Fashion Design and Merchandising (FDM)
Fashion Design and Merchandising (FDM)
10010 Fashion Fundamentals (3)
Introduction to the global fashion industry. Analysis of the business of fashion and how it is conceived, marketed and sold. Overview of important resources, companies and personnel who impact the industry. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD), fashion merchandising (FM) or pre-fashion (PFDM) major. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
10020 Fashion Visuals (2)
The study of color and two- and three-dimensional design as it applies to the fashion industry. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD) major. Special fee: $13.32 flat fee—subject to change.
10030 Fashion Fabrics I (3)
The study of fabrics, focusing on differentiating between fibers, fabric construction and fabric names. Students study fabric properties and how they relate to fabric and usage. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD) or fashion merchandising (FM) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
10140 Foundations of Fashion Drawing (3)
Introduction to fashion drawing. Concentration on communicating through drawing the fashion figures and technical flats, accurate garment proportion and construction. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD) major. Special fee: $28.50—subject to change.
15043 Workroom Techniques I (2)
Introduction to basic construction skills using apparel workroom methods and industrial sewing equipment. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD) major. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
15044 Workroom Techniques II (2)
Continued study of basic construction skills using apparel workroom methods and industrial sewing equipment. Introduction to garment fit and alterations. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 15043. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
20013 History of Costume (3)
Chronological study and research of historic costume from the origin of clothing through the French revolutionary era and 19th- and 20th- century designers, and the influence on contemporary fashion. Prerequisites: ARTH 22006 or ARTH 22007 or HIST 11050 or HIST 11051.
20020 Fashion Merchandising Presentations (3)
Study of fashion information, research sources and visual presentation formats used in the fashion industry. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10030; and fashion merchandising (FM) major. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
20030 Fashion Apparel Analysis (3)
Analysis and evaluation of fashion apparel; quality standards of ready-to-wear apparel and factors that influence the aesthetic and functional performance of the end product. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10030; and fashion merchandising (FM) major.
20040 Fashion Fabrics II (3)
Continued study of fabrics, focusing on analyzing fabrics in detail. Also included is the study of laces, trims, high performance fabrics and current events in the textile industry, including legislation. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10030; and fashion design (FD) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
20121 Fashion Drawing I (3)
Advanced study of design illustration techniques as applied to the fashion figure through the use of live model drawing. Concentration on fabric rendering and drape as illustrated on the fashion figure. Introduction to technical flats used for illustrating garment construction. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) FDM 10020 and 10140. Corequisite: FDM 20141. Special fee: $19 flat fee—subject to change.
20122 Fashion Drawing II (3)
Continued study of fashion illustration techniques through the use of Croquis books and figure layouts. Introduction to different design markets and research and on how illustration reflects different markets. Instruction on stylizing according to market. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) FDM 20121. Corequisite: FDM 20142. Special fee: $19 flat fee—subject to change.
20131 Technical Fashion Drawing I (3)
Advanced study of design illustration techniques used to communicate design ideas as applied to technical fashion drawings. Concentration on fabric rendering and drape through the development and use of Croquis to show loose flats. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10020 and 10140. Corequisite: FDM 20141. Special fee: $19 flat fee—subject to change.
20132 Technical Fashion Drawing II (3)
Continued study of technical fashion illustration techniques through the use of Adobe Illustrator, line plans and Croquie books for research. Introduction to design markets, research and presentations to buyers. Use of drawing software for technical flats and construction details. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20131. Corequisite: FDM 20142. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
20141 Flat Pattern/Draping I (3)
Development of basic bodice, skirt and sleeve muslins and slopers. Patternmaking principles of dart manipulation and added fullness. Construction techniques for bodice, skirt, sleeve, collar and shirt variations. Introduction to computer patternmaking and specification sheets. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10030 and 15044. Pre- or corequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MATH 11009 or 11010 or 11012. Corequisite: FDM 20121 or 20131. Special fee: $75 flat fee—subject to change.
20142 Flat Pattern/Draping II (3)
Development of torso sloper. Drafting and draping contoured bodice and torso patterns. Pattern development, construction and fitting of spring dress from sketch. Sleeve/bodice combinations. Pant sloper development. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20141. Corequisite: FDM 20122 or 20132.Special fee: $75 flat fee—subject to change.
20263 Fashion Retail Industry (3)
Study of retail organizations and structures within the fashion industry. Analysis of supervision, organization, and operations management of fashion retail institutions. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10010; and fashion design (FD) or fashion merchandising (FM) major.
30013 Fashion and Pop Culture (3)
An examination of the relationship between different types of design and popular culture in America and Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: ARTH 22006 or ARTH 22007 or HIST 11050 or HIST 11051.
