century French Literature (3)
Study of selected topics in 19th-century French literature. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from the 33330 level.
43368 The Twentieth-Century French Novel (3)
Studies of selected 20th-century French novels, with detailed study of the novel of one or several major writers or movements. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from the 33330 level.
43369 Twentieth-Century French Poetry (3)
A study of selected poetry of Apollinaire, Breton, Mansour, Eluard, Michaux, Char, Reverdy, Ponge, Guillevic, Jabes, Bonnefoy, Dupin, Alpiach and others. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between poetry and the visual arts in the 20th century. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from the FR 33330 level.
43370 The Twentieth Century French Theatre (3)
Studies in French drama since 1900. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from the 33330 level.
43380 Francophone Literature (3)
A study of writers, movements or works representative of French-speaking national cultures outside of France. May be repeated for credit as course content changes. Prerequisite: 6 credit hours from the FR 33330 level.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.