Environmental Technology (ENVT)**
Environmental Technology (ENVT)**
10001 Introduction to Environmental Technology (3)
Survey course in environmental technology, including health and safety, history, environmental compliance and related issues. Prerequisite: none.
10004 Toxicology (3)
Examination of the terminology and classification of poisons that affect humans. Includes poison sources, modes of exposure, health effects and control measures. Prerequisite: none.
10010 Environmental Hazards Identification and Control (4)
In-depth study of safety methods and procedures with lab for identifying, monitoring, handling, containing and disposing of hazardous substances and hazardous conditions in the workplace. Prerequisite: ENVT 10004.
20001 Environmental Law (3)
Emphasize civil, criminal and tort liability issues; procedural and constitutional requirements; and administrative codes, rules and regulations for fire, health, safety and environmental hazards. Prerequisite: none.
20004 Safety and Injury Control (3)
Examination of hazards assessment including organizational, environmental and disaster planning; health and safety inspection and reporting criteria; and first aid procedures. Prerequisite: ENVT 10001.
20006 Fire Prevention and Control (3)
Conditions and properties conductive for combustible states and hazards; techniques and procedures for fire extinguishing and control; preventative strategies; fire codes and alarm systems. Prerequisite: ENVT 10001.
20008 Environmental Safety Administration (3)
Organization and operation of environmental safety unit; relationships with business, governmental and community entities involved in environmental safety and hazards control. Prerequisite: ENVT 10010.
20020 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (3)
Study of hazardous waste operations and emergency response to release of hazardous materials in compliance with EPA and OSHA regulations (29CRF 1910.120). Prerequisite: none.
20092 Environmental Technology Internship I (3)*
This on- or off-campus experience gives students an opportunity to apply learned concepts in the classroom to practical environmental technology situations. Prerequisite: ENVT 20008.
21092 Environmental Technology Internship II (3)*
This on- or off-campus experience gives students an opportunity to apply learned concepts in the classroom to practical environmental technology situations. Pre/corequisite: ENVT 20092 and special approval.
22095 Special Topics in Environmental Technology (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Specialized instruction oriented primarily to application of current technology developed for the field of environmental technology. Course is repeatable as the specific topics will vary. Prerequisite: special approval.
22096 Individual Investigation in Environmental Technology (1-3)*
Independent research of environmental technology topic supervised by an environmental technology faculty member. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.