30083 Professional Seminar (3)
Professional development strategies for fashion and related careers. Emphasis is on verbal and written communication skills. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20020 or 20142; and junior or senior standing. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30121 Fashion Design I (3)
Study of the fashion industry, seasons and markets. Research and theoretical development of a fashionline/collection. Continued development of drawing, rendering and technical drawing skills. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20122. Corequisite: FDM 30141. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
30122 Fashion Design II (3)
Research and theoretical development of fashion lines for specialized markets. Continued development of drawing and rendering skills. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30121. Corequisite: FDM 30142. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
30123 CAD for Fashion Applications (3)
The use of CAD to produce technical drawings, sketches, color stories and textile prints for design and merchandising presentations. Prerequisite: fashion design (FD) or fashion merchandising (FM) major and junior standing. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
30124 Apparel Manufacturing Processes (3)
Students learn seam/stitch classifications, costing, sourcing, lab testing and quality assurance. Assembly-line and modular manufacturing are discussed. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20040 and 20132 and 20142.
30131 Technical Fashion Design I (3)
Introduction to computerized product data management systems. Creating technical packets with detailed drawings and assembly instructions. Measuring garment prototypes for quality assessment. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20132 and 20142.
30132 Apparel Construction for Specialty Markets (1)
Construction details specific to a market are researched, discussed and duplicated. Only one specialty market is covered each class. Markets vary by class. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20142.
30141 Fashion Studio I (3)
Advanced patternmaking and construction techniques are used to create complex garments as well as gain experience using fabrics and techniques new to students. Instruction on appropriate seams and finishes for: wools, knits, sheer and silky fabrics. Introduction to technical flats used for illustrating garment construction. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20142. Corequisite: FDM 30121. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
30142 Fashion Studio II (3)
Advanced draping, patternmaking and construction techniques are used to create original garments designed in Fashion Design II. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30141. Corequisite: FDM 30122. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
30151 Advanced Patternmaking for Technical Design (2)
Flat-pattern assignments for advanced, complex garments. Suits, outerwear and cut/sew knits are covered. Students make patterns by traditional methods as well as by computer. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20142. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
30152 Apparel Prototype Production and Analysis (3)
Production of sample garments for a variety of apparel markets focusing on analysis of fit. Menswear, childrens wear, missy, petites and plus-size markets are covered. Woven and knit classifications are produced. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20142. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
30153 Machine Knitting (2)
Learn basic machine knitting techniques and create a sample book. Learn how knits are constructed in the industry. Create two garments based on research and using a theme as inspiration. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 10030; and fashion design (FD) major. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
30213 Fashion Marketing (3)
Examination of fashion producers/retailers’ roles in marketing communications. Analysis of consumer motivation to develop sales strategies in relationship to marketing strategies. Prerequisites: MKTG 25010; and minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20020.
30260 Product Development in the Fashion Industry (3)
Researching, planning, developing and presenting a fashion product line for an identified target market with regard to prices, styling and timing. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20030 and fashion merchandising (FM) major.
30262 Fashion Merchandise Planning and Buying (3)
Study of market sources, fashion buying techniques, assortment planning and allocation, and quantitative calculations needed in the fashion industry. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20263; and MATH 11009 or 11010 or 11012.
35013 Fashion Accessories (3)
The merchandising, promotion and sales of accessories. Materials, production and resources are examined by category. Prerequisites: none.
35063 Visual Merchandising and Display (3)
Theory and practice of merchandise presentation for the purpose of promotion and sales. Prerequisites: fashion merchandising (FM) major.
35260 Merchandising for Home Furnishings (3)
Introduction to the various retail classifications of home furnishing merchandise to include furniture, floor coverings, window treatments, household linens, table tops, housewares and decorative accessories. Prerequisite: none.
35270 Computer Applications in Retailing (3)
The application and use of the microcomputer to solve problems in assortment planning, merchandise management, trading area and site analysis, store planning, planogramming and media planning. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 20263; and MATH 11009 or 11010 or 11012. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
35280 Fashion Entrepreneurship (3)
In-depth study of entrepreneurship concepts as applied to manufacturers and retailers of apparel including product development, accounting and control, merchandising and buying, operation and management, advertising and promotion. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
35900 Florence Fashion Study Orientation (1)
Overview of Florence fashion program, the city of Florence, living and traveling in Europe as a study abroad student. Includes assistance for obtaining required documents. Students must enroll in Florence fashion program to receive credit. S/U grading. Prerequisites: 2.50 cumulative GPA. Corequisite: FDM 20030 or 20142.
35901 Italian Fashion and Culture (3)
Evolution of the fashion industry in post World War II Italy. Study of the creators, design and production processes creating one of the most successful unions of commercial product and cultural expression worldwide. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 35900.
40121 Fashion Portfolio I (3)
Develop a professional design portfolio which will emphasize in-depth individual investigation of specific apparel markets, target customers and various illustrative techniques. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30122. Corequisite: FDM 40141. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
40122 Fashion Portfolio II (3)
Develop a professional fashion design portfolio geared to fall/winter. Portfolio will emphasize apparel line-building as well as illustration techniques. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 40121. Corequisite: FDM 40142. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
40131 Technical Fashion Design II (3)
Continued study of the fashion industry markets and garment construction and finishes appropriate to market through technical packets. Continued study of industry software used for technical design, tracking samples and logging information. Development of a "class collection" simulating the fashion industry through the production, communication and creation of all design information inclusive of costing, samples of all technical packets. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30131. Corequisite: FDM 40151.
40132 Technical Fashion Design III (3)
Develop a portfolio that emphasizes investigation of specific apparel markets through finishes and fabrications. Portfolios will reflect concentrated classifications and include technical packs and computerized flat drawings. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 40131. Corequisite: FDM 40152.
40141 Fashion Studio III (3)
Development of patternwork, specification sheets and muslins for original line. Faculty critiques. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30142. Corequisite: FDM 40121. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
40142 Fashion Studio IV (3)
Construction and completion of garments for original line. Faculty critiques. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 40141. Corequisite: FDM 40122. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
40151 Technical Design Studio I (3)
Class collaborates on one collection by dividing into student teams based on classification (woven bottoms, knit tops, etc.). Patterns and muslins are created. Faculty and external professional critiques. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30124 and 30131 and 30132 and 30151 and 30152. Corequisite: FDM 40131. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
40152 Technical Design Studio II (2)
Continued work on collaborative collections. Student teams work on different classifications. The prototypes are produced in final fabrics. Faculty and external professional critiques. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 40151. Corequisite: FDM 40132. Special fee: $55 flat fee—subject to change.
40261 Fashion Buying (3)
A study of market sources, fashion buying techniques, vendor relationships, practices and approaches as a function of assortment planning and vendor selection. Prerequisite: FDM 10030 and 30272.
40291 Seminar in Fashion Merchandising (3)
Suggested for final semester of the FDM major. Study of the business of fashion. This course builds and expands on all merchandising-related coursework with the goal of integrating content and applying it to real-life scenarios through critical thinking and analysis. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30213 and 30260 and 30262.
45011 Fashion Forecasting (3)
Identifying trends to develop fashion forecasts. Interrelationships of forecasting, promotion, public relations and the media. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30213.
45012 Textiles and Apparel in the Global Economy (3)
Global perspective on the production and marketing of textiles and apparel; historical, geographic and economic factors that influence the world trade in soft goods. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30262 and 35270.
45035 Historic Textiles (3)
Identification and analysis of textile fabrics as the reflection of culture. Pre/corequisite: HIST 11050 or 11051 or ARTH 22006 or 22007. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
45092 Internship in Fashion Design and Merchandising (3)
Supervised practical experience in the fashion industry. Eligibility requirements available from the School of Fashion Design and Merchandising field studies coordinator. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30083 and junior standing and special approval.
45093 Variable Title Workshop—FDM (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: actual cost basis.
45095 Special Topics (1-3)
Variable content relevant to the field of fashion. Prerequisite: special approval.
45096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Individual investigation of topic above the level available through coursework. Requires submission of and approval of project proposal prior to registration. Prerequisite: special approval.
45145 Tailoring (3)
Traditional and contemporary techniques for constructing tailored garments. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30122 and 30142. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
45192 Internship in Fashion Merchandising (3)
Supervised practical experience in the fashion industry. Eligibility requirements available from the School of Fashion Design and Merchandising field studies coordinator. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30083 and 30262; and fashion merchandising (FM) major; and special approval for internship site.
45212 Fashion Show Productions (3)
Analyses of fashion show formats are considered for promotion purposes. Production planning, organization and physical requirements are studied. Class produces a fashion show. Prerequisite: none.
45292 Internship in Fashion Design (3)
Supervised practical experience in the fashion industry. Eligibility requirements available from the School of Fashion Design and Merchandising field studies coordinator. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in FDM 30083 and 30121 and fashion design (FD) major; and special approval for internship site.
45392 Field Experience Fashion Study Tour (1-3)
Visit to domestic or foreign fashion market, including design and fabric houses or showrooms, retail stores, buying offices and other areas of the fashion industry. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: actual cost basis.
45492 Field Experience Study Tour for NYC Studio Students (3)
Visit to the New York fashion market including design and fabric houses or showrooms, retail stores, buying offices and other areas of the fashion industry. S/U grading. Prerequisites: special approval and fashion design(FD) or fashion merchandising (FM) major.
45592 Field Experience European Fashion Study Tour for Florence Students (3)
Visit to European fashion markets including design and fabric houses or showrooms, retail stores, buying offices and other areas of the fashion industry. S/U grading. Prerequisites: special approval and fashion design (FD) or fashion merchandising (FM) major.